Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 09:16 (GMT+3)


08.03.2002, Luterma, TLN

Kalev FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/08/2002


Market and Sales

According to the study company ACNielsen in 2001 the
market share of Kalev Ltd composed 45 per cent of
confectioneries’ market in Estonia. Local market was
in the reported year the principal market, where company
continued to preserve its strong leading position.

The total sales in 2001 amounted to 7319.4 tons, thus
constituting 13 per cent less than in the previous year.
Decrease of total sales was connected with the decrease
of export to the eastern markets.

60 per cent of total sales in 2001 were chocolate
confectioneries: candy, bars and boxes. In respect
of sales of sugar confectioneries Draakon chewing candy,
toffee and caramel candy progressed well. Unexpectedly
good market success showed a nostalgic product Kamatahvel,
which was introduced in August.

75.7 per cent of the total sales in 2001 were sold in the
local market and 24.3 per cent elsewhere. The biggest export
market in the reported year was Latvia, which share was
37.1 per cent of the export sales. Second important export
market for Kalev Ltd. was the Ukraine, where the sales in 2001
increased almost by a half in comparison with the previous
year. In addition to the above mentioned countries Kalev Ltd
exported its’ goods into Lithuania, Russia and to the
Scandinavian countries. Since summer the company started
to market its marzipan to the United States of America.

According to the export development strategy of Kalev Ltd
the company began in 2001 searching for new potential
co-operation partners and target markets. Thereby,
co-operation with Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Benelux
countries was initiated.

The main export articles of Kalev Ltd in 2001 were chewing
candy, toffee and chewing gum.

Economic Activities and Results

Net turnover of Kalev Ltd in 2001 was 317.5 million EEK
(20.3 million EUR), which is decreased by 22.1 million EEK
(1.4 million EUR), i.e. by 6.5 per cent, in comparison
with 2000. The decrease of the enterprise turnover is
mostly caused by the the decrease of export turnover on
eastern markets. Turnover of confectioneries of Kalev Ltd
on the local market was 249.3 million EEK (15.9 million EUR),
increasing by four per cent in comparison with the previous

The net profit of Kalev Ltd in 2001 was 29.9 million EEK
(1.9 million EUR), increasing by 9.6 million EEK (613 600 EUR),
i.e. 47.3 per cent, in comparison with the previous year.

In comparison with the previous year other operating and
financial costs of the company were reduced in 2001.
Relatively big reduction of other operating costs was due
to reduction of obligations’ reserve. Also, differently from
the previous year, other operating costs of the inspected
year do not include the costs related to subsidiaries.

At the same time, the marketing costs of the company have
increased to some extent due to restructuring of the sales
and logistics department and transition to the Mobile Salesman Positions. Some
increase in general administrative costs
was caused by adjustment to the European requirements.

Gross profitability increased in 2001 by almost 5 per cent
in comparison with 2000. The increase of gross profitability
has been caused by the transition to contemporary
management measures. This has established a sound base
for more efficient management of resources than previously
and guaranteed stable profit for Kalev.

According to the data from the end of year 2001, in AS Kalev
there were employees in a principal job 533, the average
number of employees was 542. The average monthly salary of
the employees in the year 2001 was 6 273 kroons (401 euros).
The chairman of the management board and members of the
supervisory board were paid annual remuneration in total
497 714 kroons (31 810 euros) in 2001.


The most important investment of Kalev Ltd in 2001 was
related to establishing the second and third link of
the shop-café network of the company Põlva Kalevite
Kodu and Valga Kalevite Kodu. The company invested
2.9 million EEK (185 300 EUR) into the above mentioned
project. The investment into Valga Kalevite Kodu will
continue in 2002. Kalev Ltd has planned in the future
to establish similar shop-cafés in all bigger centres
of Estonia.

Investments into production were targeted on improving of
the quality and increasing of the efficiency. The amount
of investments into production was 0.7 million EEK
(44 700 EUR).

1.6 million EEK (102 300 EUR) investment was caused by
the renovation of a former mechanical premises in the
second half of 2001. In December the company turned the
premises for marketing purposes into the Kalevi Jõulumaailm
(Kalev Christmas World), which was visited by more
than 23 000 people.

In 2001 Kalev Ltd procured real estate on the address
Pärnu Road 139E (2.2 million EEK – 140 600 EUR) and
Kohila 6/8 (6.6 million EEK – 421 800 EUR) in order to
set up a new factory building.

According to the decision of the Council in the year 2002
it is planned to establish in co-operation with financial
partners a subsidiary, dealing with real estate
administration and development, in order to build a new
factory building and manage the free rental premises.

Main Directions for 2002

In 2002 Kalev Ltd continues its’ operations according
to the established strategic development plans and set
objectives. The main objective of the company is to ensure
sustainability and elaborated long-term development,
not rapid rise in profits.

For Kalev Ltd. the priority in the year under discussion
is export, first of all re-orientation to the new target
markets and strengthening its position on current markets.

In marketing the company has taken a direction towards
improvement existing and elaboration of new products. Thereby
it is planned to increase substantially the share of
so-called anniversary products in company’s portfolio.

Regarding sales the transition to direct distribution and
expansion of Kalevite Kodu network of shop-cafes to other
county centres will continue. It is planned to implement new
contemporary IT-solutions, related to sales management.

In production the company hopes to increase the efficiency
and optimise the use of existing resources. One of the
priorities for the company is to get crediting and recognition,
proceeding from the Food Act, the precondition of which is in
compliance with the European requirements to the production

Ruth Roht
PR Manager
+372 6 283 858

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