Pēd. atjaunots: 28.10.2024 12:05 (GMT+2)

Rokiškio sūris (21.10.2024)

Viļņa | Baltijas Oficiālais saraksts

RSU1L  |  ISIN LT0000100372

Patēriņa pamatpreces > Pārtika, dzērieni un tabaka

Rokiškio sūris

Rokiškio sūris

Name: Rokiskio Suris AB
Core business: Dairy products
Date of registration: 28 February 1992
Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers UAB
Date of equity listing (Secondary List): 25 July 1995
Date of equity listing (Main List): 7 April 1997
Market: Nasdaq Vilnius

Management Board
Antanas Trumpa (Chairman), Darius Norkus, Paul M Campbell, Ramūnas Vanagas, Jonas Vaičaitis, Thomas Jan de Bruijn

Head of the company-Director Dalius Trumpa

Background Information
AB „Rokiškio sūris“ = reliable dairy professionals.
It is the most effective dairy producer in the Baltic region and a dairy leader in Lithuania in terms of the quantity of processed milk and cheese production. The company’s sales are wide spread covering the export to both East and West markets, as well as wide range of fresh dairy products designed for the local market and neighborhood markets. The production of AB „Rokiškio sūris“ group is carried out in three production sites such as Rokiškis (AB „Rokiškio sūris“), Utena (UAB „Rokiškio pienas“) and Ukmergė (UAB „Rokiškio pienas“ subsidiary Ukmergės pieninė).
Specialization of Rokiskis production plant is the production of fermented cheese and lactose. Specialization of Utena production plant – fresh dairy products for the local market, whey protein concentrate, milk powder and butter production. Specialization of Ukmerge production plant – curd and curd cheese production.
Over 2/3 of the production of AB „Rokiškio sūris“ group is exported. Cheese is the main export product. The group is historically orientated into the massive cheese production, and it is one of the largest and most famous cheese producers in the Central and Eastern Europe. Rokiškio sūris produces more than 30 thousand tons of fermented cheese per year. There are over 1500 employees in the group.
The company pays great attention to the product quality and safety, environmental issues as well as meeting the customer demands. „Rokiškio sūris“ is the first company in Lithuania which was granted a certificate of a safe food manufacturer, and it is the first dairy company which obtained the certificates of Quality management and Environment management systems.
The group’s long term targets cover creation of balanced and safe market for the production, and maintenance of steady relationships with raw milk producers. 

Contact Details
Address: Pramones str.3, LT-42150 Rokiskis, Lithuania
Telephone: +370 458 55200
Fax: +370 458 55300
E–mail: rokiskio.suris@rokiskio.com
Internet webpage: www.rokiskio.com
Contact person: Antanas Kavaliauskas (Finance Director), +370 5 2102 717, antanas.kavaliauskas@rokiskio.com


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