Žemaitijos pienas
Company name: AB Žemaitijos Pienas
Business activities: production and sales of dairy products
Company registration date: 23 June, 1993
Auditor: UAB “Grant Thornton Baltic”
Secondary listing date: 13 October, 1997
Market: Nasdaq Vilnius
Management Board
Robertas Pažemeckas (Chairman), Algirdas Pažemeckas, Marius Dromantas, Dalia Gecienė, Monika Jasiulionienė
Supervisory Board
Linas Siraštanovas, Virginija Vaitkuvienė, Gražina Norkevičienė
Background information on the company
AB Žemaitijos pienas is one of the largest and most advanced milk processing and dairy production companies in Lithuania, counting its history since 1924. Currently, the company employs approximately 1,200 employees. It produces high quality products of the following well-known brands: Džiugas, Magija, PIK-NIK, Žemaitijos senos tradicijos, Dobilas, and etc. They are supplied to Lithuanian market and exported both to the EU and CIS countries, as well as to the USA. The company is the only one in the Baltic States, which uses membrane milk purification technology BACTOCATH, thus ensuring the highest quality of production. This is evidenced by awards being won in various competitions and exhibitions both in Lithuania and internationally. Safety and quality of the products manufactured in the company is guaranteed by unreported audit BRC Certificate (A+ grade). AB Žemaitijos Pienas became the first company in the Baltic States that was awarded this recognition. The company is also compliant with the following standards: the Quality Management Standard ISO 9001 and the Food Safety System Standard ISO 22000.
Contact details
Address: Address: Sedos Str. 35, LT-87101 Telšiai, Lithuania
Phone: +370 444 22201
Fax: +370 444 74897
E-mail: info@zpienas.lt
Web page: http://www.zpienas.lt
Contact person: Lawyer Aistė Zalepūgaitė a.zalepugaite@zpienas.lt and Head of Legal department Arnas Matuzas a.matuzas@zpienas.lt