Pēd. atjaunots: 03.07.2024 10:35 (GMT+3)

Kalev: Commentary to the financial results 06/99

03.09.1999, Kalev, TLN


The H1 1999 financial statements of AS Kalev consolidate the
results of subsidiary Tšarodeika (located in Kaliningrad),
Ukrainian Logistics Center and subsidiary Kim Amsterdam Team Ltd.,
which holds 50% shareholding in confectionery Bogatõr in Moscow.

The company's balance sheet size decreased annually by 96 million
EEK (from 312.2 million EEK to 216.2 million EEK, or 30.7%). The
volume of current assets dropped from 173.3 million EEK to 132.3
million EEK, i.e. 23%;
lower volume of current assets is mainly due to declined net sales
(-33.9% compared to H1 1998).
Marketable securities account has declined by 5.8 million EEK due
to decreased value of securities' portfolio.
Accounts receivable dropped from 65.3 million to EEK 36.2 million
EEK, mainly due to write-off of the Russian market-related accounts
receivable at the end of 1998 and lower sales volumes.
Other receivables increased due to 11 million EEK receivable from
sale of raw materials at the end of last year, which has not yet
been paid for.
Prepaid expenses increased by 4 million EEK due to income tax paid
on 1998 dividend payments. The size of fixed assets dropped annually
by 55 million EEK, incl. 24.5 million EEK of long-term financial
investments in subsidiaries. Major part of it (16.5 million EEK)
proceeds from disposal of shareholding in Vilniaus Pergale in
January this year. The rest of changes in the structure of
fixed assets took place in 1998.

The size of owners' equity account declined annually by 77.4 million EEK,
mainly due to 73.4 million EEK loss posted in 1998. Compared to H1 1998,
the company's owners' equity declined by 57.3%. The volume of liabilities
dropped by 16.6 million EEK or 9.5%. The account of other liabilities
decreased by 10.7 million EEK, incl. 9.8 million EEK of dividends paid
in 1997 (paid out in Q3 1998).

The consolidated H1 1999 net sales of AS Kalev amounted to 150.1 million
EEK and net profit 0.1 million EEK (0.3 million EEK planned).
In H1 the company sold 4299 tons of confectioneries, which is comparable
to the results of H1 1996. Compared to H1 1998, the sales dropped in all
markets, except Latvia, where the y-o-y increase in sales volume was 135
tons. The sales dropped the most on the Russian and Ukrainian markets, where
y-o-y decrease was 1786 and 366 tons of confectioneries, respectively.
Compared to H1 1998, the domestic sales dropped by 304 tons, mainly due to
extraordinarily hot summer when the customers preferred ice-cream to chocolate
and candies. Due to lower sales, the net sales account declined by 33.9% or 77
million EEK from H1 1998 level.
Compared to H1 1998, the cost of goods sold declined by 37.4% or 67.7 million
EEK, and gross profit by 20.1% or 9.3 million EEK. Profit margin increased by
4.3%, suggesting increased production efficiency.
The company's operating profit increased from H1 1998 by 7.7% or 0.9 million
EEK; operating profit margin increased by 3.5%. Compared to H1 1998, the
administrative expenses increased by 11.9% or 2.3 million EEK; the unconsolidated
administrative expenses dropped by 8.1% or 1.5 million EEK. Total volume of
administrative expenses in H1 1999 amounted to 21.5 million EEK, of which
LCU-related administrative expenses totaled 4.2 million EEK. Compared to
H1 1998, the marketing expenses dropped by 36.7% or 5.1 million EEK. Revenues
increased by 7.6 million EEK. The company also earned 2.3 million EEK of
extraordinary income from disposal of shareholding in affiliated company
AS Vilniaus Pergale. Foreign exchange gain totaled 7.2 million EEK.
AS Kalev earned no income from equity holding. Financial expenses increased
mainly due to financial losses posted by subsidiaries and affiliated companies
(foreign exchange loss) and increased interest expenses (due to incr. borrowings),
incl. 5.1 million EEK financial loss posted by Tsarodeika and 3.9 million EEK
by LCU, and 6.2 million EEK of interest expenses on syndicate loan.

Andrus Koha
Financial Director
+372 65 08 804

Eva Jaanson
Chief Accountant
+372 65 08 731


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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