Pēd. atjaunots: 23.11.2024 16:06 (GMT+2)
Income Statement
Unaudited (EEK million)
6 Months 12 Months 6 Months
1999 1998 1998
Interest income 567.3 1,108.8 450.4
Interest expenses -335.2 -637.6 -272.2
Net interest income 232.1 471.2 178.2
Fees and commissions received 114.1 229.9 108.2
Fees and commissions paid -40.5 -105.1 -48.1
Net income from fees and commissions 73.6 124.8 60.1
Income from securities
and currency dealing profits 52.4 -132.5 6.1
Other operating income 18.8 21.1 5.8
TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 376.9 484.6 250.2
Personnel expenses -106.1 -182.1 -69.8
Other administrative expenses -99.9 -172.8 -69.1
Value adjustments of tangible and
intangible assets and depreciation -93.8 -105.5 -28.3
Other operating expenses -23.4 -31.4 -5.7
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES -323.2 -491.8 -172.9
OPERATING PROFIT 53.7 -7.2 77.3
Income from equity method 4.0 -43.7 21.5
Value adjustments of advances and
off-balance sheet items -9.6 -332.5 -17.2
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 48.1 -383.4 81.6
Income tax 0.0 0.0 0.0
NET PROFIT 48.1 -383.4 81.6