Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 14:12 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Commentary to the financial results 03/99

31.05.1999, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


The total assets of Eesti Ühispank Group amounted to EEK 17.5 billion
and the profit of the Group was EEK 14.7 million at the end of first
quarter. The Group's assets grew by more than billion kroons or 6.3
%. The balance sheet growth came mainly from the 9.4% growth of
banking assets in the Bank.

Group's liquid assets - cash and claims to other banks increased by
EEK 1.2 billion or 46%, at the same time Group's claims to clients
decreased. Loans to clients decreased by EEK 0.5 billion, loan
provisions remained on the same level as at the end of 1998. Ratio of
provisions to loans increased to 4.3 %. Net loan portfolio made up
55.5% of total assets and the weighted interest rated of loans was
11.9% as at the end of March.

The liabilities of the Group amounted to EEK 15.6 billion, having
increased by 7% or more than billion kroons from the beginning of the
year. Liabilities to clients increased by 9.4%. Additionally there
was a bond issue of EEK 0.7 billion in the first quarter, to
refinance the liabilities of bonds issued by the bank maturing in

The balance sheet of the subsidiary Saules Banka decreased by EEK 100
million due to the decline in non-resident deposits. During the first
quarter, a new strategy was developed for Saules Banka that foresees
independent development for the bank and active service selling in
Latvian market.

The total balance sheet of Group's leasing companies decreased by EEK
0.3 billion. Due to the significant increase of funding price at the
end of last year, leasing interest rates had increased substantially
and client interest towards leasing products had declined. The total
liabilities of leasing companies to clients had decreased by EEK 280
million or 11.3% in the first quarter.

The decrease of leasing portfolio was affected also by the Group's
strategic decision to reduce liabilities due to the potential
economic risk. The consolidation of Ühisliising with Tallinna Pank
leasing was completed during the first quarter. Restructuring of the
company continued with the intention to reduce general expenses:
smaller branches were closed in Tallinn and Tartu, at the same time
new branch was opened in Johvi to serve clients in Eastern and North
Eastern Estonia. Overcoming the problems arising from the company
restructuring as well as the decline of funding price will help
activate the leasing service in the second quarter.

Ühispank Group's activity in the life insurance market started in the
first quarter. Ühispanga Elukindlustusselts (Ühispank Life Insurance)
was registered in the Business Register in January 1999. During the
first quarter, negotiations with Leks insurance group to purchase
Leks Elukindlustus commenced. As of today, the transaction has
received acceptance of the shareholders. Reinsurance contract was
signed with Swiss Re. Under the co-operation project between Ühispank
Life Insurance and Ühispank loan division life insurance is provided
for the loan agreements.

For the other companies belonging to the Group (the ones managing the
Group's real estate and bank's as well as clients' assets) there was
no significant changes in assets.

Income Statement

The first quarter profit for Ühispank Group was EEK 14.7 million. The
banking sector of the Group earned EEK 29.9 million, including the
profit of Saules Banka of EEK 2.5 million.

Of the loss of the Group's leasing companies in the first quarter,
EEK 1.2 million was related to the additional provisions as well as
to the costs of intra company restructuring. Additionally there was
the unrealised loss of EEK 7.9 million to leasing that came from the
consolidations of previous years.

Loss in the amoount of EEK 5.2 million was received from two
subsidiaries that manage the Group's real estate (AS Tornimäe and AS
PF Koda). The loss was planned and tied to the new head office
building costs.

EEK 0.9 million loss was received from asset management and fund
management. Brokerage service in the Baltics and Russia brought EEK
0.3 million profit. All the other companies belonging to the Group
did not affect the Group's profit. In the first quarter, the Group's
ROE was 3.4% and ROA 0.4%. The capital adequacy of Ühispank Group was

As of the end of first quarter, Ühispank Group had 1,888 employees
(at the end of 1998 there were 1,942 employees), including 1,453 in
Ühispank, 333 in Saules Banka, 65 in leasing companies and 37 in
other subsidiaries.

New Products

The U-Pank project was started in the first quarter, during which 23
electronic bank offices were opened in several shopping centres.
Parallel to this the optimisation of the branch network started last
year after the merger of Ühispank and Tallinna Pank continued. During
the first three months, the first of ten branch offices were closed
that are due to be closed during the year.

Availability of alternative electronic channels has decreased the
workload of bank branches and closing of branch offices at the same
time has not decreased the possibilities of clients to use banking
services. Electronic services are offered significantly cheaper than
the branch services. Clients have been given an opportunity to use
several new direct payments to pay standing payment orders like
telephone and communal payments.

In the first quarter, Ühispank applied the new server for U-Net
internet banking. The server uses the highest encryption level
currently available. Maximum security of clients and the quality of
the new U-Net internet bank increased the number of U-Net clients
more than 1,5 times in the first quarter.

With the starting of Ühispank Life Insurance in beginning of the
year, the bank is now capable of offering different insurance
products via its distribution channels like the travel life
insurance, loan insurance, children's insurance, pension insurance
and endowment insurance.

For additional Information, please contact:

Ülo Suurkask
Vice President
Phone: + 372 66 55 350


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