Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 12:03 (GMT+3)

Eesti Telekom: Commentary to the financial results 03/99

24.05.1999, Eesti Telekom, TLN


Unconsolidated interim financial statements of the first three months
of 1999 are in accordance with the International Accounting Standards
(IAS). In the main, the same accounting principles were followed as
in preparation of the financial statements of 1998.

Still, in comparison with 1998, principles of expressing revenue and
expenses of international transactions have been changed in
consolidated accounts. Until now, net results of quarterly
international settlements were shown. Starting from 1999, gross
method based on the amounts of minutes of outgoing from Estonia and
incoming into Estonia international calls is in use. Respective
changes have been made into the statements of 1998 to make them
comparable: net sales and operating expenses on materials,
consumables, supplies and services were increased by 171 217 th.
Estonian kroons.

Changes in structure of the Group

Based on the Restructuring Agreement that was introduced in the
Offering Circular of Estonian Telecom, the Subscription List of the
Shares of Estonian Telecom and the Share Subscription and Payment
Settlement Agreement were signed on March 24, 1999. Accordingly the
new shares were issued as follows:

Telia AB 14 425 234 A-shares with nominal value EEK 10
per share;
Sonera Holding B.V. 14 425 234 A-shares with nominal value EEK 10
per share;
Baltic Tele AB 35 032 710 A-shares with nominal value EEK 10
per share.

As determined in the Restructuring Agreement, the above mentioned new
shares were issued in exchange for all the shares of Estonian Mobile
Telephone Company and Estonian Telephone Company owned by Telia AB,
Sonera Holding B.V. and Baltic Tele AB.

Telia AB and Sonera Holding B.V. both acquired 1 717 289 A-shares
during the IPO as agreed in the Restructuring Agreement.

The current ownership structure of Estonian Telecom is following:
Republic of Estonia 37 485 000 A-shares = 27,28%
1 B-share
Public Investors 32 580 422 A-shares = 23,72%
Telia AB 16 142 523 A-shares = 11,75%
Sonera Holding B.V. 16 142 523 A-shares = 11,75%
Baltic Telia AB 35 032 710 A-shares = 25,50%

At the same time, Estonian Telecom become 100%-owner of Estonian
Mobile Telephone Company and Estonian Telephone Company.

In April 1999, the Commercial Register of the Tallinn City Court
registered the increase of the share capital of Estonian Telecom to
EEK 1 373 832 780.

Income Statement

Net sales of Estonian Telecom of the first three months of 1999
increased by 123,5 mln kroons or 17,9% in comparison with the same
period of 1998. Net profit of the Group fell by 17,6 mln kroon or
21,6%. The decrease was mainly caused by expenses of quotation of the
share on the Tallinn Stock Exchange and on the London Stock Exchange,
and by essential growth in depreciation expenses of Estonian
Telephone Company in the first quarter of 1999, amounting to 159,3
mln kroons (107,0 mln kroons in the first quarter of 1998).
Depreciation includes revaluation of real estate objects in the
amount of 16 mln kroons.

Net sales and net profit of Estonian Mobile Telephone Company of the
first three months of 1999 increased by 60,0 mln kroons or 22,1%, and
by 14,0 mln kroons or 16,5% respectively in comparison with the same
period of 1998. Consolidated net sales and net profit of the mobile
services group were 346,4 mln kroons and 99,98 mln kroons

Net sales of Estonian Telephone Company of the first three months of
1999 increased by 74,4 mln kroons or 15,0%. Net profit of the company
was 66,6 mln kroons which is less by 8,9 mln kroons or 11% than the
result of the same period of 1998 (three months in 1998: 75,5 mln
kroons). Consolidated net sales and net profit of the fixed network
services group were 573,1 mln kroons and 67,1 mln kroons

Changes were introduced into tariffs of the main services of Estonian
telephone Company on February 1, 1999: monthly fees were lifted and
connection fees were cut for private clients. Starting from May 1,
1999, call set-up fee was established and minute tariffs were cut.

The amount of income tax in the three months financial statements is
30,9 mln kroons, consisting on the current income tax in the amount
of 27,7 mln kroons, and deferred income tax in the amount of 3,2 mln
kroons. In accordance with the Income Tax Law, income tax allowances
on investments of the current financial year made outside Tallinn and
neighbouring counties were employed when calculating the tax.

Balance Sheet

In the first quarter of 1999, Estonian Telecom acquired bonds of
Leonia Bank in the amount of 1,9 mln kroons, bearing interests of
13,3% (maturity date on April 14, 1999), and bonds of Swedbank in the
amount of 6,8 mln kroons and with the interest rate of 13,25%
(maturity date on March 4, 1999). Shares of Hansa Money Market Fund
in the amount of 42,0 mln kroons and shares of Hansa Interest Fund in
the amount of 5,0 mln kroons were purchased during the first three
months of 1999 as short-term investments.

Total assets of Estonian Telecom Group grew from 3 517,7 mln kroons
at the end of the first quarter of 1998 to 3 999,3 mln kroons by the
end of the first quarter of 1999. Equity capital increased from 1 350
mln kroons to 2 594 mln kroons. Non-current assets increased from 2
693,6 mln kroons at the end of the first quarter of 1998 to 2 952,5
mln kroons by the end of the first quarter of 1999.

Management Board of Estonian Telecom Ltd.


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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