Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 09:44 (GMT+3)

Leks Kindlustus: Resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders

21.05.1999, Leks Kindlustus, TLN


The annual general meeting of Leks Kindlustuse AS shareholders took
place on 20.05.1999. According to the agenda announced and materials
distributed to the shareholders, the following resolutions were

1. To approve the 1998 annual report, as composed by the Management
Board and approved by the Supervisory Board.
For: 99.66% of shareholders represented on the AGM.

2. To approve the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association
of Leks Kindlustuse AS.
The following amendments were made to the Articles of Association:
number of the Supervisory and Management Boards members will be
three to seven for both. The Articles of Association were also
conformed with the provisions of the Commercial Code.
For: 99.71% of shareholders represented on the AGM.

3. To recall the following members of the Supervisory Board: Tõnu
Mägi and Toivo Kuldkepp (based on the respective applications of
these members).
The Supervisory Board will consist of five members: Indrek Holst,
Eero Sirendi, Kalle Kaldjärv and Otu Sukles as new members, and
Christoph Dorschel (representative of Swiss Reinsurance Company),
who was also a member of the previous Supervisory Board.

4. To appoint Taivo Epner and Ene Makus of KPMG Estonia to audit the
company’s financial statements in financial year 1999.
For: 99.72% of shareholders represented on the AGM.

5. To reduce the volume of share capital of Leks Kindlustuse AS
through cancellation of treasury shares and 4 900 000 shares. Since
the goal of share capital reduction was to cover the last year’s
loss, the share capital will be reduced in simplified form
(Commercial Code of the Republic of Estonia, § 362).

The volume of share capital will be reduced via cancellation of
4 900 000 existing shares. In the course of share capital reduction,
the shares held by shareholders will be cancelled proportionally
with the volume of holding. The fractions of shares occurring upon
proportional decrease will be rounded downwards. The rounded
fractions of the shares will be compensated to shareholders based on
the nominal price of shares, no later than one month after the
registration of share capital reduction in the Commercial Register.
The list of shareholders, whose shares will be cancelled, will be
fixed as of 04.06.1999, at 08:00 AM. To register the cancellation of
shares in the company’s shareholders list, to apply for cancellation
of the shares on the accounts of persons registered as the company’s
shareholders in the Estonian Central Depository for Securities as of
04.06.1999, at 08:00 AM, and to replace the cancelled shares with
cancellation notes.
For: 90.85% of shareholders represented on the AGM.

5.2. To approve the conditions for share issue, and to conduct the
issue of Leks Kindlustuse AS shares on the following conditions:
To issue 2 510 560 ordinary shares at nominal and issue price of EEK
10. Each shareholder of Leks Kindlustuse AS has a right to exercise
the subscription right for shares to be issued (list of eligible
persons will be fixed as of 04.06.1999, at 08:00 AM). As an
alternative to subscription for the shares to be issued, a person
holding subscription rights is entitled to use these to subscribe
and acquire warrants in Leks Kindlustuse AS, the subscription for
which will take place concurrently with the subscription for shares.
Warrant is an electronic security entitling the holder to request
the issue of shares at price of 12.- EEK per share in one year after
the end date of the subscription period, doing it in accordance with
the issue conditions. The shareholders can exercise their pre-
emptive right to subscribe for shares or warrants during the period
of 21.06.1999 - 30.06.1999. Payment for shares subscribed must be
made upon subscription. Payment for warrants does not have to be
made upon subscription.
Upon undersubscription, the Management Board of Leks Kindlustuse AS
is entitled to cancel the shares, or extend the subscription
deadline in 15 days after the end of subscription period.
The complete issue conditions are available for introduction at the
location of Leks Kindlustuse AS (Narva road 59, Tallinn).
New volume of the share capital of Leks Kindlustuse AS (i.e. after
simplified reduction and full payment of share capital) is
51 142 240.00 EEK.
For: 91.36% of shareholders represented on the AGM.

6. To approve the sale of 100% shareholding in Leks Elukindlustuse
AS to Ühispanga Elukindlustuse AS.
For: 91.16% of shareholders represented on the AGM.

Pille Kaselo
PR Manager
Tel. +372 50 87 962

Ivo Viires
Director of Legal Affairs
Leks Kindlustuse AS


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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