Pēd. atjaunots: 23.11.2024 00:01 (GMT+2)
Group Bank
(EEK in mil., unaudited) 3 m 99 1998 3 m 98 3 m 99 1998 3 m 98
Net interest income
Interest income 584.4 1,794.5 323.8 390.2 1,108.2 175.7
Interest expense 230.5 770.8 148.5 178.8 542.5 88.2
Net interest income 353.9 1,023.7 175.3 211.4 565.7 87.6
Provision for credit and guarantee losses 121.2 594.3 28.5 105.1 324.0 24.0
Recovered loans 14.5 49.0 0.9 13.5 16.6 0.9
Net interest income after provisions 247.2 478.4 147.7 119.8 258.3 64.5
Non-interest income
Trading income 168.6 127.8 46.8 137.0 69.4 32.4
incl. provisions on financial instruments - (32.3) (16.6) - (30.7) (16.6)
Dividends 0.1 7.0 - - 101.8 97.2
Fees and commissions 171.4 511.4 93.8 121.1 381.4 76.1
Net income from insurance activities 30.4 59.4 5.3 -
Other income 30.4 69.1 7.9 5.8 14.9 1.6
Total non-interest income 400.9 774.7 153.8 263.9 567.5 207.3
Income from subsidiaries and
affiliated companies (0.5) (10.7) 0.9 -
Total revenue 647.6 1,242.4 302.4 383.7 825.8 271.9
Non-interest expenses
Service fees paid 42.5 156.9 20.9 41.4 126.0 16.9
Personnel expenses 141.3 422.3 74.2 78.6 245.5 48.2
Data network expenses 22.9 42.0 8.8 17.9 41.2 7.9
Administration expenses 102.0 342.2 49.5 44.0 194.2 30.8
Other expenses 74.9 195.3 14.1 9.6 129.6 9.7
Total non-interest expenses 383.6 1,158.7 167.4 191.5 736.5 113.5
Net operating revenue 264.1 83.7 135.0 192.2 89.3 158.4
Depreciation 49.9 143.0 23.7 77.2 73.0 13.2
Net income before income tax 214.2 (59.3) 111.3 114.9 16.3 145.2
Appropriations (0.4) - 2.4 - - -
Income tax 23.6 (6.5) 25.9 - (14.8) 13.1
Income/(Loss) attributable to minority owners (0.1) 7.7 - - - -
Net income 191.1 (60.5) 83.0 114.9 31.1 132.1