Pēd. atjaunots: 19.07.2024 04:51 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Purchase of shares in Leks Elukindlustuse AS

01.04.1999, Eesti Ühispank, TLN

On the purchase of Leks Elukindlustuse AS (Leks Life Insurance AS)

Eesti Ühispank affiliated company Leks Kindlustuse AS (Leks
Insurance Company) Supervisory Council decided on March 31, 1999, to
give principal consent for dispossession of Leks Elukindlustuse AS
shares to Ühispank's Elukindlustuse AS.

Ühispanga Elukindlustuse AS has made the urchase tender to Leks
Kindlustuse AS for purchasing 2 000 000 Leks Elukindlustuse AS shares
(shares nominal value being EEK 10). According to the purchase tender
and the prepared shares purchase contract, the negotiated purchase
price is EEK 24 000 000.

As the particular transaction is treated as a transaction with a
related party, then according to the Stock Exchange ordinance
(liabilities to the issuer, p. 6.10) the transaction needs to be
affirmed also by Leks Kindlustuse AS Shareholders' General Meeting,
which is to be held on April 28, 1999.

Eesti Ühispank plans to present to the Shareholders' Meeting to
resolve on the increase of the share capital of Leks Kindlustuse AS.
After the purchase transaction of Leks Elukindlustuse AS shares and
the increase of its share capital, the improved capital base of Leks
Kindlustuse AS will enable the company to further concentrate on a
more active market share growth in Estonia, after having reduced its
exposure in other Baltic States.

According to Indrek Holst, Chairman of Board of Ühispanga
Elukindlustus, it is beneficial to all parties to consolidate the
bank and insurance sales networks. "We have worked several months
already in the name of this, and we consider it very realistic to
achieve the market leadership position with consolidated sales
networks." Besides life insurance, also the cross selling of
non-life insurance products are included in co- operation plans of
Leks Kindlustuse and Ühispank's Group.

Ühispanga Elukindlustuse AS is 100% owned by AS Eesti Ühispank. AS
Eesti Ühispank owns 44,7% of Leks Kindlustuse AS share capital.

Eero Raun
Eesti Ühispank
Head of Public Relations Department
Tel.: + 372 6655 25


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