Pēd. atjaunots: 19.07.2024 04:55 (GMT+3)

Leks Kindlustus: Consolidated balance sheet 12/98

31.03.1999, Leks Kindlustus, TLN

Consolidated, unaudited
in EEK

Leks Leks Group Group
Parent Parent
31.12.98 31.12.97 31.12.98 31.12.97
1. Cash and bank 2,041,753 1,547,407 5,229,898 9,144,135
2.1. Receivables from direct insurance business 10,550,646 953,637 15,379,032 957,577
2.1.1. Policyholders 8,464,397 476,319 13,285,651 476,319
2.1.2. intermediaries 1,931,559 438,061 1,938,691 438,061
2.1.3. Other 154,689 39,257 154,689 43,197
2.2. Receivables from reinsurance business 6,511,391 1,081,707 7,655,356 2,021,748
2.3. Other receivables 144,972 249,826 1,286,223 1,733,063
2. Total 17,207,008 2,285,170 24,320,611 4,712,388
Accrued income and prepaid expenses
3.1. Accrued income 723,317 87,685 884,154 88,264
3.2. Deferred acquisition expenses 6,884,560 7,290,611 12,270,719 9,636,224
3.3. Other prepaid expenses 5,560,978 5,360,186 7,180,001 6,452,627
3. Total 13,168,855 12,738,482 20,334,874 16,177,115
4.1. Land and buildings 17,501,611 15,379,168 29,841,611 17,685,114
4.2. Subsidiaries 27,040,035 33,253,248 - -
4.2.1. Shares and units 26,126,973 32,252,564 - -
4.2.2. Bonds and loans 913,062 1,000,684 - -
4.3. Affiliated companies 0 9,359,564 - 9,359,564
4.3.1. Shares and units 0 9,359,564 0 9,359,564
4.4. Other financial investments 48,684,132 20,481,904 52,607,128 42,193,767
4.4.1. Shares and other variable-yield securities 3,526,052 11,096,702 4,054,963 21,372,387
4.4.2. Debt securities and other fixedincome securities
income securities 25,695,740 3,699,990 39,234,862 11,002,280
4.4.3. Holdings in common investments 0
4.4.4. Loans guaranteed by mortgages 12,624,487 800,000 94,487 800,000
4.4.5. Other loans 869,162 585,212 908,662 1,285,212
4.4.6. Deposits with credit institutions 5,968,691 4,300,000 8,314,154 7,733,888
4. Total 93,225,777 78,473,884 82,448,739 69,238,445
5. Investments for the benefit of life-assurance policyholders
who bear the investment risk 81,563 848,644
6. Intangible assets 1,692,833 0 1,699,025 6,145,137
6.2. Other intangible assets 0 0 6,192 8,256
7. Tangible assets 12,897,704 11,295,319 20,909,005 18,132,421
TOTAL ASSETS 140,233,929 106,340,262 155,023,714 124,398,284

Liabilities and owners' equity
1.1. Creditors of direct insurance business 5,443,145 2,498,340 5,661,829 2,755,992
1.1.1. Policyholders 3,372,601 1,389,509 3,591,285 1,647,097
1.1.2. Intermediaries 1,579,127 261,533 1,579,127 261,533
1.1.3. Other 491,417 847,298 491,417 847,362
1.2. Creditors of reinsurance business 5,240,950 6,054,727 9,352,898 8,097,364
1.5. Other liabilities 15,031,307 7,284,245 5,223,529 3,203,659
1. Total 25,715,402 15,837,312 20,238,256 14,057,015
Accrued expenses and prepaid revenues
4.1. Accrued expenses 5,074,399 5,545,908 6,794,403 6,983,691
4.2. Deferred reinsurance commissions 5,508,665 4,009,015 7,909,368 4,637,980
4. Total 10,583,064 9,554,923 14,703,772 11,621,671
Technical provisions
5.1. Provision for unearned premiums 38,790,918 16,904,864 44,947,902 24,800,810
5.1.1. Gross amount 56,544,906 31,584,542 70,215,607 41,971,475
5.1.2. Reinsurance amount -17,753,988 -14,679,678 -25,267,705 -17,170,665
5.2. Life assurance provision 0 6,965,424 3,062,046
5.2.1. Gross amount 0 7,035,127 3,244,477
5.2.2. Reinsurance amount 0 -69,703 -182,431
5.3. Claims outstanding 37,911,868 9,425,144 39,669,182 12,769,209
5.3.1. Gross amount 52,772,871 16,743,708 56,312,083 24,353,697
5.3.2. Reinsurance amount -14,861,004 -7,318,564 -16,642,901 -11,584,488
5.4. Provision for bonuses 0 0 95,804 6,784
5.4.1. Gross amount 0 0 95,804 6,784
5.6. Other technical provisions 932,887 0 1,105,644 117,134
5.6.1. Gross amount 5,348,129 0 5,522,629 146,418
5.6.2. Reinsurance amount -4,415,242 0 -4,416,985 -29,284
5. Total 77,635,672 26,330,008 92,783,955 40,755,983
Technical provisions for life-assurance policies where the
investment risk is borne by the policyholders
6.1. Gross amount 0 0 81,805 848,644
6. Total 0 0 81,805 848,644
8. Minority interest 778,354 2,503,760
Owners' equity
8.1. Share capital 76,116,800 41,992,000 76,116,800 41,992,000
8.2. Capital surplus 19,784,000 11,384,000 19,784,000 11,384,000
8.3. General reserve 2,922,434 2,922,434 2,922,434 3,757,784
8.4. Unrealized exchange differences 0 0 -45,384 -6,808
8.5. Retained earnings -1,680,415 -1,111,935 -1,680,415 -1,947,285
8.6. Profit/loss for the financial year -67,229,428 -568,480 -67,046,263 -568,480
8.7. Treasury shares ( - ) -3,613,600 0 -3,613,600 0
8. Total 26,299,791 54,618,019 26,437,572 54,611,211
Total liabilities and owners' equity 140,233,929 106,340,262 155,023,714 124,398,284


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