Pēd. atjaunots: 18.07.2024 22:55 (GMT+3)

Tallinna Kaubamaja: Consolidated balance sheet 12/98

24.03.1999, TKM Grupp, TLN

Consolidated, audited
in EEK

31.12.1998 31.12.1998 31.12.1997 31.12.1997
ASSETS Group Parent Group Parent

Cash and bank 22 737 409 17 838 695 21 890 936 17 917 499
Accounts receivable 2 389 495 1 010 702 1 655 829 926 568
Allowance for doubtful accounts - 224 619 0 - 181 567 0
Receivables from subsidiaries 0 9 524 055 0 340 226
Interest receivables 714 511 707 223 29 533 1 356
Other current receivables 6 648 817 552 390 0 0
Prepaid expenses
Other prepaid expenses 2 649 572 1 292 555 2 471 054 220 153
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 3 063 192 211 562 1 154 549 877 396
Total prepaid expenses 5 712 764 1 504 117 3 625 603 1 097 548
Merchandise purchased for resale 100 811 519 61 323 053 97 365 245 61 617 899
Raw material 1 931 202 1 826 162 2 129 376 2 041 264
Work-in-progress 14 738 14 738 9 016 9 016
Customer prepayments 3 152 955 1 607 517 2 832 865 2 171 079
Total inventories 105 910 414 64 771 470 102 336 503 65 839 258
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 143 888 793 95 908 653 129 356 836 86 122 455
Financial assets
Shares and stock in subsidiaries 0 21 949 302 0 14 106 851
Shares and stock in affiliated companies 3 361 870 3 361 870 4 826 947 4 826 947
Non-current receivables from affiliated companies 9 910 000 9 910 000 7 500 000 7 500 000
Other financial assets 6 372 734 3 122 734 1 320 0
Total financial assets 19 644 604 38 343 906 12 328 267 26 433 798
Tangible assets
Land and buildings
Land 26 130 781 26 130 781 9 818 858 9 818 858
Buildings 140 692 569 129 180 133 105 230 482 93 754 371
Total land and buildings 166 823 350 155 310 914 115 049 340 103 573 229
Plant and equipments 45 860 728 24 012 926 28 718 882 16 795 735
Other equipment and fixtures 104 242 494 76 333 503 60 307 477 46 128 761
Accumulated depreciation(-) -87 814 900 -67 979 973 -61 747 006 -48 858 571
Unfinished buildings 441 111 0 412 186 0
Prepayments for tangible assets 160 361 154 308 3 218 933 2 697 908
Total tangible assets 229 713 144 187 831 678 145 959 812 120 337 062
Intangible assets
Formation and organization costs 0 4 748 960 0
Goodwill 581 250 0 0 0
Total intangible assets 581 250 0 4 748 960 0
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 249 938 998 226 175 584 163 037 039 146 770 860
TOTAL ASSETS 393 827 791 322 084 237 292 393 876 232 893 315

31.12.1998 31.12.1997
Debt obligations
Debentures 0 0 10 000 0
Current period long-term debt repayment 14 442 449 9 500 000 27 624 144 26 424 144
Short-term loans from financial institutions 8 177 818 0 4 549 830 0
Current period payments of finance lease 6 005 429 1 213 051 0 0
Total debt obligations 28 625 696 10 713 051 32 183 974 26 424 144
Customer prepayments for goods and services 489 000 329 716 281 132 160 775
Supplier payables 66 782 926 34 496 106 46 696 216 30 058 657
Payables to subsidiaries 0 28 811 865 0 5 166 295
Tax liabilities 13 131 831 9 220 752 17 677 792 14 343 129
Accrued expenses
Salary-related expenses 7 209 863 5 096 185 10 212 234 8 109 976
Interest expenses 1 300 466 1 300 466 403 406 400 892
Other accrued expenses 42 632 0 63 101 16 249
Total accrued expenses 8 552 961 6 396 651 10 678 741 8 527 117
Other prepaid revenues
Rent prepayments 215 456 215 456 510 858 510 858
Total other prepaid revenues 215 456 215 456 510 858 510 858
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 117 797 869 90 183 597 108 028 713 85 190 974
Long-term bank loans 119 051 618 89 500 000 39 904 844 11 000 000
Potential income tax liability 11 357 846 10 794 088 8 510 502 7 768 244
Finance lease payments 9 561 295 866 998 0 0
Non-current supplier payables 681 208 629 500 0 0
Other prepaid revenues
Rent prepayments 127 486 127 486 342 942 342 942
Total other prepaid revenues 127 486 127 486 342 942 342 942
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 140 779 453 101 918 072 48 758 288 19 111 186
TOTAL LIABILITIES 258 577 322 192 101 669 156 787 001 104 302 160
Minority interest 5 296 750 0 7 059 365 0
Share capital 67 882 000 67 882 000 67 882 000 67 882 000
Mandatory reserve capital 4 891 281 4 579 933 2 870 588 2 842 310
Other reserves 565 111 565 111 565 111 565 111
Retained earnings 48 464 562 48 775 910 22 521 005 22 549 283
Net profit (loss) for the year 8 179 615 8 179 615 34 752 451 34 752 451
Exchange differences - 28 848 0 - 43 645 0
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 129 953 719 129 982 568 128 547 509 128 591 154
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY 393 827 791 322 084 237 292 393 876 232 893 315

Urmo Vallner
Member of the Management Board
+372 640 0200


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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