Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 17:59 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Audited financial results of Hansa Capital 12/98

03.03.1999, Hansapank, TLN


Since the beginning of the year, total assets of the Group have
increased by EEK 2,930.8 million, i.e. 76.7%.
The largest single item on the asset side is the leasing
portfolio, which forms EEK 5,194.3 million or 88.0% of
financial investments. From the beginning of the year, its
share has increased by 5.4%. This has happened on the account
of a decline in the share of the factoring portfolio, of which
majority comes from Estonia.
The share of the factoring portfolio has decreased from 8.2% to
4.6%, although the volume of the portfolio has shown an
increase by EEK 27.2 million and reached 270.8 million in 1998.
The share of the consumer factoring portfolio decreased from
1.8% to 0.5% and totalled EEK 29.9 million in 1998.
As at the end of year, receivables from customers of Hansa
Capital Group outside Estonia amounted to EEK 1,763.8 million
or 29.9% of total receivables.
Due to a change in the provisioning policy, the amount of
allowances for credit losses had increased by EEK 166.3
million, having reached EEK 185.6 million by the end of year
and making up 3.0% of the financial investments' portfolio. At
the same time actual credit losses in 1998, 22.9 million EEK of
receivables, were written off.
Net income of Hansa Capital Group for 1998 constituted EEK
151.3 million, exceeding net income earned during 1997 by
Hansa Capital Group's net income, after the consolidation
process, is made up of EEK 26.3 million net income of SIA Hanza
Lizings, 12.2 million of UAB Hanza Lizingas, 1.9 million of OÜ
Balti Realiseerimiskeskuse and 98.8 million of AS Hansa Capital
itself (without profit under the equity method).
Total income (interest income and fees) for the year amounted
to EEK 795.0 million. During the year 36.4% of the total income
(interest income and service fees) was earned outside Estonia
(30.2% in 1997). When compared to the total interest income of
1997, Hansa Capital Group's interest income has risen by EEK
376.7 million, or 125.3%, amounting to EEK 677.5 million
(without revenues from financial instruments).
Income from leasing operations continues to account for the
largest part, i.e. 83.8%, of total income (interest income and
service fees). A remarkable increase in the share of income
from other services in the total income from 5.9% last year to
10.2% may be observed. This may be attributed to the rapid
growth of car rental services in the Baltic states.
Interest expenses (without revenues from financial instruments,
which lowers the level of interest expenses) reached EEK 352.6
million for 1998. Interest expenses rose by 138.0%, compared to
the last year's interest expenses. Interest expenses on loans
formed the largest share in total interest expenses – 62.5%
(66.0% in 1997). The share of interest paid to Hansabank has
decreased from 77.4% last year to 54.5%, resulting from a
growth in loan resources obtained from other financial
Net interest income, according to the results of 1998,
constitutes EEK 324.8 million, which is almost 2 times more
than in 1997. Since interest income has somewhat outgrown
interest expenses, net interest income formed 47.9% of interest
income (50.7% in 1997). As a result of relatively small
interest expenses, the average cost of interest-bearing
liabilities fell from 9.6% to 7.8%. On the other hand, the
average interest-earning assets' profitability fell in 1998 to
14.3% from its last year's level of 15.8%. As a result, the
Group's spread decreased from 7.2% in 1997 to 6.6% in 1998.
As a result of the above changes, the Group's net interest
margin, which is the ratio of net interest income to average
total assets,
fell to 6.9% in 1998, while in 1997 the ratio was 7.5%. The
backslash occurred primarily due to lower average interest
rates of financing products. Due to the decline in net interest
margin and changed provisioning rate, there has been a decline
in the Group's return on average assets – from 4.1% to 3.1%.
Due to the expanding operations of Hansa Capital Group, income
from operations showed remarkable growth in 1998 and totalled
EEK 169.3 million. Income from operations increased, as
compared to the total income of 1997, by 45.9%.
Operating expenses of the Group totalled EEK 372.3 million
during 1998. The vast growth by 111.5%, as compared to 1997, is
primarily attributable to additional provisions. Personnel
expenses account for EEK 58.4 million or 15.7% of total
operating expenses. Administrative expenses reached EEK 35.0
million, i.e. 9.4% of operating expenses (21.7% in 1997).

The portfolio of Estonian operations doubled over 1998 due to
the merging process with Hoiupanga Liisingu Group. Estonian
portfolio increased by 2,172.3 million and totalled 4,079.5
million (netted with provisions). The most significant and also
a positive change was a decline in prepayments to suppliers in
1998 by 156.1 million or 42.4%. Total income from Estonian
operations increased by 262.0 million over 1998 and stood at
EEK 500.4 million.

The Group's Latvian portfolio increased by 269.1 million
(54.1%) over the year and amounted to EEK 766.4 million at the
end of 1998. Total income from Latvian operations amounted to
EEK 152.8 million. The changes due to the merging process
affected considerably SIA Hanza Lizing's financial statements.

The Group's Lithuanian portfolio increased by 108.5 million
(23%) over 1998 and amounted to EEK 579.9 million at the end of
the year. Total income from Lithuanian operations reached EEK
106.2 million.

Financial Highlights
31.12.98 31.12.97
At period end (EEK in thousands)

Total assets 6,754,382 3,823,542
Financial investments 5,904,880 2,956,936
Estonia 4,141,038 1,907,223
Latvia 787,097 497,376
Lithuania 683,067 471,343
Ukraine 270,975 47,517
Russia 22,703 0
Prepayments to suppliers 239,619 573,809
Provisions -185,569 -19,299
Loan resources 6,165,151 3,375,405
Owners' equity 177,070 147,617
Provisions to receivables ratio -3.0% -0.7%
For the period (EEK in thousands)
Interest income and fees from services 795,031 341,579
Estonia 500,369 238,350
Latvia 152,843 67,023
Lithuania 106,169 34,829
Ukraine 34,372 1,377
Russia 1,278 0
Net profit after taxes and allocations 151,275 93,776
NIM 6.9% 7.5%
ROA 3.1% 4.1%
Number of employees 247 133

Additional information
Tarmo Rooteman
Financial Director
Tel. +372 6131 494
e-mail Tarmo.Rooteman@hansa.ee

Kalle Kask
Head of Analysis Department
+372 6131 714
e-mail Kalle.Kask@hansa.ee


Margus Kisel
Tel. +372 6131 569


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