Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 17:57 (GMT+3)

EMV: Preliminary financial results 1998

25.02.1999, EMV, TLN


The 1998 unaudited consolidated net sales of EMV affiliated group
amounted to 785 million EEK, and loss 2 million EEK. In 1997, the
company had net sales of 536 million EEK, and gross profit of 25.9
million EEK.

The following factors affected the financial results in 1998:

- in I half year, the extraordinary expenses of AS EMV exceeded the
planned amount by 4.8 million EEK. The share of retirement
compensations for AS EMV management was 2.2 million EEK, and
consultation and legal expenses related with the merger negotiations
with AS Merko Ehitus amounted to 0.5 million EEK. Development expenses
totaled 0.8 million EEK, and at the end of I quarter, 1.3 million EEK
was paid for extraordinary bonuses.
- in 1998, the amount of financial expenses increased significantly in
comparison with the planned volume, totaling 12.6 million EEK
- the volume of borrowings, accounting for 78.9 million EEK as of 9
months of 1998, decreased in the last quarter by 18.5 million EEK to
60.4 million EEK
- the reserve fund established to cover the guarantee works and
deficiencies on finished projects increased the expenses of 1998 by 3.4
million EEK
- the expenses of AS EMV related with the bankruptcy of German
subsidiary totaled 6.4 million EEK
- EMV wrote off uncollectible debts in the amount of 4.5 million EEK,
of which the share of 1998 of 1.6 million EEK consisted primarily of
the liabilities of the concrete factory sold, and the liabilities of
previous periods of 2.9 million EEK
- in the course of restructuring, started in the II half year of 1998,
the number of employees of EMV has decreased by 230 people to 531
employees. Total amount of lay-off compensations paid was 0.7 million
- the extraordinary income of EMV from the sale of the fixed assets of
concrete factory amounted to 5.4 million EEK.

The volume of AS EMV official 1998 sales forecast amounted to 818
million EEK, including the return on equity of 25%, which was not met
primarily due to extraordinary expenses and reorganization (finished in
1998) expenses. EMV has not changed its strategy to increase the return
on equity to at least 25%. As of the end of 1998, the volume of
construction works for 1999 secured by contracts totaled 310 million
EEK. At present, the most substantial contracts for the coming year
also include the II stage construction works on Ilmarise quarter
totaling 41 million EEK, 1999 construction-installation works on Eesti
Telefon investment objects totaling 88.6 million EEK, and
reconstruction works on Haapsalu water system in the amount of 13
million EEK. As of today, the volume of construction works for 1999
secured by contracts is 460 million EEK.

AS EMV will publish its audited income statement, balance sheet and
commentaries on Tuesday, 30.03.1998.

Marko Kaha
Financial analyst
Tel: +372 640 3310


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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