Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 12:08 (GMT+3)

Saku Õlletehas: Audited balance sheet 12/98

08.02.1999, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Consolidated, audited
in EEK
Group Group Parent Parent
31.12.98 31.12.97 31.12.98 31.12.97

Cash and bank 25 328 526 30 474 759 23 559 873 28 737 464

Customer receivables 25 021 887 17 533 329 23 876 049 15 983 321

Total other receivables 3 2751 363 30 616 210 35 373 912 33 765 584
Receivables from affiliated companies 848 131 1 693 797 3 477 381 4 843 771
Other current receivables 31 903 232 28 922 413 31 896 531 28 921 813

Accrued income 1 390 505 1 390 505

Total prepaid expenses 76 414 184 989 32 740 184 936
Prepaid/ refundable taxes 45 222 53 1548
Total other prepaid expenses 31 192 184 936 31 192 184 936
Total inventories 56 576 370 44 068 082 56 306 240 42 414 054
Raw materials 17 566 978 13 968 720 17 412 044 13 089 567
Work-in-progress 7 218 056 5 348 249 7 218 056 5 348 249
Finished goods 2 189 913 2 804 251 1 809 281 1 084 394
Merchandise purchased for resale 27 100 105 17 665 148 27 518 469 18 610 130
Beer barrels for deposit 2 041 164 2 461 548 1 888 236 2 461 548
Prepayments to suppliers 460 154 1 820 166 460 154 1 820 166

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 141 145 065 122 877 369 140 539 319 121 085 359


Total financial assets 3 542 602 3 584 962 3 956 826 3 839 959
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 1 930 162 1 930 162 2 344 386 2 185 159
Long-term loans 1 612 440 1 654 800 1 612 440 1 654 800

Total non-current physical assets 172 801 961 151 277 564 172 801 961 151 277 564
Buildings 74 770 787 72 050 705 74 770 787 72 050 705
Land 2 681 981 2 681 981 2 681 981 2 681 981
Plant and equipment 181 381 191 156 033 090 181 381 191 156 033 090
Other equipment and fixtures 20 558 144 7 143 123 20 558 144 7 143 123
Accumulated depreciation -108 847 159 -87 161 649 -108 847159 -87 161 649
Unfinished investments 1 647 180 1 647 180
Prepayments for non-current physical
assets 609 837 530 314 609 837 530 314

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 176 344 563 154 862 526 176 758 787 155 117 523
TOTAL ASSETS 317 489 628 277 739 895 317 298 106 276 202 882

31.12.1998 31.12.1997 31.12.1998 31.12.1997

Supplier payables 8 600 267 3 972 472 8 600 267 3 972 472
Payable to parent company 1 168 815 964 671 1 168 815 964 671
Tax liabilities 13 021 851 7 079 673 12 782 648 5 573 846
Salary-related expenses 4 220 917 3 001 290 4 199 374 2 855 880
Other accrued expenses 616 519 557 119 571 519 557 119

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 27 628 369 15 575 225 27 322 623 13 923 988

Deferred income tax 17 411 532 15 983 993 17 411 532 15983 993


Share capital 80 000 000 80 000 000 80 000 000 80 000 000
Reserve capital 8 000 000 8 002 161 8 000 000 8 000 000
Other reserves 44 069 965 44 069 965 44 069 965 44 069 965
Retained earnings 98 110 712 82 421 371 98 224 936 82 537 756
Retained earnings 42 269 050 31 687 180 42 269 050 31 687 180

TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 272 449 727 246 180 677 272 563 951 246 294 901
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY 317 489 628 277 739 895 317 298 106 276 202 882


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