Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 22:34 (GMT+3)

Eesti Telekom: Commentary to the financial results 09/99

18.11.1999, Eesti Telekom, TLN


Estonian Telecom, the leading provider of a range of
telecommunication services in Estonia, today announces its results
for the nine months ended September 30 1999.


Ų Revenue up 15% to 2,616 mln kroons
Ų EBITDA up 20% to 1,385 mln kroons
Ų EBITDA margin 53%
Ų Net profit 492 mln kroons
Ų Earnings per share up 21% to 4,24 kroons
Ų Net gearing 9,4%


Rapid development of telecommunication services has continued in
Estonia making it possible for Estonian Telecom Group to maintain
high growth rates. Total revenue of the Group in the nine months
increased by 15 % to 2,616 mln kroons (1998: 2,274). Evolution of
the new communication areas: mobile communications and data
services have been especially impressive. Total revenue of Estonian
Mobile Telephone Company reached 1,177 mln kroons growing by 16%.
Total revenue of Estonian Telephone Company amounted 1,803 mln
kroons growing by 14%.

Operating Expenses

The Group has kept the increase in operating expenses lower than
the revenue growth leading to improved operating margin. Operating
expenses of the Group amounted to 1,231 mln kroons. Operating
margin has risen to 53% compared to 51% in nine months of 1998.

Operating expenses of Estonian Telephone Company increased by 12%
to 997 mln kroons. The company has reduced its number of employees
to 3,002 by the end of September (3,305 in the beginning of 1999)
resulting in only 7% increase in personnel expenses. Reduction in
the number of employees is expected to continue.

Operating expenses of Estonian Mobile Telephone Company only
increased by 8% compared to 16% revenue growth.

Depreciation and Amortisation

In the period under review, depreciation and amortisation increased
by 146 mln kroons or 29% compared with the same period in 1998 and
amounted to 658 mln kroons.

Depreciation of Estonian Telephone Company amounted to 491 mln
kroons (growth by 27%). The company continued revaluation of its
real estate objects. During 9 months the revaluation amounted to 49
mln kroons (55 mln kroons in 9 months of 1998). The relatively high
growth is a result of extensive investments of last years and from
changes made into accounting principles by the company in 1999.

Depreciation of Estonian Mobile Telephone Company for the period
was 168 mln kroons, 33% increase on the previous period, year on
year. This is an effect of the extensive capital expenditure made
in 1998.


The amount of income tax in the first nine months of the year was
110 mln kroons (effective tax rate 16%). All companies of the group
benefited from the incentives in the Income Tax Law, allowing capex
incurred outside Tallinn and adjacent counties to be


Net profit of Estonian Telecom Group amounted to 492 mln kroons.
Restructuring of the Group which took place in the 1st half of 1999
makes it impossible to compare net profits of the period with the
result of the corresponding period of 1998.

Estonian Estonian Estonian
Telecom Telephone Mobile Telephone
Company Company
Profit after tax, mEEK 575 248 339
margin, % 21,9 13,8 28,8
growth, yoy, % 11,9 2,7 20,5
EBIT, mEEK 727 316 443
margin, % 27,8 17,5 37,6
growth, yoy, % 13,5 2,4 21,6
EBITDA, mEEK 1385 806 611
margin, % 52,9 44,7 51,9
growth, yoy, % 20,2 16,2 24,5

Earnings per share of Estonian Telecom Group in the first nine
months of 1999 increased 21% to 4,24 kroons (3,49 kroons in nine
months of 1998).


Total investments of Estonian Telecom Group amounted to 702 mln

Total capital expenditure of Estonian Telephone Company in the
first nine months of 1999 amounted to 487 mln kroons (466 mln
kroons in 1998). 147 mln kroons were invested outside Tallinn and
Harju County and income tax allowances are applied in respect of
those investments. The largest investment projects in 1999 have
been RAS-1000, development of a radio-link telephone connections,
and establishment of exchanges in Tartu and Tallinn.

By the end of September, the number of main lines per 100
inhabitants reached 34,9 and digitalisation rate was 53,7%. The
waiting list had decreased to 47 thousand applicants.

Capital expenditure of Estonian Mobile Telephone company amounted
to 212 mln kroons. During the first nine months of 1999, the number
of radio channels and base stations in GSM network increased by
26,7% and 19,5% respectively. In 1999, the company's investment
priority is quality of the network coverage in rural and urban
areas and development of additional services. By the end of
September, the coverage of GSM network by territory had increased
to 98% from its end-1998 level of 95%.

Changes in the Share Capital

The Restructuring Agreement, concluded in December 1998 between the
Estonian Government; Telia AB and Sonera Holding B.V, stated the
share capital of Estonian Telecom was to be raised to EEK
1,373,832,780. The Payment Settlement Agreement was signed on
March 24, 1999 and 63,883,178 new shares were issued. The shares
were exchanged for all the shares of Estonian Mobile Telephone
Company and Estonian Telephone Company owned by Telia, Sonera and
Baltic Tele AB.

Changes in the Management Board

On 27 August, the Council of Estonian Telecom passed a resolution
to recall Tarmo Amer from the Management Board as of 1 September.
At the same meeting the Council appointed Krister Björkqvist as a
new member of the Management Board. Krister Björkqvist worked in
the Finnish telecommunications company Sonera since June 1999.
During 1990- June 99 Mr. Björkqvist was a Vice President of the
Finnish multinational Huhtamäki Group, working in different
businesses around the World and in Finland, being responsible for
finance and business control. Krister Björkqvist's responsibility
in Estonian Telecom is financial management, including
establishment of the Group's Treasury functions, improvement of
internal control and risk management systems and optimising the
capital structure of Estonian Telecom Group. He is also responsible
for investor relations of the Group.

Year 2000

Operating subsidiaries of Estonian Telecom started their Y2000
Compliance programs in 1997. By 1 September 1999 Estonian Mobile
Telephone Company achieved full compliance of its operating
systems. By 1 October 1999 full Y2000 compliance was achieved in
Estonian Telephone Company. All Y2000 Compliance projects of the
Group have been under continuous supervision of the Management
Board of Estonian Telecom. Our belief is that, in all areas subject
to our will, Estonian Telecom is able to guarantee both technical
and organisational readiness for millennium in both Estonian
Telephone Company and Estonian Mobile Telephone Company.

Opening up Estonian telecommunication market

The exceptional rights of Estonian Telephone Company that have kept
the other companies from providing trunk and international call
services will be in force until December 31, 2000. The new
Telecommunication Law is expected to be passed in the Parliament by
the end of 1999 to regulate the market in a competitive
environment. Estonian Telecom and its subsidiaries have followed
discussions over the draft and by our expectations, the Law will
harmonise Estonian communications market with EU requirements and
create possibilities for fair competition.


Estonian Mobile Telephone Company ("EMT")

The total revenue of Estonian Mobile Telephone Company for the nine
months amounted 1,177 mln kroons and net profit was 339 mln kroons.

The continuing growth in number of clients that started with the
launch of the prepaid telephone card SIMPEL in December 1998, has
remained strong throughout the nine months period. The company has
won 78,000 new customers, about two thirds of them use SIMPEL.
Total number of customers by the end of the period had increased to

This increasing share of prepaid customers in the total number of
clients of EMT has meant lower revenue per user. Accompanying lower
expense per user as well as improved efficiency of the company have
made it possible to maintain high growth ratios as well as margins.
However, as reduction of the share of the voice traffic is a
general trend for the sector, the company continues the emphasis on
development of other mobile phone based services.

In alliance with Optiva Bank a new SMS-based product was launched
in July that makes it possible for a client to read the balance of
his accounts with the bank.

First GSM-trade project in Estonian is about to be started by EMT
in October. A strategic partner of Estonian Telecom, Sonera was the
World's first company to offer the possibility to enclose payments
for goods and services to clients' monthly bills. In Estonia the
pilot project of GSM-trade will be launched in co-operations with
Coca-Cola that allows to pay for beverages by mobile phone.

A co-operation agreement between ETM and Ericsson is ready to be
signed that will make EMT the World's first operator to offer
services based on Ericsson Mobile Positioning System. The
approximate cost of the project is about 13-15 mln kroons, up to
half of it will be financed by EMT. The first product based on the
system will be positioning emergency calls originated from mobile
phones to '112' rescue centres.

The company makes efforts to start offering Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) based services in the first quarter of 2000.

To reward our clients loyalty, private individuals using
contract-based packages of EMT were offered the possibility to
purchase a mobile phone at 5-15% discounted price in September.

Estonian Telephone Company ("ETC")

Total revenue of Estonian Telephone Company for the nine months
amounted to 1,803 mln kroons and net profit was 246 mln kroons.

Call revenue formed 61% of the net sales. Share of local call
revenue has risen by 1% and share of international call revenue
has fallen by 1.5% in comparison with the structure of 1998.
Resulting from rapid growth of mobile phone users, mobile call
revenue formed 22.9% of the nine months net sales of ETC. Share of
monthly fees was 16.3%, subscription fees 1.4%, leased lines 5.5%,
data services 2.1% and other revenue 13.9%.

In the last three months there has been intensified competition
between data service providers. Main competitors of Estonian
Telephone Company - Tele 2 and Microlink started offering free
dial-up connections. Tele 2 also launched online service based on
their cable TV network. Estonian Telephone Company responded to the
challenge with the withdrawal of fees from its dial-up services
and preparing a new product for online-clients. Atlas Status Light
will be a twenty-four hours, 64Kb/sec Internet connection with
improved security-parameters targeted to business clients. The
company intends to maintain high quality standards of its services
even in conditions of rapid customer growth. Additional capacity
has been installed and the company has potential for further
widening its dial-up centres. ISDN connections are offered to
customers which make it possible to have multiple simultaneous
connections and raise speed of transmission to 128 Kb/sec.

The company has also developed the largest Internet searching
system in Estonia NETI with more than 10 000 WWW info-sites and
addresses to more than 300 000 public WWW-pages.

A new stage in integrating different areas of telecommunication
services will be Internet-Telephone. ETC is preparing a pilot
project of the service which is likely to be launched late 1999.
Offering wider applications is planned for year 2000. Internet
Telephone will be the company's first step in integrating visual
and audio communications in Internet.

To be ready for termination of exceptional right on 1 January
2001, the company has prepared proposals for future re-balancing
fixed call tariffs. To eliminate cross-subsidising between services
and customer groups, fees for private clients are planned to be
lifted and fees for business clients to be lowered. Also, the rise
of local call tariffs and reduction of trunk and international call
tariffs are expected. Resulting from Concession Agreement, the
changes and their implementation are subject to the Government's

To mitigate the impact of re-balancing and retain private clients
when the market opens for competition, ETC has prepared several
service-packages for private individuals differentiating by monthly
and minute fee levels. These packages will be introduced along with
the new tariffs and they should make it possible for private
clients to optimise their expenditure of fixed telephone services

1. Consolidated Interim financial statements for the nine months of
1999 are in accordance with the International Accounting Standards

2. The comparative nine-month figures for 1998 have been adjusted
compared to the nine-month financial statements prepared last
year. The most significant adjustment concerns reduction of income
tax from the initially estimated EEK 133.6 million to EEK 83.9
million in line with the actual tax burden for 1998.

3. Calculations concerning revenue and expenses of International
transactions have been changed in the consolidated accounts. Until
1999, net results of quarterly international settlements were
shown. Starting from 1999, gross method based on the amounts of
minutes of outgoing from Estonia and incoming into Estonia
international calls is in use. Respective changes have been made
into the statements of 1998 to make them comparable: net sales and
operating expenses on materials, consumables, supplies and services
were increased by 171,217 th. Estonian Kroons.

4. The EEK 160 million increase in current receivables results
mostly from transfer to the gross method in international
settlements and the increase in receivables arising from the income
tax paid on dividends distributed by subsidiaries.

5. The Estonian parliament has been submitted an Income Tax Bill,
which, if adopted, will change group taxation principles
considerably proving beneficial in the long term. Instead of the
taxation of corporate income, the Bill foresees taxation of
dividend distributions, fringe benefits, representation costs and
other disbursements that may be treated as concealed profit

To date, the Bill has not been voted on and its adoption and final
wording are uncertain. Therefore, the nine-month financial
statements do not reflect its impact. If the Bill is passed in a
more or less unchanged form, both the deferred income tax asset and
liability will have to be written off and most of the EEK 90
million income tax receivable arisen from the distribution of
dividends at Estonian Telephone Company will have to be expensed.

Commenting on the results the Chairman, Toomas Sõmera, said:
'Rapid development of telecommunication services has continued in
Estonia making it possible for Estonian Telecom Group to maintain
high growth rates. Evolution of the new communication areas: mobile
communications and data services have been especially impressive.'

For further information please contact:

Raul Kalev
Investor Relations / Estonian Telecom
+ 372 646 0220

Hille Vork
Financial Manager / Estonian Telecom
+372 627 2460

Tim Thompson / Nicola Cronk
Buchanan Communications
0171 466 5000


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