Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 01:56 (GMT+3)

Hüvitusfond: I half year audited financial results

08.01.1999, Hüvitusfond, TLN


The 1998 I half year interim reports are audited by
PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Among the rest, the audit also comprised
the critical analysis of the accounting principles managerial
accounting evaluations used on compilation of the accounting
interim reports.

In course of the audit, an information concerning the annulment
of the stock forward transactions made between Hüvitusfond and
Eesti Ühispank in 1997 was disclosed, about the circumstances of
which the parties have different opinions. The above-mentioned
fact and change in the Management Board prolonged the procedure
of auditing the interim reports. The new Management Board started
to fulfill their obligations after the date of the interim
report, due to which the balance confirmation letters were sent
to all parties known to have conducted significant business
transactions with the fund during the last year and a half, in
order to confirm the correspondence of the financial results
reflected in the interim reports with reality. Although not
everyone replied to the letters of balance confirmation, in the
Management Board’s respective opinion, the 1998 I half year
interim financial statements of Hüvitusfond give a true and fair
view of the fund’s financial position and results of its
operations in accordance with the International Accounting

As of the I half year of 1998, the balance sheet volume of
Hüvitusfond was 1,572 billion EEK. During the first half year,
the balance sheet volume decreased by 210 million EEK (11.7 %

On the assets side of the balance sheet, the shares and other
securities decreased the most (by 135.3 million EEK), being at
the level of 378.4 million EEK at the end of the period.
Investments in shares and units traded are reflected on the
balance sheet in the acquisition or market value, depending on
which one is lower. On the liabilities and owners’ equity side of
the balance sheet, current debt obligations decreased by 98.9
million EEK, when compared with the year 1997. As of the first
half year of 1998, the fund has received 1,139 billion EEK from
the privatization transactions. One Hüvitusfond bond issuance in
the total volume of 42.9 million EEK took place during the
period. The total amount of the bonds issued was 418 million EEK.
The net worth of the fund decreased by 155.2 million EEK during
the period and was 771.7 million EEK by the end of the period.

The 1998 I half year total revenues of the fund amounted to 100,2
million EEK, of which the interest income amounted to 75.9
million EEK (75.7%). The income from investments totaled 23.1
million EEK (23 %) and other operating income gave a revenue of
1,2 million EEK. The total expenses of the same period amounted
to 284.6 million EEK. the interest expenses amounted to 32.3
million EEK (13,1%). During the first half year, the fund earned
a profit from the interests of 43.5 million EEK. Compared with
the same period last year, the interest income increased by 35.8
million EEK (increase of 22.2 %). The investment expenses
amounted to 239.2 million EEK (84,0 %). The largest item in the
investment expenses account was the discount on the current
investments (incl. shares traded) in the amount of 187.9 million
EEK. The investment expenses account reflects completely the
potential loss from the forward transactions made with Eesti
Ühispank in 1997 (the shares as the objects of the transaction
are reflected in the market prices). The administrative expenses
were 9.5 million EEK (3,3%), increasing by 5 % compared with the
first half year of 1997.

The 1998 I half year loss from the operations was 184.4 million
EEK. The value of the fund decreased by 3.5 million EEK. The net
worth of the fund in the amount of 771.7 million EEK is comprised
of the difference between share capital and nominal value of the
bonds issued, plus the accumulated result from the operations.

Andres Laisk
Tel. +372 665 1812


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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