Pēd. atjaunots: 17.07.2024 23:16 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Commentary to the contracts with Hüvitusfond

10.11.1998, Eesti Ühispank, TLN
EESTI UHISPANK            


Deriving from the articles published in the press lately, we find it
necessary to present a statement on the above-mentioned contracts.

The Union Bank has so far refrained from essential commentaries,
because the bank has found it unethical to explain the contracts
between the bank and the client in the media. We are forced to do it
because of the elevated interest of the publicity and the press and
to avoid the possible misinterpretations.

On November 3, 1997, Margus Kangro, the manager of the capital
markets of the Estonian Union Bank and Andres Männart, the manager of
the financial division of the Hüvitusfond concluded a forward
transaction, as a result to which the Union Bank would have acquired
143,7 million kroons worth of different kinds of securities traded on
the Tallinn Stock Exchange possessed by the Hüvitusfond on May 5th of
the current year.

At the same time, the Union Bank and the Hüvitusfond had concluded
another forward transaction, according to which the Hüvitusfond would
have acquired different securities traded on the Russia's and other
foreign stock markets for 181 million kroons. It was a business
transaction based on the exchange of positions between two financial
institutions, from which both parties hoped to gain profit.

The ground for concluding both of the forward transactions were the
opinions of Andres Männart and Margus Kangro that in the half-year
perspective the markets would rise, but the parties assessed the
buoyancy potential of the different shares differently.

After getting the information about the conclusion of the contracts,
the management of the Union Bank found that the risk deriving from
the transactions is bigger than the potential profit for the bank.
Also, the management of the bank decided to decrease the stock
positions of the bank and made a proposal to the Hüvitusfond to
abrogate the contracts. The Hüvitusfond agreed to the simultaneous
abrogation of both contracts. By the agreement of the parties both
contracts were abrogated on the same day, on November 3,1997.

Cross-rights and liabilities ended with the abrogation agreements.
The abrogation of the agreements enabled both parties to freely
liquidate their stock positions, if needed, which was also used by
the Union Bank.

During the period after the conclusion and the abrogation of the
contracts the parties have acted according to the invalidity of the
contracts. If the contracts would have been valid, the Hüvitusfond
must have transferred the amount of shares stipulated in the contract
to the Union Bank on May 5, 1998, and the Union Bank should have
transferred the amount of money determined in the contract to the
Hüvitusfond, and vice versa. These entries were never done. The
Hüvitusfond did not transfer the shares to the Union Bank on the date
mentioned nor later, and neither did the Union Bank transfer the
money to the Hüvitusfond, and vice versa.

Both, the Hüvitusfond and Arle Mölder, the former chairman of the
Hüvitusfond, who for more than a half a year has not turned to the
bank with the application that the bank would fulfill the allegedly
not fulfilled obligations to the fund, have acted According to the
annulment of the contract.

The shortage of the sum, which makes up almost a tenth of the balance
capacity of the fund (143,7 million kroons), from the assets during
half a year, could not have remained unnoticed by the board and the
chairman of the fund. Also the given transactions have not been
reflected in the balance confirmation as of the end of 1997 or the
first half-year of 1998 sent to the Union Bank by the Hüvitusfond.

The statement of the former leaders of the Hüvitusfond given to the
directory board of the fund and the auditors and revealed by the
media that the contract has not been abrogated on November 3, 1997,
is an unsound lie. The Union Bank has not caused any financial damage
to the Hüvitusfond.

The Union Bank confirms to the clients, shareholders of the bank and
the publicity that the Union Bank has proceeded from the protection
of the interests of the bank and good banking manners in its
activity. On the assumption of the law and the described
transactions, the Union Bank has no obligations to the Hüvitusfond.

Janek Mäggi
Vice President
Phone +3726104240


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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