Pēd. atjaunots: 04.07.2024 20:05 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: Optiva Pank "Public Report 1999"

29.02.2000, Sampo Pank, TLN


AS Optiva Pank Public Report 1999

The 1999 Public Report of Optiva Pank is available in the bank's
headquarters (Narva Rd.11, Tallinn) and all branch offices as of

The report is available on Optiva Pank Internet homepage
(www.optiva.ee) as of 29.02.2000.

Important business events

At the end of 1999, group total assets amounted to EEK 3.50
billion, featuring an increase of EEK 389.1 million, or 12.5 per
cent, over September. Growth in total assets is explained by an
increase of EEK 411.8 million, or 39.7 per cent, in client
deposits. Group total assets and client deposits rose by EEK 298.4
million, or 9.3 per cent, and EEK 590.2 million, or 68.7 per cent,
respectively over the year. Group fourth quarter operating profit
before provisions amounted to EEK 27.5 million, featuring an
increase of 4.7 per cent over the previous quarter. In 1999, Optiva
Group incurred a loss of EEK 20.4 million, caused by an
extraordinary loss from additional provisions made in the fourth


In the fourth quarter of 1999, group interest bearing liabilities
rose by EEK 472.7 million, or 18.6 per cent, with client funds
achieving a record growth. In the fourth quarter, client deposits
total with the bank jumped by EEK 467.3 million, or 43.0 per cent,
with the biggest share of the rise contributed by private company
deposits which increased by EEK 432.3 million, or 62.1 per cent.
Private company demand deposits accounted for the highest increase
of EEK 369.8 million, or 71.9 per cent, explained by a growth in
clients' business volumes and new clients. An upswing in Estonian
economic environment and stability prevalent in foreign markets
also favoured growth in deposits. At the end of December, demand
deposits and time deposits with the bank amounted to EEK 1.06
billion (67.9 per cent of deposits total) and EEK 0.5 billion (32.1
per cent of deposits total), respectively. Client deposits total
increased by EEK 677.9 million, or 77.3 per cent, over the year,
with demand deposits and time deposits rising by EEK 505.0 million,
or 91.7 per cent, and EEK 173.0 million, or 53.0 per cent,
respectively. In deposits private company current accounts
increased by EEK 432.6 million, or 95.8 per cent, and time deposits
grew by EEK 179.9 million, or 4.2 times, over the twelve months.
The share of private company deposits in deposits total rose to
72.6 per cent by the end of 1999 from 59.1 per cent at the end of
1998. Private person deposits represented another big deposit
group, accounting for 21.4 per cent of deposits total in 1998 and
17.6 per cent of deposits total in 1999. The share of private
person deposits in the deposits structure fell over the year, for
the 45.8 per cent growth in such deposits was lower than in private
company deposits.

In the last quarter of 1999, group loans from other banks increased
by 94.9 million, or 14.2 per cent, owing to funds lent from Nordic
Investment Bank. Borrowings from other banks increased by EEK 60.5
million, or 8.6 per cent, over the twelve months.

The share of client deposits in group interest bearing liabilities
increased due to a quick rise in such deposits from 40.8 per cent
at the end of the third quarter to 48.1 per cent by the end of

The share of debts with credit institutions, issued debt securities
and subordinated liabilities in interest bearing liabilities
decreased, representing 48.6 per cent thereof at the end of 1999
(54.8 per cent at the end of the third quarter). In 1999, the total
volume of such funds declined by EEK 250.7 million, or 14.6 per
cent. Which is primarily explained by a decrease in debt
securities, caused by their expiry and prior repurchase in the
second quarter.

In other group liabilities client clearing accounts declined due to
the year end holiday season. Other liabilities decreased by EEK
70.0 million, or 44.1 per cent, compared with the end of the third
At the end of December, group equity represented EEK 317.4 million,
or 9.1 per cent, of group total assets (10.5 per cent as of Dec,
1998). Capital adequacy was 10.3 per cent.


Interest earning assets increased by EEK 256.8 million, or 10.3 per
cent, in the fourth quarter and by EEK 244.7 million, or 9.8 per
cent, over the year.

In interest earning assets, short term and, hence, liquid
investments boasted an increase in the fourth quarter, with claims
on the central bank and other credit institutions rising by EEK
369.5 million, or 97.2 per cent (and by EEK 403.5 million, or 116.6
per cent, over the year).

In the fourth quarter group gross loan portfolio declined by EEK
63.2 million, or 3.0 per cent, for the volume of loans collected
exceeded the volume of loans granted. Gross loan portfolio fell by
EEK 166.2 million, or 7.5 per cent, over the twelve months. The
decline is explained by lack of credit worthy projects owing to
structural changes which took place in the economy and led to an
economic recession. Which also entailed a substantial interest
rates fall in the market. At the end of 1999, group gross loan
portfolio total was EEK 2 049.9 million, with the leasing portfolio
share representing 12.4 per cent thereof. Allowances for loan
losses represented 12.8 per cent of the gross loan portfolio at the
end of December.

Group liquidity buffer increased by EEK 412.5 million, or 63.7 per
cent, over the last quarter, amounting to EEK 1 060.4 million at
the end of December.

Net interest income

In the fourth quarter, net interest income before loan provisions
represented EEK 22.3 million (with group net interest income for
the year totalling EEK 92.2 million). Net interest income declined
by EEK 3.0 million, or 11.7 per cent, compared with the third
quarter. In the fourth quarter, group made provisions for possible
loan losses at EEK 44.3 million. In several group sectors
non-strategic assets have been inherited from the pre-merger
period. Following a conservative policy, bank has adjusted the
collateral value of several assets not yet sold. Group net interest
margin was 3.3 per cent in the fourth quarter.

Non interest income

Group non-interest income represented EEK 48.5 million, featuring
an increase of EEK 14.0 million, or 40.5 per cent, compared with
the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, income from financial
transactions represented 44.0 per cent (EEK 21.3 million), income
from commissions and service fees 35.6 per cent (EEK 17.3 million),
income from financial investments 2.1 per cent (EEK 1.0 million),
and other income 18.3 per cent (EEK 8.9 million) of non interest
income. Income from financial transactions comprises income from
foreign exchange and stock transactions.

Non interest income for the twelve months amounted to EEK 172.9
million, with income from financial transactions representing 48.4
per cent (EEK 83.6 million), income from commissions and service
fees 33.4 per cent (EEK 57.7 million), income from financial
investments 3.7 per cent (EEK 6.4 million), and other income 14.5
per cent (EEK 25.1 million).


Group last quarter non interest expenses totalled EEK 43.3 million,
featuring an increase of EEK 9.8 million, or 29.3 per cent,
compared with the third quarter. Personnel and administrative
expenses are the largest non interest expenses. Other
administrative expenses increased by EEK 6.6 million, or 107.6 per
cent, compared with the third quarter. In the fourth quarter,
personnel expenses and other administrative expenses represented
40.9 per cent (EEK 17.7 million) and 29.5 per cent (EEK 12.8
million) of non interest expenses respectively. The biggest expense
items in administrative expenses are communication and data
processing expenses and room rent and management expenses. Paid
commissions and service fees represented 12.4 per cent and other
expenses accounted for 17.2 per cent of non interest expenses.

Non interest expenses for twelve months totalled EEK 150.3 million,
with personnel expenses representing 45.6 per cent (EEK 68.6
million), other administrative expenses 25.3 per cent (EEK 38.1
million), paid commissions and service fees 10.1 per cent (EEK 15.1
million), and other expenses 19.0 per cent (EEK 28.5 million).

In the fourth quarter group return on equity was -36.0 per cent
(6.1 per cent for 1999), return on assets 5.1 per cent (8.2 per
cent), profit margin -278 per cent (-7.6 per cent), and earnings
per share EEK -2.9 (EEK -0.5).

Ruth Laidvee
+372 63 02 181


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