Pēd. atjaunots: 05.07.2024 02:08 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Public Annual Report of 1999 of Eesti Ühispank Group

20.03.2000, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


Herewith Eesti Ühispank publishes the "Public annual report" as
stipulated by the Act no 25 (of 19 Oct. 1999) of President of the
Bank of Estonia.

The "Public annual report of 1999" is available at Ühispank's
homepage at <a href='http://www.eyp.ee/publicannualreport1999.xls' target='_blank'>http://www.eyp.ee/publicannualreport1999.xls</a>

The annual report to be confirmed by the shareholders on the annual
general meeting on April 7, will be available on Ühispank's homepage
(at <a href='http://www.eyp.ee)' target='_blank'>http://www.eyp.ee)</a> on 24 March latest. Additional notification
will be sent to the stock exchange information system.


The net income for Ühispank's Group was 100.2 million kroons in 1999
(in 1998 a loss of 382 million kroons). The Group's activity was
significantly affected by the recession in the economy that started
after the Russian crisis in August of 1999. Due to this, loan
financial markets and other business activity was quite modest. Also,
management was very conservative towards taking risks after 1998's

In 1999, ROE and ROA have been positive, but the target is to
increase ROE significantly in following years. Significant cut in the
number of Bank staff occurred at the end of 1999 (number of employees
decreased from 1466 to 1191). This reduction is a result of the
development of electronic channels and cuts in the ordi- nary branch

In beginning of 1999, the Estonian banking system was characterized
by a strong liquidity deficit (reason was the Russian crisis in
August 1998). It lead to high interest rates in the money market
which caused high lending interest rates (interest rate for EEK loans
in Estonian banking system was 16.5%). After Telekom's privatization
in February 1999, the money supply started to increase significantly,
also deposits began to increase. High liquidity and lack of good
investment projects characterized the second half-year in the banking
system. As several big corporations belong to foreign investors and
can borrow directly from Western banks, there was a need to decrease
the loan interest rates to compete in the loan market. Due to these
factors, the Group's loan portfolio decreased but started to grow in
the second half of the year, rapidly increasing in the fourth quarter
of 1999.

In worsening economical conditions in the first half-year, the amount
of non- performing loans (on which interest is not accrued) increased
also. This was also one of the reasons why interest income decreased.
In the Year 2000, the loan portfolio quality is expected to improve
in quality and grow in size.

The total amount of loan provisions for 1999 has decreased 4 fold
compared to 1998 (474.5 million kroons at end of 1998 and 115 million
kroons at end of 1999). This is mainly due to the high provision
level in 1998 but also connected with the stabilisation of the
economic situation and recovery starting from the end of 1999 which
all have had a positive impact on loan portfolio quality.

In addition to the main operating activity, there was also income
from the sale of associates and subsidiaries (Leks Insurance,
Fondijuht and Saules Banka) in amount of 68 million kroons.

The total amount of operating expenses was 824 million kroons. The
biggest part was personnel expenses in the amount of 284 million
kroons. The number of employees decreased significantly during the
year: the number of employees at the beginning of the year was 1942,
at the end of year 1369, a reduction of 573 people (incl. 342 people
in Saules Banka). There was quite an impressive decrease in other
administrative expenses (pro forma '98 Ühispank and Tallinna Pank
Group - 22%) due to conservative cost control and due to synergies
from the Bank's merger. Because of the Bank's new headoffice
building in Tornimäe Street and because of the increase in goodwill
after the merger of Tallinna Pank Leasing and Ühisliising, there has
been increase in depreciation costs.

As a result of the abovementioned activities the operation costs
(excl. depreciation costs) of the Group in 1999 decreased pro forma
by 1.6%, i.e. 13 million kroons.

At the end of 1999 the assets amounted to 14.970 billion kroons.
Total assets decreased by 9.3 per cent, i.e. by 1.5 billion kroons
during 1999, it is first and foremost due to the sale of Saules
Banka. Pro forma (excluding the sale of Saules Banka) the assets
increased by 4.8 per cent.

Due to unfavorable economic conditions and the lack of
investment-worthy loan projects, 1999 saw a considerable decrease in
the (net) loan portfolio of the Group, i.e. in excess of 1.1billion
kroons. Lending started to increase in the second half of 1999 and
this, in combination with improved economy, should have a positive
impact on the year 2000 performance. The total amount of loans
remained practically at the same level as in 1998: in 1999 the net
loan portfolio amounted to 61 per cent of total assets. As the level
of provisioning was lower in 1999 than in the previous year and
uncollectible loans were written off, the ratio of uncollectible
loans in the total loan portfolio fell form 4 per cent to 2.7 per

Client deposits (pro forma, excl. sale of Saules Banka) increased by
12.2 per cent, i.e. by one million kroons. Growing money supply
after the privatization of Eesti Telekom and the overall economic
recovery, demand deposits kept growing rapidly since April (the 1999
pro forma increase was 19.5 per cent, i.e. 816 million kroons). At
the same time the lowering of interest rates on time deposits
affected the deposit growth (pro forma increase was 4.6 per cent,
i.e. 185 million kroons). Thanks to the quicker growth in demand
deposits, the liabilities have shifted towards less costly and
shorter-term money. While the growth rate in private individual and
corporate deposits surpassed expectations (21 per cent pro forma
increase), the share of local and central government deposits as well
as off-balance sheet funds decreased by nearly one-fifth - a result
of the 1999 budget deficit.

The owner's equity increased thanks to the profit of 100.2 million
kroons and to a share issue for private placement with FMO (411,000
shares, related to the transfer of the 20 per cent stake of FMO in
Saules Banka) in May 1999. The additional equity was reduced by the
advanced repayment of a subordinated debt to Hüvitusfond
(Compensation Fund) in the amount of 15 million kroons.

Due to the increase of the equity and as Saules Banka's assets were
not included in the risk-adjusted assets at the sale of the bank, the
capital adequacy ratio, which was 13.4% as of 31 December 1999,
evidenced a significant increase compared to the 1998 year end.
Improvement of the capital adequacy raises solvency of Eesti Ühispank
Group and therefore also its trustworthiness.

Key figures and ratings of Eesti Ühispank

KEY FIGURES Consolidated Bank
1999 1998 1999 1998

Return on equity (ROE), % 5.07 -29.42 6.60 -30.57
Average assets/Average equity 7.97 10.33 7.01 9.04
Profit(loss)/Income, % 5.37 -22.23 7.90 -28.62
Income/Average assets, % 11.85 12.82 11.91 11.82
Return on assets (ROA), % 0.64 -2.85 0.94 -3.38
Net interest margin (NIM), % 3.61 4.12
SPREAD, % 3.72 4.41

31.12.99 31.12.98

Number of shares at the end of period 66,562,381 66,151,422
Average number of shares, adjusted with issues 66,404,068 44,290,700
Price of shares (Tallinn, close price), EEK 25.50 19.30
Earnings (profit before extraordinary items-Taxes) 129.2 -387.9
Earnings per share (avg.number of shares), (EPS) 1.95 -8.76
Price / Earnings ratio (P/E) 13.08 -2.20
Market price of shares at the end of period, EEK 1,697.3 1,276.7
Book value of shares, EEK 22.43 20.20

QUALITY OF ASSETS Consolidated Bank
(EEKmio) 31.12.99 31.12.98 31.12.99 31.12.98

Assets 14,969.7 16,498.7 13,958.0 13,499.7
Overdue 471.8 213.0 344.1 138.7
- overdue/assets, % 3.15 1.29 2.47 1.03
Provisions 251.4 431.9 174.5 353.3
(uncollectible debt)

Equity after deductions, EEKmio 1,701.8 1,876.3 1,673.9 1,624.0
Capital adequacy, % 13.42 12.51 13.45 12.85
Tier 1 Ratio, % 10.16 9.26 10.13 9.00
Tier 2 Ratio, % 3.26 3.24 3.32 3.85

RATINGS 14.03.00 31.12.99 31.12.98

Moody's Investor Service:
Deposit rating (Long term/Short term) Baa2/P-3 Baa3/P-3 Baa3/P-3
Financial strenght rating D+ D D
Rating description
in Internet: <a href='http://www.moodys.com' target='_blank'>http://www.moodys.com</a>

Short term rating F3 F3 F3
Long term rating BBB BBB- BBB-
Individual rating C/D D C/D
Support rating 3 4 -
Rating descriptions
in Internet: <a href='http://www.fitchibca.com' target='_blank'>http://www.fitchibca.com</a>

Thomson Finance BankWatch:
Intra-Country Issuer raiting A/B B/C -
Short term debt rating LC-1 - -
Rating descriptions
in Internet: <a href='http://www.bankwatch.com' target='_blank'>http://www.bankwatch.com</a>

Management Board
of Eesti Uhispank
Tel.+372 66 55 300

Urmas Neetar
head of reporting dept.
6 656 390


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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