Pēd. atjaunots: 05.07.2024 02:11 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Balance sheets of Eesti Ühispank 31.12.99

20.03.2000, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


1. Cash 363.0 450.8
2. Loans and advances 10,863.5 12,422.5
2.1. Balances with central bank 1,025.6 1,320.0
2.2. Loans and advances to credit institutions 707.1 812.4
2.3. Loans & adv.to clients of credit institutions 7,498.9 7,726.4
2.4. Due from clients of leasing enterprises 1,760.0 2,474.2
2.5. Due from insurance institutions 0.7 0
2.6. Other loans and advances 122.7 521.4
2.7. Uncollectible debt -251.4 -431.9
3 Debt securities and fixed income securities 693.9 1,008.2
4 Shares and other securities 882.0 123.9
5 Shares and participations in associates 5.8 39.6
6 Shares and participations in subsidaries
7 Intangible assets 536.9 553.2
7.1. Consolidated goodwill 535.3 552.5
7.2. Other intagible assets 1.6 0.7
8 Tangible assets 1,231.8 1,388.0
9 Subscribed capital unpaid 0 0
10 Other assets 131.8 206.8
11 Accruals and prepaid expenses 261.0 305.6
12 Total assets 14,969.7 16,498.7

Liabilities and shareholders' eqity
1. Liabilities 9,720.7 10,495.1
1.1. Due to central bank 5.3 4.6
1.2. Due to credit institutions 1,660.9 2,285.3
1.3. Due to clients of credit institutions 7,771.5 7,945.5
1.4. Due to clients of insurance institutions 0.3 0
1.5. Other commitments + Government lending funds 282.7 259.8
2 Issued debt securities 2,199.6 2,570.6
3 Other liabilities 232.6 579.0
4 Accrued expenses and deferred income 272.6 393.7
5 Provisions 14.1 2.0
5.1. Insurance technical provisions 14.1 0
5.2. Potential income tax 0 2.0
5.3. Other provisions 0 0
6 Subordinated liabilities 500.5 515.5
7 Minority interest -2.8 25.2
8 Total liabilities 12,937.4 14,581.2
9.1. Paid up capital 665.6 661.5
9.2. Share premium 1,346.6 1,340.6
9.3. General banking reserve 298.5 298.5
9.4. Revaluation reserve 0 0
9.5. Other reserves 0 0
9.6. Unrealized rate differences -4.0 -8.5
9.7. Profit/Loss retained -374.6 7.7
9.8. Profit/Loss for financial year 100.2 -382.3
9.9. Own shares 0 0
9 Total shareholders' equity 2,032.3 1,917.5
10. Total liabilities and capital 14,969.7 16,498.7

BALANCE SHEET, BANK 31.12.99 31.12.98
1. Cash 363.0 317.8
2. Loans and advances 10,139.1 8,860.6
2.1. Balances with central bank 1,025.6 1,296.9
2.2. Loans and advances to credit institutions 681.6 207.5
2.3. Loans & adv.to clients of credit institutions 8,606.4 7,709.5
2.4. Due from clients of leasing enterprises 0 0
2.5. Due from insurance institutions 0 0
2.6. Other loans and advances 0 0
2.7. Uncollectible debt -174.5 -353.3
3 Debt securities and fixed income securities 906.9 2,211.7
4 Shares and other securities 617.5 121.4
5 Shares and participations in associates 4.6 35.1
6 Shares and participations in subsidaries 427.3 421.7
7 Intangible assets 534.9 551.8
7.1. Consolidated goodwill 534.9 551.8
7.2. Other intagible assets 0 0
8 Tangible assets 641.7 676.6
9 Subscribed capital unpaid 0 0
10 Other assets 131.7 106.3
11 Accruals and prepaid expenses 191.1 196.5
12 Total assets 13,958.0 13,499.7

Liabilities and shareholders' eqity
1. Liabilities 9,183.9 8,630.2
1.1. Due to central bank 5.3 4.6
1.2. Due to credit institutions 1,056.9 1,405.8
1.3. Due to clients of credit institutions 7,839.0 6,960.1
1.4. Due to clients of insurance institutions 0 0
1.5. Other commitments + Government lending fund 282.7 259.8
2 Issued debt securities 1,820.3 1,934.2
3 Other liabilities 222.8 346.5
4 Accrued expenses and deferred income 202.8 185.1
5 Provisions 0 0
5.1. Insurance technical provisions 0 0
5.2. Potential income tax 0 0
5.3. Other provisions 0 0
6 Subordinated liabilities 500.5 515.5
7 Minority interest 0 0
8 Total liabilities 11,930.4 11,611.5
9.1. Paid up capital 665.6 661.5
9.2. Share premium 1,346.6 1,340.6
9.3. General banking reserve 298.5 298.5
9.4. Revaluation reserve 0 0
9.5. Other reserves 0 0
9.6. Unrealized rate differences 0 0
9.7. Profit/Loss retained -412.4 -24.5
9.8. Profit/Loss for financial year 129.2 -387.9
9.9. Own shares 0 0
9 Total shareholders' equity 2,027.6 1,888.2
10. Total liabilities and capital 13,958.0 13,499.7

Urmas Neetar
head of reporting dept.
6 656 390


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