Pēd. atjaunots: 05.07.2024 13:56 (GMT+3)

XXL.EE: Management report for 1998-99 financial year

31.03.2000, XXL.EE, TLN


AS Pennu Computer Technology was established on 10.09.1990; at the
end of 1997 the company was reorganized into AS Pennu Computer
Technology Group and registered at Tallinn Commercial Registry on
14.06.1996 under entry number 10040414. On 23.08.1999 the general
meeting of company's shareholders decided to amend the Articles of
Associated to change the company's business name to AS XXL.EE. The
decision became effective after registration at the Commercial
Registry on 10.11.1999. AS XXL.EE legal address is Tartu Rd. 87D,
Tallinn; company's business address is Pärnu Rd. 139, Tallinn.

At second half of 1998 restructuring of the company began. Within
the past years the company had expanded its activities to several
fields that are not related to its core activities. The company's
executive board decided to concentrate on the core business in
order to better exploit the market position on high growth
potential information technology market.

In May 1998 the company decided to terminate the activities of PCT
Liisingu AS. PCT Liisingu AS was established in 1997 in order to
support the sales of computers through leasing and factoring
services; however, the leasing portfolio of PCT Liisingu AS also
contained car and real estate leases.

In October 1998 the company sold its 30% holding in ID Süsteemide
AS, and 76.4% holding Järve Kinnisvara Hoolduse AS (EEK 4,030,000
), the core business of which was construction and administration
of office and shopping building in Tallinn (address Järvevana Rd.

As a part of new sales strategy, the company decided to dispose its
holdings in computer shops outside of Tallinn in the beginning of
1999. In April 1999 the company sold its holding in A&Ü
Majandustarkvara to co-owners for EEK 250,000. In June 1999 the
company sold its 20% holding in AS Kernel to co-owners for EEK
80,000. The activities of Arvutisalong Infotek (owner PCT Arvutid)
in Viljandi were also terminated.
Due to nadir of computer and computer components market and
changing business logic the company decided in spring 1999 to
expand its activities in new media, i.e. first and foremost web
design and internet portal services. On 23.08.1999 the general
meeting of AS XXL.EE shareholders approved the decision to acquire
full ownership in XXL Internetivärav. For that purpose AS XXL.EE
issued directly 100,000 shares to the owners of XXL Internetivärav,
to be paid for through non-monetary payment. XXL Internetivärav is
the owner of trademark XXL and owns Internet portal xxl.ee.

On 13.11.1999 the company established a digital media services
company XXL Digital SIA in Latvia, where AS XXL.EE has 75% holding.


Between 01.07.1998 - 31.12.1999 the consolidated and unaudited net
turnover of AS XXL.EE totaled EEK 140,464,697. Consolidated and
unaudited net loss stood at EEK 53,429,599.

Since AS XXL.EE owners' equity account is of negative value as of
31.12.1999, the company intends to organize a share issue in the
first half of year 2000 in order to conform the volume of owners'
equity with the legal requirements.
Monthly salary of the company's chief executive was EEK 5,000
(before January 1999 EEK 15,000 per month). Between 01.07.1998 and
31.12.1999 total salaries to the Management Board members amounted
to EEK 493,800, and to Supervisory Board members EEK 313,656.

Total salaries amounted to EEK 7,345,045; as of 31.12.1999 the
company employed 34 workers.

At the second half of 1999 the company changed the period of
financial year; the new financial year of AS XXL.EE lasts from
January to December. Proceeding from the above the duration of AS
XXL.EE 1998-1999 financial year is 18 months.

Arho Anttila arho@xxl.ee
Chief Executive
+372 6 283 601


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