Pēd. atjaunots: 05.07.2024 18:07 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: consolidated financial results, 1st q 2000

18.04.2000, Hansapank, TLN


Hansabank’s consolidated unaudited result for the first quarter of
2000 was a net profit of EEK 325.9 million. As of March 31 the Group’s
total assets amounted to EEK 34.65 billion.

Hansabank’s consolidated assets grew by 1,2% during the first quarter
of 2000 totalling EEK 34,650.4 million at the end of March. The growth
originated completely from clients’ deposits.
Clients’ deposits increased by 8,7% during the first quarter,
amounting to EEK 21.51 billion at the end of March (annual growth
39.3%). Of the EEK 1.73 billion deposit increase 61% originated from
the Latvian and Lithuanian markets and 39% from the Estonian market.
Deposit growth rate continues to outstrip the growth rate of both,
loans as well as assets. As of March 31 Hansabank’s market share by
total deposits was 57.8% in Estonia.
Total funds received from other financial institutions decreased by
13.7% to EEK 4.44 billion during the three months. The reason for the
decrease was the repayment of an EEK 0.80 billion syndicated loan in
The third largest source of funding – debt securities issued to the
public – decreased by 21.3% during the first quarter to EEK 1.00
billion. In addition to this the repo agreements made for additional
liquidity during the millennium changeover, matured in January, thus
decreasing liabilities by a furter EEK 0.51 billion.
Total liabilities increased by 0.1% during the three months amounting
to EEK 28.85 billion at the end of March.
During the first quarter of 2000 total shareholders’ equity increased
mainly on the account of net profit and amounted to EEK 5.31 billion
as of March 31. At the end of the period the group’s total capital
adequacy was 19.24% (Tier I 17.49%) and for the bank it stood at
19.60% (Tier I 17.68%).

The loan portfolio increased by 4,8% to EEK 20.39 billion (annual
growth 23.5%) during the first three months of the year. As of March
31 Hansabank’s market share by total loans was 53.3% in Estonia. At
the end of March the loan loss reserve formed 3.15% of total loan
portfolio (3.32% in the beginning of the year). The loan to deposit
ratio decreased from 98.4% in the beginning of the year to 94.8% at
the end of March.
The volume of liquid assets (cash and cash reserve, dues from other
banks and treasury securities) decreased by 5.8% to EEK 0.59 billion
at the end of March as a result of the previously described changes
inside the liabilities. Despite this decrease the volume of liquid
assets still amounts to EEK 9.46 billion at the end of March, forming
27.3% of total assets. At the same time the net loan portfolio’s share
increased to 57.0% (54.9% in the beginning of the year).

The third more significant change on the asset side was a EEK 0.38
billion decrease of the investment portfolio, which almost fully
originated from a decrease in the bond portfolio.

Hansabank’s consolidated unaudited profit for first quarter 2000 was
EEK 325.9 million. The results of the principal business lines were
the following: banking in Estonia EEK 197.7 million, leasing and
factoring EEK 90.1 million, banking in Latvia EEK 32.6 million, asset
management EEK 5.0 million, life insurance EEK 2.9 million and banking
in Lithuania EEK –6.5 million. In addition to the mentioned business
lines, consolidated results also include other support functions’
results and eliminations.
Hansabank has made some changes to its income statement since the end
of 1999. Payments to the Deposit Guarantee Fund are now recorded as
part of deposit interest expense (previously under Fees and
commissions paid). Encashment services are recorded under Fees and
commissions paid (previously under Administrative expenses).
Respective changes have been made in earlier periods as well.

Interest income increased by 15.8% compared to the first quarter of
1999, totalling EEK 690.7 million. At the same time interest expense
increased by 4.4% to EEK 262.4 million. As a result net interest
income increased by 24.1% to EEK 428.3 million.
Over 80% of total interest income is formed by loan and leasing
interest revenues. At the same time the fastest growing items among
interest income were funds placed with other banks (growth of 33.5% to
EEK 48.4 million) and interest from securities (growth of 108.7% to
EEK 67.5 million). For both items an important growth driver was
higher euro-interest rates. Besides higher interest levels, the growth
of interest revenues from debt securities was also influenced by a
significant growth in the volume of the portfolio, especially
investment portfolio, when compared to March 1999.
Under interest expense the cost of client deposits amounted to EEK
161.2 million. Of this EEK 21.0 million were payments to the Deposit
Guarantee Fund. In one year interest expense on deposits has grown by
9.1%, compared to a 39.3% growth of deposits. Interest paid for
foreign funding (loans and deposits from other banks and debt
securities) decreased by 2.5% compared to the first quarter of 1999,
to EEK 89.1 million kroons. At the same time the volume of these funds
decreased by 13.2%.
Compared to 1999 the average yield of interest earning assets
decreased by 79bp to 9.14%. At the same time the cost of interest
bearing liabilities decreased by 81bp to 3.83% whereby the spread grew
by 3bp to 5.32%. The Group’s net interest margin increased by 12bp to
4.98% during the quarter. (Because of the inclusion of Deposit
Guarantee Fund expense under interest expense the restated NIM for
1999 was 4.86%).
Trading income for the Group totalled EEK 147.8 million for the first
quarter of 2000, down by 7.4% from last year’s same period. The
decrease was caused by a 80.7% drop in income from derivatives, which
in the first quarter of 1999 was at a very high level. In the first
three months of 2000 income from derivatives amounted to EEK 16.1
million. At the same time income from foreign exchange has more than
doubled to EEK 88.9 million. Income from equity and bond trading and
investment portfolios amounted to EEK 43.8 million.
Fees and commissions received during the first three months amounted
to EEK 221.1 million, exceeding previous year’s first quarter result
by 32.3%. For Hansapank the largest fee income source are electronic
channels. Fees received from services offered through electronic
channels increased by 27.2% to EEK 58.4 million in the first quarter.
The increase was brought about by a constant growth in the number of
transactions done through electronic channels – in March 2000 already
86.4% of all transactions were done through electronic channels. Loan,
leasing and guarantee fees amounted to EEK 55.4 million during the
first three months (growth of 102.9%). The rapid growth is a direct
result of the stagnating loan market in the beginning of 1999. Fees
and commissions paid increased by 30.6% to EEK 51.1 million, falling
short of the growth rate of fee income. The largest growth rates on
the expense side were recorded by fees paid for securities services,
which increased by 242.9% to EEK 12.6 million and by card services,
which respectively grew by 47.9% to EEK 13.3 million. Net service fees
increased by 32.7% compared to the first quarter of 1999 to EEK 169.9
In the first quarter of 2000 the Group’s total revenues amounted to
EEK 769.8 million, exceeding the last year’s first quarter result by
11.2%. The revenue distribution for the first three months was the
following: 55.6% net interest income, 22.1% net fee income, 19.2%
trading income, and 3.1% other income.

Operating expenses totalled EEK 405.8 million for the first three
months of this year, increasing from previous year's first quarter
result by 7.4%.
Of total expenses 38.1% was formed by personnel expenses (annual
growth of 9.5%), 21.8% by administrative expenses (annual growth of
7.3%), 20.0% by other expenses (incl. goodwill amortisation) (annual
decrease of 5.8%), 14.8% by depreciation (annual growth of 24.7%), and
5.2% by IT expenses (annual decrease of 8.6%). The rapid increase of
depreciation is caused by the completion of the renovation of the head-
office at Liivalaia 12.
The 7.4% growth of expenses fell short of both, the 11.2% revenue
growth as well as the 20.1% asset growth, reflecting improved
efficiency. The Group’s cost-income ratio (before provisions) was
46.2% in the first quarter (after net provisions 50.7%) and the ratio
of operating expenses to total assets has decreased to 4.13%.

Loan and guarantee provisions decreased by 48.0% from the first
quarter of 1999, amounting to EEK 59.3 million during the first three
months. Actual loan losses amounted to EEK 47.1 million and actual
recoveries were EEK 25.0 million.

Mart Tõevere
Investor relations
+372 6131 569


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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