Pēd. atjaunots: 28.07.2024 13:17 (GMT+3)

TSE: Listing Committee's decision about Leks Kindlustus

24.05.2000, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN


The Tallinn Stock Exchange (TSE) Listing Committee discussed on its
23.05.2000 meeting the application of Leks Kindlustuse AS (Leks) to
delist the shares of Leks from the Secondary List of TSE.

According to article 11.1. of chapter "Requirements for Issuers" of
the TSE Rules and Regulations, the issuer's securities can be
delisted with the respective decision of TSE Listing Committee,
which is made based on the issuer's written application. TSE
Listing Committee has a right to refuse to satisfy such application
if delisting of these securities would substantially harm the
interests of investors, or would give to some shareholders unfair
advantages compared to the other shareholders.

Before the public offering (as of 10.01.2000), Leks had 543
shareholders and BICO owned 68.71% of Leks shares. Altogether 190
shareholders out of 540 accepted the offering; in the course of the
offering BICO acquired an additional 4.74% of Leks shares (total
holding 73.85%). After the end of public offering (as of
11.02.2000), Leks had altogether 312 shareholders.

After the end of the offering (as of 07.04.2000), BICO acquired
from Swiss Re 20.71% holding in Leks, thus increasing its holding
in the company to 96.61%. Price of the transaction and other
significant terms and conditions were not disclosed.

According to articles 5.1 and 5.4 of chapter "Requirements for
Issuers" of the TSE Rules and Regulations, the issuer is obligated
to immediately disclose all circumstances and events that may have
a substantial impact on the issuer's financial standing and
economic activity, perspectives of its activity and may have an
impact on the price of issuer's securities in any other way.
According to article 5.1.3 of chapter "Requirements for Issuers" of
the TSE Rules and Regulations, the list of such circumstances also
includes a conclusion of major contracts for the issuer.

According to article 6.9 of chapter "Requirements for Issuers" of
the TSE Rules and Regulations, the shareholders having more than 5%
of votes represented with shares in the issuer are obligated to
disclose the significant terms and conditions of all contracts that
may have a substantial impact on the price of issuer's securities.

Upon sale of substantial holding in the issuer, the sales price of
securities is among the conditions that have a substantial impact
on the price of issuer's securities in the secondary market, and
thus is a subject for disclosure.

TSE Listing Committee found that as Leks and BICO have refused to
disclose information that is subject for disclosure under TSE Rules
and Regulations, the TSE Listing Committee does not have sufficient
information on significant terms and conditions of transactions
made with shares of Leks before and after BICO's public offering to
minority shareholders of Leks. Thus the TSE Listing Committee
cannot evaluate whether the shareholders of Leks have been equally
treated, and hence also to decide whether delisting of shares of
Leks from the TSE would substantially harm the interests of
investors, or would give to some shareholders unfair advantages
compared to the other shareholders. Hence the TSE Listing Committee
did not have sufficient information on circumstances provided in
article 11.1 of chapter "Requirements for Issuers" of the TSE Rules
and Regulations, to decide about delisting of Leks shares.

TSE Listing Committee decided not to satisfy Leks's application for
delisting its shares from the Tallinn Stock Exchange, and to oblige
Leks and BICO as the core investor of Leks to disclose within the
period of two weeks additional information on transactions made by
BICO with shares of Leks and significant terms and conditions of
these transactions.



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