Pēd. atjaunots: 06.07.2024 12:06 (GMT+3)

Leks Kindlustus: Information to shareholders

15.06.2000, Leks Kindlustus, TLN


Leks Kindlustuse AS hereby announces that on 31.05.2000 the
Management Boards of Leks Kindlustuse AS (hereinafter Leks
Kindlustus) and Balti Kindlustuse AS (hereinafter Balti Kindlustus)
signed the agreement for merger of the two insurance companies.
According to the merger agreement, Leks Kindlustus will be merged
with Balti Kindlustus. The merger of Balti Kindlustus and Leks
Kindlustus will be effected through exchange of shares, whereby
each shareholder of Leks Kindlustus will receive 0.06 shares in Balti
Kindlustus in exchange for each per Leks Kindlustus share, i.e. one
Balti Kindlustus share in exchange for 16.6 Leks Kindlustus shares.
The fraction, non-whole number, parts of shares held by Leks
Kindlustus shareholders will be compensated with additional payment,
the size of which will be calculated based on the market price of
Leks Kindlustus shares at the time the merger is registered at the
merging company's (Balti Kindlustuse) domestic Commercial Registry.
Hence, in accordance with the merger agreement, all shareholders of
Leks Kindlustus will become shareholders in Balti Kindlustus after
completion of merger.

Currently Balti Kindlustus owns approximately 99.3% shareholding in
Leks Kindlustus; Leks Kindlustus has submitted an application to
Tallinn Stock Exchange for delisting its shares from the TSE
Secondary List.

We hereby announce that currently a shareholder has an option to sell
its shares and warrants to Balti Kindlustus under the following terms
and conditions:

Transaction order for sale of shares:
Security: Leks Kindlustus share
ISIN code: EE3100002965
Transaction price per share: EEK 18.00
Number of shares to be sold: decided by seller
Buyer: Balti Kindlustuse AS
Buyer's account operator: AS Eesti Ühispank
Settlement: Delivery versus payment

Transaction order for sale of warrants:
Security: Leks Kindlustuse warrant
ISIN code: EE3902002965
Transaction price per warrant: EEK 2.00
Number of warrants to be sold: decided by seller
Buyer: Balti Kindlustuse AS
Buyer's account operator: AS Eesti Ühispank
Settlement: Delivery versus payment

In case a shareholder wishes to conduct a transaction in securities
under these terms and conditions, it must present a transaction order
showing the aforementioned data, to its account operator bank. A
shareholder is entitled to sell his or her shares and warrants under
the aforementioned terms and conditions until 31.07.2000.

Pille Eikner
PR manager
+372 62 67 200


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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