Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 00:08 (GMT+3)

Tallinna Kaubamaja: Commentary to financial results, H1 2000

04.08.2000, TKM Grupp, TLN


In Q2 Tallinna Kaubamaja AS made changes to the accounting
principles, according to which the company's land and buildings will
be carried at market value on the balance sheet. Fixed assets'
revaluation reserves will be shown on the balance sheet owners equity
account. No changes have occurred in the group's holdings in its
subsidiaries or the group's structure. The financial reports of
subsidiaries are consolidated row-by-row, by eliminating reciprocal
receivables, liabilities and transactions. Results of affiliated
company (Rävala Parkla AS) are consolidated under equity method, i.e.
only Kaubamaja's share of subsidiary's financial result is reflected
in the group reports. The half-year financial statements are

H1 2000 was a successful one for Tallinna Kaubamaja. The concern's
net sales during the reporting period amounted to EEK 494.5 mln,
providing 14% or EEK 61 mln growth y-o-y (H1 1999: EEK 433.6 mln).
Growth in sales was supported by opening of youth department of
Tallinna Kaubamaja in February this year, and opening of Pirita
Selver in May this year, also by significant growth in reputation of
Kadaka Selver among the consumers. AS A-Selver H1 net sales grew by
34% or EEK 42.5 million on annual basis (ca 25% of which was
contributed by Pirita Selver). In H1 the group earned EEK 16.6
million of net profit, which is EEK 10.2 million more than in H1 1999
(EEK 6.4 million). Substantial increase in profit figure was mainly
from increased sales and active marketing. The client base of most of
the companies in the group has grown.

In H1 the group balance sheet size grew by EEK 244.2 million,
amounting to EEK 621.4 million on 30.06.2000. Growth in balance sheet
size was mainly due to application of new principles of reflection of
value of real estate. Owners' equity account now also includes the
revaluation reserves account in amount of EEK 168.9 mln. As at
30.06.2000 the company's owners' equity account volume was EEK 332.8
mln. Due to revaluation of real estate, also the fixed assets were
discounted in the amount of EEK 5 mln (reflected on income
statement's depreciation of fixed assets account).

Earnings per share stood at EEK 2.45 as at 30.06.2000.

In April the shareholders annual general meeting made the following
- to increase the number of Supervisory Board members;
- elect new Supervisory Board members;
- to appoint PriceWaterhouseCoopers to audit the company's financial
reports in year 2000;
- to pay dividends EEK 1 per share (total EEK 6,778,200).

On May 23 Pirita Selver was opened. Unfortunately the new Selver was
opened during the time period when number of bomb threats made to
service companies grew substantially. During the first month of
operating Pirita Selver received altogether seven bomb threats, which
had a significantly negative effect on the store's reputation among
the customers. For the same reason the company also had to postpone
the launch of Drive-In (ordering of foodstuff via internet) service.
As of today, however, the Drive-In service has been launched.

On July 7 Tallinna Kaubamaja issued discount bonds in total value of
EEK 14.3 mln; the maturity date is 07/12/2001. Proceeds from bond
issue will be used for opening of Järve Selver. Construction of the
building of Järve Selver is in the final stages and on schedule.
Major part of the furniture and equipment for the store has been
ordered; selection of personnel is currently in progress.

Urmo Vallner
Management Board member
+372 64 00 200


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