Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 00:12 (GMT+3)

Reval Hotelligrupp: Commentary to financial results, H1 2000

08.08.2000, Reval Hotelligrupp, TLN


Sales results of Reval Hotels

Compared to H1 1999 the supply of hotel rooms (based on available
rooms per night) on Tallinn hotel market has increased by 13%. In
year 2000 no new hotels have been opened in Tallinn; also no
expansions have made to larger hotels. Last year's rapid growth in
supply of hotel rooms has slowed down, expected to grow ca 6% in year

Demand for hotel rooms, however, has grown rapidly - in H1 2000 the
demand on Tallinn hotel market increased by 19% on annual basis.
The average duration of accommodation has remained at 1.47 days.

Continuous growth in demand is based on the following:
- tight competition on Tallinn hotel market, which has improved the
quality of hotel services and kept the prices low. In H1 2000 the
share of overnight-staying travelers among all tourists visiting
Tallinn has increased
- increased share of tourists from neighboring countries among the
accommodation clients. Share of tourists from Finland is up at 53.3%
(51.4% in 1999). The share of clients from CIS and Baltic countries
has grown for the first time after economic slowdown. The share of
Estonian staying overnight in Tallinn hotels is higher, even though
it has not yet reached the 1997 pre-crisis level.
- continuous improvement of local infrastructure and transportation.
Prices of ferries between Tallinn and Helsinki are continuously
- number of business travelers has grown due to positive economic
growth expectations. Regardless of rapid growth in number of leisure
travelers (mainly from Finland), the share of business travelers has
remained at ca 40% of total accommodation.

Accommodation services sold by the Reval hotels in H1 2000:

Accommodation Rooms per night Average price of
turnover sold room
(EEK thousand) (EEK)
H1 2000 H1 1999 H1 2000 H1 1999 H1 2000 H1 1999

Reval Hotel Olümpia 47,141 46,925 45,708 45,018 1,031 1,042
Reval Hotel Central 15,111 16,311 23,338 23,060 647 707
Park Hotell & Casino 7,731 8,713 10,340 10,683 748 816
Reval Expresshotel(1) 7,213 1,318 14,600 2,522 494 522
Reval Hotels 77,196 73,266 93,986 81,283 821 901

(1) - opened on 31.05.1999

Number of rooms per night sold by Reval Hotels in H1 2000 has grown
by 12,703 rooms per night or + 15.6%. Thus Reval Hotels has retained
its ca 30% market share on Tallinn accommodation services market.

Group financial results

In H1 2000 Reval Hotelligrupi AS consolidated net sales were EEK
117.4 mln (EEK 94.0 mln in 1999), divided between the companies in
the group as follows:

- Reval Hotel Olümpia turnover EEK 89.3 mln (EEK 90.8 mln in 1999);
- Reval Hotel Central turnover EEK 26.3 mln (in 1999 the consolidated
net turnover of Reval Hotelligrupi AS did not include the turnover of
Reval Hotel Central (EEK 27.7 mln), as the company managing this
hotel was bought at the end of 1999);
- sale of management and consultation services: EEK 1.8 mln (EEK 3.2
mln in 1999, incl. Reval Hotel Central management fee in the amount
of EEK 1.5 mln).

Reval Hotelligrupi AS consolidated and unaudited net profit in H1
2000 was EEK 21.9 mln (in 1999 EEK 7.8 mln). The group's net
profit was on expected level.

Major changes have occurred in the group's expense structure and
profitability ratios compared with H1 1999. Gross profit margin
increased from 53.69% in H1 1999 to 59.24% this year, mainly due to
lower expenses resulting from more efficient use of personnel at
Reval Hotel Olümpia. Compared with last year the operating
profitability ratios have remained unchanged: ratio of EBITDA to net
sales is at 36.04% (35.26% in 1999) and operating margin 22.64%
(23.03% in 1999). The dynamics of profitability ratios were
significantly influenced by increased ratio of administrative
expenses to net sales (32.6% in 2000 vs. 26.5% in 1999), mainly due
to amortization of goodwill from purchase of operating company of
Reval Hotel Central. Increase in net profit margin from 8.29% in 1999
to 18.4% in 2000 is due to drop in financial expenses from EEK 11.0
mln in H1 1999 down to EEK 5.1 mln in this year, and amendments to
income tax legislation. Compared with H1 1999 the capital
profitability ratios improved in H1 2000. In order to objectively
evaluate the dynamics of the ratios, one must also consider that as
of the current year the group income statement does not reflect the
income tax expenses, as income tax is payable upon payment of

As a result of capital restructuring processes, which were completed
in the beginning of the current year, the group liquidity ratios have
shown substantial improvement (debt ratio at 1.69 in 2000, compared
with 0.89 in 1999; current ratio at 1.47 in 2000 compared with 1.00
in 1999). After share issue and refinancing of loans in February, the
debt management ratios have reached the level planned in capital
management strategies (equity-to-assets ratio 0.59; working capital

Katrin Rasmann
Tel. +372 62 74 444


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