Pēd. atjaunots: 08.07.2024 00:09 (GMT+3)

Eesti Telekom: Commentary to financial results H1 2000

24.08.2000, Eesti Telekom, TLN


‘A year of changes’

Estonian Telecom, the leading provider of telecommunication services
in Estonia, today announces its half-year results, for the six months
ended June 30, 2000.


· Revenue up 15% to 1,947 mln kroons (US$ 121 mln)
· EBITDA up 17% to 1,032 mln kroons (US$ 64 mln)
· EBITDA margin 53%
· Profit before tax up 31% to 544 mln kroons (US$ 34 mln)
· Earnings per share up 56% to 3.94 kroons (US$ 0.24)
· Net gearing –14%

Commenting on results the Chairman, Toomas Sõmera, said:

“Remarkable progress has been achieved in one of our priorities –
customer orientation, and in the development of internal co-operation
as well as partnerships with other organisations during the first
half of the year. Complex solutions have been launched for our
business customers. The first combined product of the mobile and the
fixed operator has been provided to our private clients.”

For further information please contact:

Raul Kalev
Public Relations +372 627 2466

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager +372 627 2460


Strong growth of Estonian Telecom Group continued in the first half
of 2000 certified by good financial results. Remarkable progress has
been achieved in the development of internal co-operation as well as
partnership with other organisations. Our priority remains to give
better and more flexible service to both existing and new customers
to achieve a competitive advantage under free competition.

Revenue and Expenditure

Total revenue of Estonian Telecom Group in the first half of 2000
amounted to 1,947 mln kroons, up by 15%. Operating expenses of the
Group were 914 mln kroons up by 12%. EBITDA margin of the Group
continued to grow reaching 53% by the end of the half-year (52% in
the first half of 1999 and 51% in 1999 in total).

Total revenue from fixed network services amounted to 1,357 mln
kroons, up by 15%. Local call revenue were the fastest growing part
of the revenue exceeding the corresponding result in 1999 by 29%. The
growth is fuelled by internet dial-up. In June 2000, 38% of the local
call minutes were dial-up minutes. By the end of the first half-year
of 2000 more than 40 thousand customers used the dial-up service
provided by Estonian Telephone Company, the fixed line operator of
Estonian Telecom Group. The company estimates its market share to be
around 50%. Revenue from trunk, international and mobile calls were
up by 2%, 5% and 8% correspondingly. Main line revenue grew by 9% and
other revenue declined by 4%.

Expenses relating to fixed network services amounted to 740 mln
kroons, up by 11%. A factor behind this expenses growth is the
continuing decline in the number of employees. By the end of June
2000, the total number of employees of Estonian Telephone Company had
fallen to 2,541 (2,772 on December 31, 1999). By the end of June
there were 201 main lines per employee, thus exceeding the interim
benchmark of 200.

Depreciation in the fixed network area was 345 mln kroons, up by 7%.

Total operating result of fixed network communications was 272 mln
kroons (192 mln in 1999), up by 41%.

Total revenue from mobile communication services were up by 17% to
919 mln kroons. The revenue growth accelerated in the second quarter
of 2000 when total revenue grew by 19% compared to the same period in
1999. Record number of new customers joined Estonian Mobile Telephone
company, the mobile operator of Estonian Telecom Group in the second
quarter. During the first 3 months of 2000, 15 thousand new
subscribers were gained. During the second quarter of the year the
total number of customers grew by 33 thousand reaching 292 thousand
by the end of June which corresponds to about 63 per cent market
share. 92 thousand customers used the prepaid service. The growing
number of prepaid customers as well as several advantaged facilities
offered to both existing and new customers continued falling trend of
average revenue per user. In June 1999 the monthly ARPU was 589
kroons. By June 2000 it had fallen to 469 kroons.

However, activities attracting new customers accelerated expenditure
growth. Total operating expenses related to mobile communications
amounted to 486 mln kroons, up by 22%. Main reasons for the increase
were marketing costs, including subsidised handsets new subscribers,
and higher staff costs.

Depreciation and amortisation in the segment of mobile communications
amounted to 132 mln kroons, up by 21%. The relatively high growth
results from fastened amortisation of NMT network which the company
intends to close by December 2000.

Total operating result of mobile communications was 301 mln kroons
(281 mln in 1999), up by 7%.

Net Profit

Net profit of Estonian Telecom Group in the first half-year of 2000
amounted to 541 mln kroons. Restructuring of the Group that took
place in the first half of 1999 makes it impossible to compare net
profit of the period with the corresponding period in 1999. Also,
amendments into Income Tax Law which, instead of the taxation of
corporate income, foresees taxation of dividend distributions, fringe
benefits, representation costs and other disbursements, have made net
profits of the two periods incomparable.

Earnings per share in the first half year of 2000 increased by 56% to
3.94 kroons (2.52 kroons per share in 6 months of 1999).


Estonian Telecom Group invested 570 mln kroons in six months of 2000.

One of the most remarkable projects in year 2000 is “Tallinn 100”
(100% digitalisation of Tallinn) in the course of which about 62,000
electromechanical exchanges will be replaced with digital exchanges.
About 50% of the replacements were done by the end of June.
Digitalisation in Estonia in total had risen to 60.5%. By the end of
2000, 70% digitalisation rate is expected. RAS-1000 (development of
radio-link telephone connections) shall be mentioned as another
ongoing investment project in fixed communications area. In total,
there were 35.5 main telephone lines per 100 inhabitants by the end
of June. Fast growing use of mobile phones gives us reason to expect
fixed telephone penetration to stabilise at 38% level.

The majority of investments of the mobile area focus on building and
improving base stations, exchanges and other network equipment.

Changes in Equity

Several changes have taken place in the equity of Estonian Telecom
Group in the first half of 2000.

On May 25, 2000, the Annual General Meeting of Estonian Telecom Ltd.
approved allocation of profit suggested by the Management Board.
According to the decision, 68 mln kroons were transferred into legal
reserves. 549 mln kroons were decided to pay out as dividends, of
which 203 mln kroons as ordinary dividends and 346 mln kroons as
“Anniversary” dividends. EEK 4 per share was paid out to the
shareholders of A-series shares. EEK 10 000 was paid out to the
shareholder of B-series share (the Estonian State). The list of
shareholders, on the basis of which dividends were distributed, was
determined on June 9, 2000. The dividends were paid out on July 12,

Due to the changes in the Income Tax Law, no dividend taxes has to be
paid in year 2000.

Restructuring Equity and Liabilities

The amount of long term interest bearing loans and borrowings fell by
290 mln kroons during the six months of 2000 caused by both regular
and anticipatory repayment of long term bank loans by Estonian
Telephone Company. The centralised Treasury function started from
January 1 2000 at Estonian Telecom Ltd level made it reasonable to
replace a part of external loans with inter-company loans at more
favourable terms. Thus the net financing costs amounted to 10 mln
kroons compared to 31 mln kroons in 1999.

An increase in current liabilities compared to the end of December
1999 results from accrued dividends of Estonian Telecom Ltd in the
amount of 550 mln which were paid out in July 2000.

Net gearing of Estonian Telecom Group as at June 30 2000 was -14% (4%
on December 31 1999). A public bond issue was conducted from July 12
to July 19 2000. In the course of the issue the investors subscribed
for bonds totalling 111 mln kroons. The company decided to approve
the issue at volume 100 mln kroons and at 6.1% annual interest rate.
Maturity date of the bonds issued is July 20 2001. The issue of
Estonian Telecom bonds was the very first securities issue in Estonia
that could be subscribed through the internet.


A court case has been instituted against Estonian Telephone Company
in the amount of 55 mln kroons by an insolvent company OÜ Albufent.
The opinion of the respondent is that the claim is unfounded.
However, if the decision of the court on the issue will be in favour
of the petitioner, OÜ Albufent, no negative effect on financial
results of Estonian Telephone Company will follow, by opinion of the
management of the company.

Changes in Technologies and Services

A wide range of the products and services has been launched by the
operating subsidiaries of the Group in last few years targeted at
better meeting the needs of our clients. However, the technical
character of these products sometimes makes it difficult for the
clients to make the best choice. In the first quarter of 2000
Estonian Telephone Company started to advertise the trademark “et”, a
trademark for telecommunication services and solutions, packages that
relate to fixed telephone and data services, (in co-operation with
Estonian Mobile Telephone Company) mobile telephone services, ISDN
and IN-network based services. The first solution offered under the
trade mark was “Home-Line”; calls at favoured rates between mobile
phones and a fixed phone of a household. By now, telecommunication
solutions for private houses, retailers and small offices have been
worked out integrating voice and data communication services most
likely to be needed by these kinds of clients.

The ratio of data communication revenue has tremendously increased
during the last year. The trend has made the development of data
communication area another priority for Estonian Telephone Company.
On March 1 the company successfully launched its ADSL based broadband
product portfolio. The portfolio consists of three products (ADSL
Light, ADSL Plus and ADSL Premium) and covers most of the market
demand. The company is integrating different technologies in order to
provide advanced communication solutions. The first WEB based VoIP
service “Web-Phone 800” has been launched allowing calls to free-of-
charge numbers from multi-media computers.

Triumphal march of internet has put a seal on activities of Estonian
Mobile Telephone Company as well. In April 2000 the company
introduced a Wireless Application Protocol service for its
contractual clients. WAP offers the possibility of using internet
services through a mobile telephone. It is possible to find
information on foreign currency exchange rates and share prices,
weather reports, etc. In co-operation with other companies, Lexicon
of Foreign Words is provided, bank account balances can be read, etc.
EMT clients can also read their e-mails by phone.

A three-way agreement to create the testing environment for General
Packet Radio Services, named as project WAY was signed by Ericsson
Estonia, Tallinn Technical University and Estonian Mobile Telephone
Company in April. The project shall ensure the competitive advantage
for the company to introduce new packet data services on GSM
infrastructure, when GPRS system will be operational in the beginning
of 2001.

Widening in Co-operation

Limited number of population in Estonia and by western standards
relatively low purchasing power make it hard to maintain high
revenue growth ratios based on traditional telecommunication services
only. Estonian Telecom Group is intending to participate actively in
intertwine of telecommunications area with neighbouring areas of
businesses. Several co-operation agreements have been concluded
during the first half of 2000 aimed at developing and offering
services based on experiences of different fields of activities.

In March 2000, Estonian Telephone Company, Estonian Mobile Telephone
Company together with another Estonian company, Privador Ltd, started
a joint project to analyse the creation of Public Key Infrastructure.
This offers consumers a fast and secure authentication method to
access a number of electronic services, eg forwarding electronic
documents and digital signatures. The PKI is named to be the
cornerstone of information society, allowing users to communicate via
networks and identify each other safely. In May 2000, EMT, ETC and
the major commercial banks in Estonia, Hansapank and Eesti Ühispank,
started a project to develop a joint PKI that allows for the swift
and secure use of several services via telephone and internet.

A three-way agreement to facilitate the implementation of Mobile
Positioning System service in Estonia for Estonian Rescue Board was
signed in April by Estonian Rescue Board, Estonian Mobile Telephone
Company and Ericsson. The positioning services will enable to locate
all callers of emergency number 112 in electronic maps of Rescue
Board emergency centres, enabling to shorten the time between the
call and the help to be delivered. Also, the fleet management
function is close to being offered to the vehicles of Rescue Board,
to automatically choose the nearest vehicle to reach the emergency
spot and to choose the shortest route. The applications software is
jointly created by agreement parties and Regio, the leading
electronic map company of Estonia.

In May 2000 Estonian Telephone Company and Eesti Ühispank started the
final negotiations for the establishment of a separate joint venture
to create the most credible and commonly used internet environment.
The joint venture intends to offer services in all major areas of e-
commerce beyond the parent companies’ main fields of activity. It
intends to provide portal services, mediation services through
various trading environments and client mediation, logistics services
as well as software and IT solutions.

In co-operation with municipal authorities of the two largest towns
in Estonia, Tallinn and Tartu, Estonian Mobile Telephone Company
prepared and launched a new service that allows its clients to pay by
mobile phone for parking their car in those towns. During July 2000,
the first month the service was offered, approximately two thousand
clients used the option.

An e-billing project was prepared by Estonian Mobile Telephone
Company and Hansapank in the first half of 2000. As an outcome of the
project, starting from July 1, 2000, mutual clients of the mobile
operator and the bank were offered the option to subscribe for their
mobile phone bill to go to their hanza.net e-mail box and also to pay
for it by the internet-bank.

Changes in Management Structures

The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Estonian Telecom
elected the company’s new Supervisory Board. Mr. Aare Tark was re-
elected to be Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The new elected Supervisory Board recalled from the Management Board
of Estonian Telecom Ltd. Mr. Mart Nurk who was elected to the
Supervisory Board.

On May 31, 2000 the letter of resignation was submitted by Mr. Toomas
Sõmera, Chairman of the Management Board of Estonian Telecom. The
Supervisory Board accepted the letter of resignation.

Raul Kalev
+372 6460 220


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