Pēd. atjaunots: 26.11.2024 01:28 (GMT+2)
Sales results
In H1 2000 Saku Õlletehas sold more than 26 million liters of beverages,
providing 4% annual increase.
Compared to H1 1999, the sales volume of Saku beers remained on approximately
same level (22.6 liters). Saku market share stood at 49% (2% y-o-y drop),
thus being the largest beer producer in Estonia.
Sales of mineral water and soft drinks grew in H1. In the first half year the
company sold more than 2 million liters of mineral water Vichy Classique,
which is 7% more than in H1 1999. In H1 Saku sold 970 thousand liters of
Pepsi drinks, which is 2.5 times more than in H1 1999. Increased sales of
Pepsi drinks are mainly due to transfer of sales responsibility for Pepsi
beverages to Saku Õlletehas in the beginning of this year, along with more
targeted sales and marketing support activities.
Relatively modest increase in sales and consumption of beer, mineral water
and soft drinks in Estonia were mainly due to cooler than average weathers in
this spring and summer.
Financial results
Currently only the group's parent company, Saku Õlletehase AS, operates
In H1 2000 Saku Õlletehas group net sales amounted to EEK 365.9 mln,
providing EEK 20.8 mln or 6% annual increase. The group's expenses (EEK 332.8
mln) increased 8%.
The group's operating profit amounted to EEK 38.6 mln, remaining unchanged
from H1 1999. The group's H1 net profit was EEK 39.2 mln (26.6% increase from
H1 1999). In H1 the group's earnings per share were EEK 4.91 (26.9% increase
from H1 1999.
As changes were made to the Estonian income tax law, effective as of
01.01.2000, the profit figures of H1 2000 are not comparable with the
respective results from H1 1999.
Ruth Roht
Public Relations Manager
+372 65 08 303