Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 10:11 (GMT+3)

Pro Kapital: Commentary to group financial results, H1 2000

29.09.2000, Pro Kapital Grupp, TLN


The H1 2000 unaudited balance sheet, income statement and commentary
to the financial results of AS Pro Kapital Group, published via the
information system of the Tallinn Stock Exchange on 29.09.2000,
include the consolidated and unaudited results of the group.

The group's consolidated financial reports are compiled in line with
the principles of International Accounting Standards (IAS).
Consolidated financial reports include the results of subsidiary
concerns where AS Pro Kapital holds at least 20% of shares or votes
represented with shares. Consolidated financial reports of the
subsidiary concerns include the results of companies, where the
respective parent companies hold at least 20% of shares or votes
represented with shares.

Consolidated financial reports include the results of subsidiary
concerns Pro Kapital Eesti, Pro Kapital Latvia and Pro Kapital
Vilnius. The group reports also reflect the assets and liabilities of
Italian subsidiary concern Domina Hotel e Comproprieta Alberghiere.

The group income statement does not include the income statement of
Domina subsidiary concern since based on the accounting principles
applied upon consolidation, AS Pro Kapital Grupp gained control over
its subsidiary concern's revenues and expenses only at the end of H1.

AS Pro Kapital Grupp H1 2000 consolidated and unaudited net sales
were EEK 118.6 million, where Pro Kapital Eesti consolidated net
sales stood at EEK 84.4 mln and Pro Kapital Latvia consolidated sales
at EEK 34.2 mln.

The group's consolidated net sales figure reflects the sales prices
of real estate objects for which notarial sales agreements have been
made, real estate rental services, real estate related consultations
and management and administration services. The turnover figure also
reflects the sales prices of real estate objects sold under finance
lease agreements.

AS Pro Kapital Grupp H1 2000 consolidated and unaudited net profit
was EEK 0.8 million, where Pro Kapital Eesti consolidated net loss
stood at EEK 3.1 mln, Pro Kapital Latvia consolidated net profit at
EEK 5.0 mln, and Pro Kapital Vilnius consolidated net profit at EEK
1.1 mln.

The result of Pro Kapital Eesti is lower by amortization of goodwill
in the amount of EEK 4.9 million, shown on the income statement
account of general administrative expenses, in accordance with
principles of IAS.

The preliminary sales agreements that are not calculated into H1
turnover figure (not in line with the criteria for accounting of
turnover) had a negative impact on the consolidated results of the
subsidiary concerns. Also the companies that own real estate objects,
which are conserved or in development stages and thus lack sales
income to cover the administrative expenses, impacted negatively the
daughter concerns' consolidated results.

The financial expenses grew on annual basis by EEK 10.4 mln. On the
group's financial expenses account (EEK 17.5 mln), the interest
expenses account for EEK 16.7 million. Growth in interest expenses
was mainly due to EEK 6.8 million calculated interest from bonds
issued by AS Pro Kapital Grupp, and higher interest payments due to
additional loans taken by the companies in the group.

AS Pro Kapital Grupp consolidated balance sheet volume grew to
EEK 2,124.9 mln by the end of H1 2000, up from EEK 1,041.2 mln as at
31.12.1999. Substantial changes took place on the group's assets,
liabilities and equity accounts due to acquisition of Domina
subsidiary concern in H1 2000. More detailed review of changes in the
group's financial statements from the aforementioned transaction are
provided in Pro Kapital Group H1 intermediary report.

Ilona Saari
Management Board member
+372 614 4924


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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