Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 19:11 (GMT+3)

Saku Õlletehas: Resolutions of shareholders' annual general meeting

02.04.2001, Saku Õlletehas, TLN


1. Approval of 2000 annual report

Resolution: To approve the 2000 annual report

2. Profit allocation

Resolution: To approve the proposal for profit allocation
and the amount paid to net dividends as follows:

Net profit: EEK 73,955,035
Amount to be allocated between shareholders: EEK 40,000,000
(dividends EEK 5 per share)

To pay the dividends from the retained earnings of 1994-1999.
To increase retained earnings by the net profit for 2000
of EEK 73,955,035.

Resolution: To approve the order of dividend payments as follows:
According to the Rules and Regulations of the Tallinn Stock
Exchange, the list of shareholders entitled for dividend payments
for 2000 financial year will be determined in accordance with the
shareholders' list at Estonian Central Depository for Securities as
of 15th stock exchange day after the day of AGM at 8:00 a.m.

Dividend payments will be made not later than on 02.05.2001.

3. Amendments to Articles of Association

Resolution: To amend Articles of Association and approve the new
wording as follows:

Current wording New wording

5.1.1. The Supervisory Board 5.1.1. The Supervisory Board plans
plans the Company's activity, the Company's activity, incl.
incl. approval of long-term approval of long-term strategic
strategic plans, next year's objectives, next year's budget
business plan and budget. and investments.
5.1.5. The Supervisory Board 5.1.5. The Supervisory Board
approves the Rules and performs supervision over the
Regulations for the Management Management Board's activity.
Board and performs supervision
over the Management Board's
5.2. first article: 5.2. first article:
The Supervisory Board of the The Supervisory Board of the
Company consists of 5 to 7 Company consists of 3 to 5 members.
5.2. second article: 5.2. second article:
Election of the Supervisory Election of the Supervisory Board
Board members is carried out members is carried out by the
by the Company's Annual General Company's Annual General Meeting
Meeting of shareholders for of shareholders for three-year terms.
one-year term. A person to be A person to be elected member of
elected member of the the Supervisory Board has to present
Supervisory Board has to present a written consent.
a written consent.
6.3. second article: 6.3. second article:
Members of the Management Board Members of the Management Board are
are selected by the Supervisory selected by the Supervisory Board for
Board for one-year term. three-year terms. A person to be elected
A person to be elected member member of the Management Board has to
of the Management Board has to present a written consent.
present a written consent.
6.3. sixth article: 6.3. sixth article:
Relationships between Relationships between Management Board
Management Board members and members and work allocation is determined
work allocation is determined by the Management Board decision, to be
by the Rules and Regulations, approved by the Supervisory Board,
to be approved by the if necessary.
Supervisory Board.

4. Recalling and election of Supervisory Board members

Resolution: To recall all members of the Supervisory Board:
1. Andres Erm
2. Lars Vegard Vonen
3. Karl Anders Torell
4. Vesa Eero Isohanni
5. Jaak Leimann

Resolution: To elect 4 members to the Supervisory Board.

Resolution: To elect the following members to the Supervisory Board:
1. Andres Erm
2. Lars Vegard Vonen
3. Vesa Eero Isohanni
4. Jaak Leimann

Resolution: To remunerate the Supervisory Board members in year 2001
in total amount of up to EEK 100 000.

The exact terms of remuneration will be determined on Supervisory Board
meeting along with review of results for 2000 and annual report
completed by the Management Board.

5. Appointment of auditors

Resolution: To appoint 2 auditors for period of 1 year (until next AGM).
To appoint Andres Root and Andris Jegers of KPMG Estonia to audit
the company's financial statements in year 2001.

Resolution: To remunerate the auditors in accordance with the price
list of KPMG Eesti and respective agreement to be concluded.

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 508 303


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