Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 01:00 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: commentary to financial results, Q1 2001

27.04.2001, Hansapank, TLN


All figures in this announcement are in euros. The EEK/EUR exchange
rate is 15.6466.

Hansabank Group’s consolidated unaudited result for the first quarter
of 2001 was a net profit of EUR 26.2 million. As of March 31 the
Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 3.10 billion.

The Group’s consolidated assets grew by 39.9% year-on-year (from March
2000 to March 2001), totalling EUR 3,102.4 million. The growth
originated from two items – customer deposits and debt securities.
Clients’ deposits increased by 41.5% yoy, amounting to EUR 1.95
billion at the end of March. Of the total growth 53% originated from
Estonia, 24% from Latvia, 9% from Lithuania and 14% from the
acquisition of Ventspils UBB in the second quarter of 2000. During the
past 12 months time deposits have recorded a significantly higher
growth rate (66%) compared to demand deposits (30%), which has
increased their share in total deposits by 5.5% to 37.8%.
The volume of foreign funding increased by 49.6% yoy to EUR 0.57
billion at the end of March. The volume of debt securities issued by
the group increased 3.9 times to EUR 0.26 billion as a result of a EUR
150 million Eurobond issue launched in March 2000 and a EUR 70 billion
issue launched in February 2001.

The Group’s shareholders’ equity increased by 19.5% to EUR 0.41
billion as of March 31. The shareholders’ equity was increased by the
net profit of the period and decreased by the dividends paid during
2000. At the end of the period the Group’s total capital adequacy was
16.8% (Tier I 15.8%).

The Group’s loan portfolio increased by 42.3% yoy, amounting to EUR
1.85 billion at the end of March. The loan to deposit ratio stood at
95.3% at the end of the period. Regionally the portfolio’s annual
growth and size at the end of the period can be split as follows:
Lithuania +139% to EUR 0.19 billion, Latvia +68% to EUR 0.44 billion,
Estonia + 27.4% to EUR 1.20 billion and other + 22.3% to EUR 0.02
At the end of March 2001 the loan loss reserve formed 2.40% of total
loan portfolio (2.45% in the beginning of the year). At the same time
the volume of loans overdue more than 60 days (NPLs) amounted to EUR
11.9 million, forming 0.64% of the Group’s loan portfolio.

The volume of liquid assets (cash and cash reserve, dues from other
banks, treasury securities and repos) increased by 51.0% to EUR 0.92
billion at the end of March, forming 29.7% of total assets. One year
ago the respective ratio stood at 27.3%.

Hansabank Group’s consolidated unaudited profit for the first quarter
of 2001 was EUR 26.2 million.
The results of the five business units were the following: Hansabank
Estonia EUR 8.46 million, Hansabanka EUR 1.62 million, Hansabankas EUR
–0.13 million, Hansa Capital EUR 8.44 million, Hansabank Markets EUR
7.57 million and other (support activities not directly related to any
business unit) EUR 0.26 million. These results are not comparable to
the results of the respective legal entities (AS Hansapank EUR 14.84
million, a/s Hansabanka EUR 2.14 million, AB bankas Hansabankas EUR
–0.03 million and AS Hansa Capital EUR 8.79 million.)

Interest income increased by 46.2% compared to the first quarter of
2000, totalling EUR 64.5 million, at the same time interest expense
increased by 64.9% to EUR 27.7 million. As a result net interest
income increased by 34.7% to EUR 36.9 million.
Loan and leasing interest revenues form EUR 79.0 million of total
interest income. Their volume increased by 36.3% from last year,
falling slightly short of the portfolio’s growth rate (42.3%). The
difference is caused by decreasing risk margins – the average yield of
the portfolio decreased to 10.90% from 11.28% in last year’s first
quarter. Interest income from repos increased 9.4 times yoy to EUR 1.3
million. During the first quarter of this year these instruments were
used for liquidity management whereby their volume increased 26.8
times compared to March 2000.

Under interest expense the cost of client deposits amounted to EUR
15.7 million. Of this EUR 1.8 million were payments to the Deposit
Guarantee Fund. During one year, interest expense on deposits has
grown by 52.4%. The fairly rapid growth is caused by the rising share
of time deposits in total funding. Interest paid for foreign funding
(loans and deposits from other banks and debt securities) increased by
40.7% compared to the first three months of 2000, amounting to EUR 8.0
million this year. The growth comes from two larger bond issues
whereby interest expense on securities has increased by 145.5% yoy.
Compared to the first quarter of 2000 the average yield of interest
earning assets decreased by 99bp to 9.02%. At the same time the cost
of interest bearing liabilities increased by 8bp to 3.91% whereby the
spread decreased by 108bp to 5.11%. The Group’s net interest margin
remained almost unchanged, decreasing by 7bp 4.90%. Despite falling
lending margins, NIM was supported by rising euro-rates and the
recovered loan growth.

Fees and commissions received during the first quarter amounted to EUR
17.4 million, exceeding previous year’s same period result by 23.4%.
The growth originated from two sources. Fees from transfers increased
by 45.8% yoy to EUR 3.9 million. A significant part of the growth came
from Latvian Hansabanka, which respective fees more than doubled
(+110.2%) to EUR 1.5 million. This item was also positively influenced
by the growing number of transfers made in the Internet bank. Compared
to the first quarter of 2000 the number of transfers made in hanza.net
in Estonia increased by 67.4% to 1.94 million. At the end of March
Hansabank Group had already over 275,000 Internet bank users. Fees
from bank cards increased by 51.9% yoy to EUR 4.4 million. Again, the
result was significantly influenced by Hansabanka, which respective
fees increased by 75.4%. The largest fees item – fees from issuing
loans, leasing and guarantees amounted to EUR 4.5 million during the
first quarter of 2001 (growth of 26.7%).
Fees and commissions paid increased by 14.7% yoy to EUR 3.7 million.
The largest growth rates on the expense side were recorded by fees
paid for settlements, which increased by 67.2% to EUR 1.3 million and
by card services, which respectively grew by 21.1% to EUR 1.0 million.
Net service fees increased by 26.0% to EUR 13.7 million compared to
last year’s first quarter.

Trading income for the Group totalled EUR 7.6 million in 2001, down by
19.7% from last year’s first quarter. Due to negative market
sentiments most of the sub-items (investment and trading portfolios,
derivatives) recorded a decrease. Only income from foreign exchange
increased by 9.2% to EUR 6.2 million.

The Group’s total revenues amounted to EUR 61.2 million in the first
quarter of 2001, exceeding previous year’s same period result by
24.3%. The revenue distribution for the period was the following:
60.3% net interest income, 22.4% net fee income, 12.4% trading income,
and 4.9% other income.

Operating expenses totalled EUR 32.0 million for the period,
increasing from previous year's same period by 23.4%.
Of total expenses 40.9% was formed by personnel expenses (annual
growth of 32.2%), 18.6% by administrative expenses (annual growth of
5.4%), 19.6% by other expenses (incl. goodwill amortisation) (annual
growth of 20.6%), 14.8% by depreciation (annual growth of 24.0%), and
6.0% by IT expenses (annual increase of 42.7%).
In the first quarter of 2001 the Group’s cost-income ratio (before
provisions) was 46.7% and the ratio of operating expenses to total
assets was 4.26%.

Loan and guarantee provisions increased by 105.9% from last year’s
first quarter, amounting to EUR 7.8 million during the first three
months of 2001. Actual loan write-offs amounted to EUR 5.74 million
and actual recoveries were EUR 5.73 million.

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 613 1569


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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