Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 01:05 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Hansa Capital's financial results, Q1 2001

30.04.2001, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights
3 m 2001 2000 3 m 2000
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Total assets 13 813.0 12 794.4 8 623.8
Financial Investments 12 044.4 10 961.9 7 380.6
Leasing 9 734.5 8 864.9 6 273.5
Factoring 1 480.4 1 394.1 645.4
Loans 464.9 421.1 369.2
Assignment 91.6 106.2 54.7
Consumer Factoring 273.0 175.6 37.8
Provisions -358.8 -342.3 -284.7
Debt capital 12 071.2 11 288.0 7 515.1
Equity 949.9 770.0 487.9
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Net interest income 161.4 485.7 105.2
Net commission income 43.4 160.7 26.6
Other operating income (net) 21.9 55.5 13.4
Total operating income 226.7 702.0 145.2
Net profit 137.5 395.8 90.1
NIM 4.9% 4.9% 5.1%
ROA 4.2% 4.0% 4.4%
ROE 28.4% 24.6% 27.3%
Interest yield on average assets 10.8% 10.9% 11.3%
Cost income ratio 24.9% 31.7% 31.7%
Net risk cost 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
Number or employees 443 412 340

Hansa Capital Group’ s net profit in the first quarter of 2001 was
137.5 million kroons. As of March 31, the Group’s total assets
amounted to 13,812.5 million kroons. Hansa Capital with it´s 55%
market share is the leading leasing and factoring company in the

During the first quarter Hansa Capital Group’s total assets grew by 1
018.3 million kroons or by 8.0%. The main source of growth were
leasing and factoring receivables, which increased in all three Baltic

The Group’s financial investments increased by 1,082.5 million kroons
(9.9%) during first quarter, totalling 12,044.4 million kroons at the
end of March. Of the total growth 36.5% originated from Lithuania,
36.5% from Estonia and 26.1% from Latvia.

The largest share of the Group’s financial investments as at the end
of the year was formed by Estonian portfolio (61.7%), followed by
Latvia (19.7%) and Lithuania (17.1%). Compared to the beginning of the
year, the geographical structure of assets shifted in favour of Latvia
and Lithuania. As at the end of March, the largest credited sector was
transport (21.7%), followed by real estate management and other
business services (18.9%), and private individuals (15.0%). Compared
to the beginning of the year, the share of the transport sector has
risen mainly on the account of wholesale, retailing and industry

Total new sales during first quarter was 623.3 million kroons. From
total leasing new business 60.9% came from Estonia, 22.9% from Latvia
and 16.2% from Lithuania. The Group’s leasing portfolio increased by
9.8% compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to 9,734.5
million kroons at the end of March. The leasing portfolio distribution
by assets was as follows: real estate – 27.5%, passenger cars – 25.1%,
commercial vehicles – 20.0%, equipment – 18.6%, and other assets –
3.2%. Compared to the beginning of the year, the share of real estate
has increased mainly on the account of commercial vehicles.

Group’s Estonian leasing market share by total portfolio decreased by
0.8% to 67.2% by the end of March (compared to the 68% at the
beginning of the year). The Group’s Latvian estimated market share
stayed at the same level - 42% and Lithuanian estimated market share
was 43%. Hence the Group is the market leader in all three Baltic

The Group’s factoring portfolio increased by 6.2% to 1,480.4 million
kroons during first quarter, factoring turnover totalled 2,250.6
million kroons.

The Group’s ego consumer finance (consumer factoring) portfolio
reached 273.0 million kroons as at the end of March, having grown from
the beginning of the year 97.3 million kroons.
The Group’s assignment portfolio decreased by 14.6 million, and loan
portfolio increased by 43.9 million kroons during the first quarter.

The Group’s interest-bearing liabilities increased by 6.9% to 12,071.2
million kroons as at the end of the quarter. The largest share of
liabilities (88.4%) was formed by loans from parent company.
The Group’s total revenue increased during first quarter by 53.6%
compared to the same period previous year, amounting to 223.0 million
kroons. The revenue distribution was the following: 72.4% net
interest income, 19.5% net fee income, and 8.1% other income.

Provisions charged to income amounted to 14.5 million kroons, at the
same time actual write-offs amounted to 15.3 million kroons and
recoveries were 5.5 million kroons. The Group’s net risk cost has
stayed at the same level, forming 0.5%. At the end of the March the
volume of leasing receivables overdue more than 60 days amounted to
112.9 million kroons, forming 1.2% of the Group’s leasing portfolio.

The Group’s operating expenses increased by 43.0% compared to the
previous year, amounting to 56.0 million kroons. The largest share of
operating expenses – 32.8 million kroons – was formed by personnel
expenses (growth compared to the last year first quarter was 52.2%).
The number of employees of the Group increased by 7.5% to 443 as at
the end of the March. The Group’s office expenses totalled 7.3 million
kroons (growth of 44.1%), IT expenses totalled 1.5 million kroons
(growth of 28.0%) and marketing expenses totalled 2.7 million kroons
(growth of 20.2%). The Group’s cost-income ratio before provisions was
24.9% (the Group’s target was to lower the cost-income ratio to 30%).

The Group’s net interest margin was 4.9%, return on assets 4.2% and
return on operating equity 28.4% in first quarter, 2001.

Additional information:
Jaak Raid
Financial Analyst
Tel +372 6131 230
E-mail Jaak.Raid@hansa.ee

Agnes Makk
Head of marketing
Tel +372 6131 730
E-mail Agnes.Makk@hansa.ee

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569


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