Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 15:14 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Hansa Capital's financial results, 6m 2001

24.08.2001, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights
6 m 2001 2000 6 m 2000
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Total assets 15 399,6 12 794,4 9 873,6
Financial Investments 13 222,7 10 961,9 8 400,0
Leasing 10 555,3 8 864,9 7 082,6
Factoring 1 675,7 1 394,1 882,4
Loans 542,9 421,1 290,3
Assignment 100,4 106,2 83,6
Consumer Factoring 348,4 175,6 61,1
Provisions -300,4 -342,3 -311,8
Debt capital 13 371,4 11 288,0 8 489,4
Equity 1 211,0 770,0 588,0
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Net interest income 324,7 485,7 209,3
Net commission income 98,3 160,7 69,9
Other operating income (net) 40,2 66,7 30,7
Total operating income 463,2 713,1 309,9
Net profit 369,5 395,8 196,6
NIM 4,7% 4,9% 4,8%
ROA 5,3% 4,0% 4,5%
ROE (Return on used equity*) 36,3% 24,6% 27,6%
Interest yield on average assets 10,5% 10,9% 10,9%
Cost-income ratio (before 25,5% 31,7% 27,3%
Net risk cost** 0,2% 0,5% 0,5%
Number or employees 467 412 363
* return on operating equity = net income/(average risk-weighted
assets x 15%)
** net risk cost = (write-offs – recoveries)/average financial

Hansa Capitali Group’s net profit for the first half year of 2001 was
369,5 million kroons. As at the end of June 2001 Group’s total assets
amounted to 15 399,6 million kroons.

During the first half year Hansa Capital Group’s (henceforth Group)
total assets grew by 2 605,2 mln kroons (or 20,0%). Group’s financial
investments grew by 2 260,8 mln kroons (20,6%) during the first half
year totalling 13 222,7 mln kroons, which is 1,6% more than budgeted.
Leasing portfolio grew by 19,1% during the first half year and
factoring portfolio grew by 20,2%. Compared to same period last year
factoring turnover has grown by 2,02 bln kroons (or 2,22 times). Most
of the total growth has come from Latvia and Lithuania where the
growth rates are far faster than in Estonia. In the geographic
division of financial investments, Estonia still forms the largest
share with 60,9% from Group’s financial investments; followed by
Latvia with 20,4% and Lithuania with 17,3%, Ukraine and Russia with
1,4%. Compared with the beginning of the year and also as at the end
of first quarter 2001 Estonia’s share has decreased and Latvian and
Lithuanian shares have increased, which is a positive aspect from the
Group’s point of view.

As at the end of June 2001 the largest credited sector was
transportation (21,5%), followed by real estate management and other
business services (19,6%) and private individuals (15,4%). In leasing
portfolio divided by object type the largest share belongs still to
real estate (27,8%), followed by passenger vehicles (25,3%), machinery
and equipment (19,0%). Compared to the beginning of the year there is
a noticeable trend towards the increase of home leasing share in real
estate crediting.

Group’s Estonian leasing and factoring market share has increased
slightly during the first half year forming 64,6%. Group’s Latvian
market share increased during first half year from 39,1% to 44,7%.
Group’s Lithuanian market share was 47,0% as at the end of first half

There has been a noticeable growth in consumer factoring portfolio
during the first half year of 2001, forming 348,4 mln kroons as at the
end of June; growth during first half year was 172,8 mln kroons. The
growth came mostly from strong sales of the EGO card – during first
half year there over 24 000 new consumer factoring contracts have been
sold. During first half year EGO card portfolio grew by 190 mln kroons
and a part of that growth came from a decrease of the existing
consumer factoring products portfolio. Group’s consumer factoring
portfolio forms 17,2% of total private individual’s portfolio, which
compared to the European Union’s average is at the same level (16-17%)
and so proves the fact that there is no sign of a consumer boom in

In the second quarter Group started to offer the following new
products: operating lease of office equipment – it provides
flexibility, customers can upgrade their equipment at any time to take
advantage of new features and improved performance; car hire-purchase
this became possible because of the change in legislation. Car hire-
purchase is beneficial to those car sellers, who are not VAT
registered: the VAT is added to monthly payments in case of financial
leasing, in case of car hire-purchase VAT is not added. In Latvia and
Lithuania people are getting more interested in operating lease
solutions, primarily in vehicles operating lease.

As at the end of June Group had overdue receivables in amount of
1219,3 mln kroons, from which 75% were overdue less than 30 days, 18%
31-60 days and 7% over 60 days. Overdue receivables made 9,2% of the
average loan portfolio. In May Group changed provisioning principles –
the HBG’s principles were applied also for Hansa Capital Group credit
portfolio. Because of that provisions were decreased and income
increased by 62,3 mln kroons in May.

Partly because of the mentioned reason (includes an extraordinary
increase in revenues) the ROA and ROE ratios are comparatively higher
compared with last year and same period preceding year. Compared to
the same period preceding year there has been a noticeable increase in
interest income from consumer factoring and factoring. There has been
a noticeable increase in factoring and insurance commissions.
Communication and personnel expenses recorded the largest growth among
operating expenses.

Additional information:

Märten Kress
Financial Analyst
Tel: +372 6131 926
E-mail: Marten.Kress@hansa.ee

Erika Saks
Head of Marketing
Tel: +372 6131 735
E-mail: Erika.Saks@hansa.ee

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569


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