Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 19:18 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: consolidated unaudited financial results, 9 months 2001

23.10.2001, Hansapank, TLN


- net profit growth 58.0%, operating profit (before provisions)
growth 17.0%
- successful start of the LTB integration process
- asset growth 53.4%
- ROE 27.5%
- EPS 1.45 euros
- improved recovery of loan write offs, net risk cost 0.15%
- largest internet bank in Estonia (286,000 customers) and in
Latvia (60,000 customers), in total 352,000 internet banking customers

All figures in this announcement are in euros. The EEK/EUR exchange
rate is 15.64664.

Hansabank Group completed the first 9 months of 2001 with a net profit
of EUR 85.8 million, representing a 58.0% increase on the 2000 first 9-
month result. At the same time the Group operating profit before
provisions increased by 17.0%. The Group earnings per share
(annualised) increased to 1.45 euros. Return on equity was 27.5% and
return on assets was 3.2%. The Group EVA result for the first 9 months
of the year was EUR 45.3 million, which is 50.5% more than in the
respective period last year. The Group’s results were influenced by
improving asset quality on the one hand and growth in business volumes
on the other.

Hansapank Group’s EUR 85.8 million net profit can be divided between
the five business units as follows: Hansabank Estonia EUR 35.8
million, Hansabanka EUR 6.7 million, Hansabankas and LTB EUR 0.1
million, Hansa Capital EUR 31.3 million, and Hansabank Markets EUR
17.9 million and other (operations, which are not directly linked to
any business unit) EUR –6.0 million. These results are not comparable
to the results of the respective legal entities (AS Hansapank EUR 41.3
million, a/s Hansabanka EUR 8.3 million, AB bankas Hansabankas EUR 0.2
million, LTB EUR 1.5 million (June-September result) and AS Hansa
Capital EUR 34.1 million.) Of the total result EUR 26.2 million was
earned in the first quarter, EUR 32.2 million in the second quarter
and EUR 27.3 million in the third quarter.

As a result of good leasing growth, interest income increased by 29.0%
(excluding LTB) from last year’s same period. The Group’s net interest
margin decreased to 4.57% at the end of September. LTB’s respective
ratio (June-September) was 2.88%. Excluding LTB, the Group’s net
interest margin would have been 4.76%. Non-interest income growth was
6.3% (excl. LTB) in the 9 months of 2001. The main reason behind the
slow growth was a 16.4% decrease in trading revenues. The Group’s
total revenues totalled EUR 207.8 million in the first 9 months of
2001. The revenue distribution was the following: 59.2% net interest
income, 24.0% net fee income, 10.4% financial income, and 6.4% other
Operating expenses totalled EUR 119.1 million for the period,
increasing from previous year's same period by 19.3%. Of total
expenses 43.0% was formed by personnel expenses, 17.6% by
administrative expenses, 20.3% by other expenses (incl. goodwill
amortisation), 13.7% by depreciation, and 5.4% by IT expenses.
At the end of September 2001 the Group’s cost-income ratio (before
provisions) was 51.6% (46.4% excl. LTB) and the ratio of operating
expenses to total assets was 4.0%.

In the 9 months of 2001 the Group’s loan and guarantee losses totalled
EUR 12.8 million. During the three quarters of 2001 the Group wrote
off loans worth EUR 14.7 million (EUR 16.7 million during 9 months of
2000) while recoveries totalled EUR 12.5 million (EUR 6.4 million
during 9 months of 2000). The Group’s net risk cost during the 9
months of 2001 was 0.15%.

The Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 4.30 billion at the end of
September. The Group’s assets increased by 6.4% in the first quarter
of the year, by 12.1% in the second quarter and decreased by 2.6% in
the third quarter. The third quarter result (in Latvia and Lithuania)
was significantly influenced by USD depreciation. The Group’s loan
portfolio grew by 31.3% (excl. LTB). The third quarter saw a slow-down
in Hansabank’s growth rates, in particular in Estonia, where loan
growth decreased to 24.7% and deposit growth to 16.0%. We see better
growth potential in Latvia and Lithuania where the respective growth
rates were 24.9% and 48.1% for loans and 24.3% and 80.2% for deposits
(all excl. LTB).

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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