Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 01:23 (GMT+3)

Norma: Consolidated income statement Q4 and Y2001

24.01.2002, Norma, TLN


EEK in thousands,unaudited
01.10.01- 01.01.01- 01.10.00- 01.01.00-
31.12.01 31.12.01 31.12.00 31.12.00

Net sales 245 706 815 920 176 389 634 171
Cost of goods sold* 188 034 580 205 124 954 410 215
Gross profit 57 672 235 715 51 435 223 956
Marketing expenses 5 706 23 601 6 463 22 739
Administrative and general exp. 9 596 32 116 9 409 33 469
Product development expenses 5 081 18 871 5 723 19 487
Bad debt provision -5 135 -1 839 8 045 2 382
Other income 734 7 048 8 207 13 484
Other expenses 680 2 910 3 900 7 009
Operating profit 42 477 167 103 26 102 152 354
Financial income 2 836 13 122 2 978 8 531
Financial expenses -106 355 1 098 3 436
Profit before taxes 45 419 179 870 27 982 157 449
Provision for taxes 0 2 232 0 0
Net profit 45 419 177 638 27 982 157 449

Earnings per share in kroons 3.44 13.46 2.12 11.93

*Compared to the earlier presented statements in the current
report several production related expenses, such as production
planning and management, health and safety, personnel management
and material acquisition cost, are recorded as cost of good
sold instead of general and administration cost.

AS Norma
Consolidated income statement Q4 and Y2001
EUR in thousands, unaudited
01.10.01- 01.01.01- 01.10.00- 01.01.00-
31.12.01 31.12.01 31.12.00 31.12.00

Net sales 15 703 52 147 11 273 40 531
Cost of goods sold* 12 018 37 082 7 986 26 217
Gross profit 3 686 15 065 3 287 14 313
Marketing expenses 365 1 508 413 1 453
Administrative and general exp. 613 2 053 601 2 139
Product development expenses 325 1 206 366 1 245
Bad bedt provision -328 -118 514 152
Other income 47 450 525 862
Other expenses 43 186 249 448
Operating profit 2 715 10 680 1 668 9 737
Financial income 181 839 190 545
Financial expenses -7 23 70 220
Profit before taxes 2 903 11 496 1 788 10 063
Provision for taxes 0 143 0 0
Net profit 2 903 11 353 1 788 10 063

Earnings per share in EUR 0.22 0.86 0.14 0.76

*Compared to the earlier presented statements in the current
report several production related expenses, such as production
planning and management, health and safety, personnel management
and material acquisition cost, are recorded as cost of good
sold instead of general and administration cost.

Peep Siimon
Chairman of the Board


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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