Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 05:07 (GMT+3)


01.03.2002, Sampo Pank, TLN

Sampo Pank FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/01/2002


All figures in this announcement are in euros. The EEK/EUR
exchange rate is 15.64664.

Balance sheet analysis

At the end of 2001 the Group had total assets of EUR 345,1
million, a rise of 25.7 per cent or EUR 70,3 million,
generated largely by an increase in client deposits, which
is the main funding source for the Group.


The share of the Group's loans to clients has increased of
the Group's assets in 2001. Total assets grew largely on
the account of the loan portfolio. At the end of 2001, the
gross loan portfolio amounted to EUR 204,5 million or 59.1
per cent of the Group's total assets, an increase of 41.4
per cent or EUR 60.1 million over the year
Outstanding private company loans totalled EUR 153,3
million at the end of 2001, an increase of 30.8 per cent or
EUR 36.7 million. Loans to private persons experienced an
annual growth of 97.5 per cent or EUR 21.0 million, to EUR
42.4 million.

At the end of 2001, the reserve for possible loan losses
represented 4.3 per cent of the gross loan portfolio,
compared to 4.5 per cent in 2000. During 2001,
uncollectible loans were written off at EUR 1.4 million,
while EUR 0.5 million was recovered from the write-offs of
previous years. Loan provisions made in 2001 totalled EUR
3.4 million. The percentage of overdue loan payments in the
gross loan portfolio accounted for 0.8 per cent, compared
to 0.9 per cent at the end of December last year. Overdue
loans comprised 19,1 per cent of the reserve for possible
loan losses in 2001, compared to 20.9 per cent in 2000.

Client deposits

Client deposits continued to grow at an accelerated growth
rate in 2001. The annual increase in the total volume of
client deposits amounted to EUR 70.3 million (57,4 per
cent) in 2001, compared to EUR 33.2 (35.8 per cent) in
2000. Time deposits increased by EUR 38.6 million or 64.1
per cent, while demand deposits grew by EUR 33.6 million or
51.2 per cent.

Total demand deposits can be mainly accounted for the
growth in the volume of current accounts of both private
persons and private companies, which altogether increased
by 48.6 per cent or EUR 31.1 million. The rise in time
deposits was principally generated by the growth in the
time deposits of insurance and financial institutions, EUR
22.8 million or 308.9 per cent respectively.

Time deposits of private persons with the Group grew 22 per
cent or EUR 5.3 million and demand deposits 99.4 per cent
or EUR 9.8 million in 2001. In 2001 private company demand
deposits increased to EUR 76.7 million, a growth of 39.4
per cent or EUR 21.3 million. The growth rate of private
company time deposits was more modest in 2001, amounting to
16.1 per cent or EUR 4.3 million.

Of total deposits, an equal share of 50.0 per cent or EUR
95.9 million was derived from demand as well as time


In the year 2001, the Group's equity increased by 58.6 per
cent or EUR 9.0 million due to EUR 2.6 million of profit
earned and due to additional EUR 6.4 million received from
the issue of shares with a premium, sold to the parent
company Sampo plc. At the end of 2001, the Group's equity
accounted for 7.0 per cent of total assets, compared to 5.6
per cent in December 2000. The Group's capital adequacy was
16.4 per cent at the end of 2001, compared to 13.4 per cent
in December 2000.

Income statement analysis

At the end of 2001, the Group reported a profit of EUR 2.6
million. The Group's return on equity was 13.2 per cent,
return on assets was 0.8 per cent and the ratio of cost/
income was 71.0 per cent.

The Group's total income increased by 34.6 per cent or EUR
8.4 million over the year, while interest income grew by
45.5 per cent and non-interest income by 13.7 per cent.
This led to the increase of the share of interest income in
the Group's total income. In 2001 interest income accounted
for 71.1 per cent of total income, while in 2000 the
respective percentage was 65.7 per cent. Of 2001 total
income, 16.8 per cent was derived from fees and
commissions, 7.8 per cent from foreign exchange
transaction, 1.1 per cent from transactions in securities
and 3.6 per cent from other income.

Interest income and expenses

In 2001, total interest income of the Group totalled EUR
23.3 million, a rise of 45.5 per cent over the year. In
2001, interest expenses of the Group amounted to EUR 11.8
million, an increase of 45.4 per cent over the year. Net
interest income totalled EUR 11.5 million in 2001, a growth
of 45.6 per cent or EUR 3.6 million over the year.

In 2001, average return on interest earning assets
decreased by 0.3 percentage points or 7.8 per cent.
Interest expenses on interest bearing liabilities
experienced a decline of 0.2 percentage points or 4.3 per
cent. In 2001 the Group's interest spread was 3.6 per cent
and the interest margin represented 3.5 per cent, compared
to 3.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent respectively, a year

Non-interest income

The Group's non-interest income amounted to EUR 9.5 million
in 2001, an increase of 13.7 per cent or EUR 1.1 million
over the year. The non-interest income structure of the
Group remained largely the same as in the prior year. In
2001, fees and commissions income and foreign exchange
income represented the biggest shares of 58.2 per cent and
27.1 per cent, respectively, of non-interest income
(compared to 57.2 per cent and 34.8 per cent in 2000). In
the year under review, fees and commissions income
increased by 15.6 per cent or EUR 741.4 thousand, while
foreign exchange income decreased by 11.5 per cent or EUR
332.3 thousand, mainly caused by a decrease in margins.

In 2001, of fees and commissions income, fees and
commissions earned from cash and banking operations
accounted for 41.6 per cent, arrangement fees from
loan/borrowing and guarantee agreements represented 27.0
per cent, fees from card transactions 11.2 per cent and
fees and commissions from investment services accounted for
5.1 per cent.

Fees and commissions from banking operations decreased by
4.4 per cent or EUR 89.5 thousand over the year.

In the year 2001, similar to 2000, fees and commissions
income from card transactions experienced highest growth
rate of 51.4 per cent or EUR 210.9 thousand extra,
totalling EUR 619.9 thousand at the end of the year.

Fees and commissions income from cash operations declined
by 7.7 per cent or EUR 34.2 thousand.

Fees and commissions income received from investments
management increased almost four times, totalling EUR 281.2
thousand at the end of the year.

Supported by an increased credit demand both by private
persons as well as companies, the number of guarantee and
loan agreements doubled over the year, which resulted in a
growth of 1.4 per cent or EUR 447.3 thousand in the
arrangement fees income received from these agreements.

Income from securities accounted for 1.6 per cent of the
Group's total income. In 2001, the short-term securities
investment and trading portfolio yielded a profit of EUR
294.0 thousand (EUR 389.9 thousand in 2000), while the
long-term investment portfolio produced a profit of EUR
89.5 thousand (compared to a loss of EUR 581.6 thousand in

Non-interest expenses

The Group's non-interest expenses grew in line with
increasing business volumes. In 2001, non-interest expenses
jumped 30.0 per cent to EUR 3.1 million. At the same time
cost efficiency also grew. In 2001 the Group's non-interest
expenses accounted for 4.2 per cent from the Group's
average assets and 41.6 per cent from total income,
(compared to 4.6 per cent and 43.1 per cent, respectively,
in 2000).

Personnel expenses, including salaries, fringe benefits and
social security payments, totalled EUR 6.0 million and
represented the biggest share of the Group's non-interest
expenses (i.e. 44.1 per cent) in 2001. The Group's
personnel expenses were 26.7 per cent or EUR 1.3 million
higher than the prior year. The growth was mainly caused by
both increased number of personnel and higher salaries. The
Group's personnel expenses accounted for 18.3 per cent of
total income and 1.9 per cent of average assets, while in
2000 the same percentages were 19.5 per cent and 2.1 per
cent, respectively.

The Group's business travelling and training expenses
increased by 92.3 per cent or EUR 153.4 thousand during the
year, principally due to an increased volume of personnel
training activities.

Paid commissions and fees experienced a growth of 6.4 per
cent or EUR 83.1 thousand over the year. Fee expenses from
card transactions experienced greatest growth. It was
mainly related to a growth in the volume of card
transactions performed by clients.

The largest expense items in other administrative expenses
were communication and data processing expenses (comprising
25.3 per cent of this total) and room rent and
administration expenses (22.0 per cent of this total).
Communication and data processing expenses increased by 4.1
per cent or EUR 51.1 thousand and room rent and
administration expenses grew by 23.9 per cent or EUR 204.5
thousand over the year. The latter increased due to the
growth of the volume the Group's business activities as
well as the expansion of the branch network. Of other
administration expenses advertising expenses grew most (2.6
times), principally resulting from an extensive marketing
campaign arranged and the introduction of the Group's
trademark in 2001.

Anneli Rõuk
PR manager
+372 6302103


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