Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 17:01 (GMT+3)


29.05.2002, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Saku Õlletehas FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/29/2002


Saku Brewery Group ended the first quarter with net sales of
EEK 136.1m (EUR 8.7m), a 7 percent increase on the same
period of 2001. The contribution of self-produced beers,
cider and returnable bottles increased. In the local market,
sales of canned products and multipacks continued climbing.
Operating profit for the first quarter amounted to EEK
730,000 (EUR 47,000), an improvement of EEK 1.2m as the
first quarter of 2001 ended with an operating loss of EEK
505,000 (EUR 32,000). Profitability improved because sales
strategies were adjusted to seasonal fluctuations in the
sales of different product groups.
In quantitative terms, sales amounted to 9.6 m litres, a 3.4
percent increase on the first quarter of 2001. Exports
accounted for 8 percent of the total. The main export
markets were Finland, Latvia and Lithuania. Smaller
quantities were exported to the USA and Japan. Results
improved, above all, on account of an increase in the sales
of the Rock line and soft drinks.
In April, sales of self-produced beers shot up in connection
with the renewal of the Brewery’s primary brand Saku
Originaal, and the month ended with sales of 4.7m litres.
Revitalisation of the brand led to a more than two-fold
increase in Saku Originaal bottles product sales, compared
to March, and a 42 percent increase on the figure attained a
year ago. The upgrading of Saku Originaal allowed Saku beers
to increase their share in the segment of premium beers to
almost 70 percent.
In the first quarter of 2002, Saku Brewery increased its
market share to 45 percent, an increase of a percentage
point on the same period of 2001. In April the company’s
market share increased by a further 3 percentage points to
48 percent, an improvement of a percentage point on the
corresponding period of 2001.
In the Estonian beer market, demand varies by season. In the
first quarter the best sales results are attained in the
sector of extra strong and low price beers, in the second
and third quarters in the sector of premium beers and in the
fourth quarter also in the sector of extra strong and low
price products including seasonal groups of wintertime as
porters and dark beers. Saku Brewery has positioned itself,
above all, as a producer of premium beers. Therefore, the
largest sales are always attained and market share always
increases in the second and third quarters, which are high
season for premium beers, and in the fourth quarter when
porters and dark beers rise. The segment of premium beers is
going to be a growing market in Estonia and a product group
is profitable.
Saku Brewery’s expenses for the first quarter amounted to
EEK 136.9m (EUR 8.7m), 5 percent up on a year ago. Expenses
grew mostly on account of an increase in input costs such as
materials, power and services. Personnel expenses increased
in connection with a scheduled adjustment of wages and
salaries, which was conducted at the beginning of 2002 with
a view to ensuring their competitiveness.
On 31 March 2002, the Brewery’s total assets stood at EEK
401,458,000 (EUR 25,657,000), a figure comparable to the one
of a year ago.
The main financial ratios were the following:

2002 2001
first first
3 3
months months
Operating profit to net 0.5 % -0.4 %
Net profit to net sales 0.5 % -0.5 %
Average debtors’ days 20 19
Average creditors’ days 15 12
Inventory turnover ratio 1.6 1.4
Current ratio 3.3 3.7
Quick ratio 1.1 1.1
Debt ratio 12.2 % 11.3 %
Return on assets 0.17 % -0.17
Return on equity 0.19 % -0.19%
Non-current asset turnover 0.5 0.5
Total asset turnover ratio 0.3 0.3

In 2002 Saku Brewery will continue investing in production
facilities and development of the organisation. At the end
of the first quarter, additions to non-current assets,
investments in progress and prepayments for non-current
assets totalled EEK 15.6m (EUR 995,000). All investments
were internally funded. To date, the company has invested in
additional lab equipment, new bottle filling equipment and
fermenting tanks (April) and development of the can filling
line (May). The objective of investment is to ensure
sufficient output for the summer season and stable quality
in combination with high operating efficiency.

(In thousands) EEK EUR
31.3.02 31.3.01 31.12.01 31.3.02 31.3.01 31.12.01

Adjuste Adjuste Adjuste Adjuste
d** d* d** d*
Cash and bank 3 227 4 400 20 199 206 281 1 291
Shares and other 3 908 3 907 250 250
Trade receivables 30 422 24 561 29 157 1 944 1 570 1 863
(Note 2)
Other receivables 3 794 1 386 2 100 243 88 134
and prepayments
(Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 92 283 95 087 77 441 5 898 6 077 4 949
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 129 726 129 342 132 804 8 291 8 266 8 487

Non-current assets
Long-term financial 16 718 13 800 17 300 1 068 882 1 106
investments (Note 5)
Long-term 164 335 186 10 21 12
receivables (Note 6)
Intangible assets 674 184 747 43 12 48
(Note 7)
Tangible assets 254 176 243 284 249 142 16 245 15 549 15 923
(Notes 7, 8)
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 271 732 257 603 267 375 17 366 16 464 17 089
TOTAL ASSETS 401 458 386 945 400 179 25 657 24 730 25 576

Current liabilities
Debt obligations 1 580 1 557 1 714 101 100 110
(Note 8)
Trade payables 23 585 17 279 22 314 1 507 1 104 1 426
Payables to the 563 818 36 52
Tax liabilities 11 426 13 308 12 123 730 851 775
(Note 9)
Payables to 2 590 2 446 3 329 165 156 213
Other accrued 41 028 1 879 379 2 622 120 24
TOTAL CURRENT 80 772 37 287 39 859 5 161 2 383 2 548

Non-convertible debt 3 106 3 885 3 412 199 248 218
(Note 8)

Share capital 80 000 80 000 80 000 5 113 5 113 5 113
Capital reserve 8 000 8 000 8 000 511 511 511
Other reserves 44 070 44 070 44 070 2 817 2 817 2 817
Accumulated profits 184 838 214 362 169 786 11 813 13 700 10 851
Profit for the 672 -659 55 052 43 -42 3 518
TOTAL EQUITY 317 580 345 773 356 908 20 297 22 099 22 810
TOTAL LIABILITIES 401 458 386 945 400 179 25 657 24 730 25 576

** - Adjusted for the change in the accounting for kegs.
* - Adjusted for the change in the valuation of finished goods
and the accounting for kegs.

(In thousands) EEK EUR

January- January- 2001 January-January- 2001
March March March March
2002 2001 2002 2001
Adjusted Adjusted* Adjusted Adjuste
** ** d*
Net sales (Note 10) 136 148 127 128 745 937 8 701 8 125 47 674
Change in work in progress and
finished goods 1 142 2 449 555 73 156 35
Other revenue (Note 12) 340 176 660 22 11 42
Total revenue 137 630 129 753 747 152 8 796 8 292 47 751

Expenses (Note 13)
Materials, consumables 89 038 84 385 477 494 5 690 5 393 30 517
and supplies
Other operating 24 014 22 752 115 920 1 535 1 454 7 409
Personnel expenses 12 131 11 330 48 097 775 724 3 074
Depreciation 10 514 10 504 42 831 672 671 2 738
Other expenses 1 203 1 287 6 761 77 82 432
Total expenses 136 900 130 258 691 103 8 749 8 324 44 170

OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS 730 -505 56 049 47 -32 3 581

Financial income (Note 98 75 433 6 5 28
Financial expenses 156 229 1 430 10 15 91
(Note 14)

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 672 -659 55 052 43 -42 3 518
Income tax expense
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 672 -659 55 052 43 -42 3 518
Basic earnings per 0,08 0,00 6,88 0,01 0,00 0,44
share (Note 15)
Diluted earnings per 0,08 0,00 6,88 0,01 0,00 0,44
share (Note 15)

** - Adjusted for the change in the
accounting for kegs.
* - Adjusted for the change in the valuation of
finished goods and the accounting for kegs.

Kristina Seimann
PR manager
+372 6508 303


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