Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 09:14 (GMT+3)


06.02.2003, Eesti Telekom, TLN

Eesti Telekom FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/06/2003 09:00


6 February 2003


Eesti Telekom, the leading provider of telecommunication
services in Estonia, hereby announces its results for the
financial year ending 31 December 2002.

Financial highlights
2002 2001 Change, %
Total revenues, mEEK 4,625 4,285 8
EBITDA, mEEK 2,131 1,931 10
EBITDA margin, % 46 45
EBIT, mEEK 1,130 795 42
EBIT margin, % 24 19
Profits before taxes, 1,131 810 40
Net profits for the 1,039 799 33
period, mEEK
EPS, EEK 7.57 5.67 33
No. of A- shares 137,383,178 137,383,178
Investments, mEEK 627 953 -34
Net gearing, % -23 -9
ROA, % 24 18
ROE, % 30 22

Commenting on these financial results, Chairman Jaan Männik

"Year 2002 was a good year."

For further information, please contact:

Krister Björkqvist +372 6272 465

Hille Võrk +372 6272 460
Financial Manager

Revenues, expenses, and profits

During 2002, consolidated revenues of the Eesti Telekom
Group amounted to 4,625 mln EEK, showing an increase of 8%,
compared to 2001. Mobile communication was the main growth
area. At the same time, fixed data communication revenues
were also growing fast. Operating expenses were 2,494 mln
EEK, up by 6%. The growth results from higher costs of
materials and services. Personnel costs were down by 4%,
compared to 2001. The EBITDA of the Group was 2,131, up by
10%. The EBITDA margin was 46% (2001: 45%). Depreciation was
12% lower than a year ago, amounting to 1,001 mln EEK. A
strong and positive cash flow has led to positive net
financing costs to the extent of 6 mln EEK (2001: -12 mln
EEK). Income tax on dividends, paid in 2002, amounted to 91
mln EEK (2001: 31 mln EEK). The net profit of the Eesti
Telekom Group in 2002 was 1,039 mln kroons, or 7.57 EEK per
share (2001 respectively 779 mln EEK and 5.67 EEK).

The results of 2001 and 2002 were influenced by the
following extraordinary factors:

2002 2001
Total revenues AS Eesti Telefon sold
property with a
capital gain of 63
mln EEK. The gain was
accounted as "other
Total expenses AS Eesti Telefon
released a 46 mln EEK
reserve related to
the OÜ Albufent
Income from AS Eesti Telefon sold
associates its ownership in AS
Teabeliin. 33 mln EEK
of profit was
accounted as income
from associates.
Depreciation AS Eesti Telefon made
a 94 mln EEK write-
off, accounted as

The consolidated revenues of the Eesti Telefon Group in 2002
were 2,627 mln EEK, down by 9% compared to 2001. Operating
expenses amounted to 1,667 mln EEK, down by 16%. The EBITDA
of the Group was 960 mln EEK, up by 10%. The EBITDA margin
rose remarkably - from 31% in 2001 to 37% in 2002. The
EBITDA margin of the parent company even reached 40%. The
Eesti Telefon Group earned 286 mln EEK of net profit during

The decrease of the revenues of the Eesti Telefon Group was
caused by the parent company of the Group. The total
revenues of AS Eesti Telefon amounted to 2,392 mln EEK, down
by 11%. This decrease was caused by lower voice
communications revenues. Domestic call revenues were down by
18%, international call revenues were down by 7%. The fall
resulted from a tightening of the market - more and more
domestic calls are made by mobile phones instead of fixed
phones. Revenues from calls from fixed to mobile networks
were 8% lower, and Internet dial-up revenues were 42% lower.
The decrease in voice communications revenues resulted
mainly from lower mobile transit revenues. Starting 2002, a
large part of mobile calls went directly from the network of
one operator to the network of another (interconnection
costs were down as well). Main line revenues of AS Eesti
Telefon were up by 20%. Revenues from the Internet and data
communications were up by 73%.

The decrease of the operating expenses resulted mainly from
lower mobile transit costs. Lower number of employees also
led to significantly lower personnel costs - down by 8% in
the Eesti Telefon Group and down by 13% at AS Eesti Telefon.
The number of Eesti Telefon Group employees fell in 2002
from 2,045 employees, at the end of 2001, to 1,999 employees
by the end of 2002. The number parent company employees fell
from 1,552 to 1,420.

Intensity of the competition between fixed operators, that
started in 2001 with the opening up of the market, decreased
in 2002. There is now more actual competition with the
mobile operators. The market shares of AS Eesti Telefon have
stabilised. As of the end of 2002, the company estimates its
share of total call minutes to be 89% (2001: 91%), of
domestic call minutes 88% (90%), of international call
minutes 70% (70%), of fixed to mobile minutes 75% (75%) and
of Internet dial-up minutes 95% (96%).

Subsidiary companies of the Eesti Telefon Group, as opposed
to the parent company, reported growth in 2002. Optimisation
of the customer service and sales network in AS Telefonipood
resulted in a 12% growth in the operating revenues and with
a 39% growth in the EBITDA in 2002. The operating revenues
of the Connecto Group (AS Connecto and SIA Connecto Latvia)
were up by 23%. The EBITDA of the Connecto Group was up by
48%. A framework agreement for the construction of networks
was concluded in December 2002 between SIA Connecto Latvia
and Latvia’s largest telecommunications company SIA
Lattelekom. In accordance with the concluded agreement,
Connecto Latvia will begin to plan and construct
Lattelekom’s fibre-optic and copper cable based
telecommunications networks. The agreement offers SIA
Connecto Latvia the possibility to develop in the area of
fixed networks, through the provision of planning and
construction services. AS Connecto acquired the ISO
certificate in 2002. Possessing the certificate is almost a
standard precondition for participation in biddings for
government contracts.

The total revenues of the EMT Group, in 2002, amounted to
2,457 mln EEK, up by 11%. The operating expenses of the
Group were 1,260 mln EEK, up by 10%. The EBITDA of the Group
was 1,197 mln EEK and the EBITDA margin was 49%. The net
profit of the EMT Group in 2002 was 856 mln EEK, up by 13%
compared to 2001.

The total revenues and the operating expenses of the parent
company, AS EMT, were up by 9% and 6% respectively. Revenues
from SMS and data had the highest growth-rate, exceeding the
corresponding figure in 2001 by 35%. Revenues from prepaid
cards grew also significantly, by 21%. Revenues from
domestic and roaming calls were both growing. Revenues from
monthly fees remained at the same level as in 2001. The
expenditure growth was mainly caused by interconnection

The number of customers of AS EMT reached 427,500 by the end
of 2002. The company had 280,300 contractual customers and
147,200 prepaid-card users. The client base grew by 44,800.
The net growth of contractual customers was 24,600, and the
net growth of pre-paid card users was 20,200. By the
Communications Board estimates, mobile penetration in
Estonia reached 61% by the end of September 2002. The
market share of AS EMT should be around 50%. The monthly
ARPU in December 2002 was 423 EEK, and the average for 2002
was 437 EEK (December 2001: 439 EEK, 2001 average: 452 EEK).
The fall in ARPU, in December 2002, was caused by several
year-end campaigns and the applying of favourable rates in

The number of EMT Group employees grew from 384, at the end
of 2001, to 406, by the end of 2002. The number of parent
company employees grew from 293 to 295.

Balance sheet and cash flow

At the end of 2002, the total assets of the Eesti Telekom
Group amounted to 4,437 mln EEK (end of 2001: 4,236 mln
EEK). Non-current assets were reduced, from the beginning of
the year, by 384 mln EEK. Current assets were up by 586 mln
EEK. Current and non-current interest bearing loans were
reduced by 82 mln EEK. By the end of 2002, net debt of the
Group amounted to -907 mln EEK, and net gearing was -23%.

The balance of the cash and cash equivalents of the Eesti
Telekom Group grew by 499 mln EEK during 2002. Net operating
cash flow was 1,890 mln EEK (2001: 1,739 mln EEK). Cash
outflow into investing activities was 534 mln EEK (2001: 903
mln EEK). Cash outflow into financing activities was 858 mln
EEK (2001: 982 mln EEK). Dividends were paid out to the
shareholders in the amount of 756 mln EEK:


The Eesti Telefon Group invested 334 mln EEK in 2002 (2001:
495 mln EEK). The number of main lines in use at the end of
December was 465,121 (a penetration of 34.2 lines per 100
people). The net decrease in the number of main lines was
36,600. The abandoned lines were mainly analoge lines of
residential customers. The number of business lines
increased by more than 1,200. The number of lines per
employee was 328. 13,600 new ADSL connections were installed
during 2002. The total number of Atlas ADSL connections was
30,482 at the end of December 2002 (a penetration 2.2
connections per 100 people).

In May 2002, AS Eesti Telefon made the Eurovision Song
Contest visible and audible for the whole World.
International communication possibilities with 36 European
countries, television transmission, communication solutions
for the press-centre and for over 1,000 people at the
concert hall were provided. State of the art
telecommunication solutions - wireless Internet, web-
transmission of the concert to the clients having permanent
Internet connections in Estonia - were used in parallel with
the more traditional ones.

In September 2002, an important stage was completed in the
establishing of a nationwide fibre-optic cable backbone
network, and all county centres were connected to the
network. This network is based upon the cable-circuits
principle. Therefore, in case of a possible technical
failure, network traffic is automatically redirected, and
the connection is not interrupted.

At the end of November 2002, Eesti Telefon established up a
new nationwide data communication network. The speed of the
new network exceeds the previous one by 64 times. The
network is based upon DWDM (dense wavelength division
multiplex) technology. This technology improves the quality
and flexibility of the data communication.

In February 2002, the Eesti Telefon Group expanded through
the acquisition of a new firm. So as to extend its
activities beyond Estonia, AS Connecto, a subsidiary of the
Group, acquired 100% of the shares of the network
construction company SIA Connecto Latvia (previously SIA
Link), which operates in Latvia.

The EMT Group invested 294 mln EEK in 2002 (2001: 456 mln
EEK). The majority of investments made by EMT went into base
stations and exchanges, and IT systems. GPRS roaming was
offered to clients in neighbouring countries. It became
possible to pay for public transit fares with m-payments. At
the end of the year, the EMT electronic self-service bureau
was redone.

In December 2002, AS EMT and AS Eesti Telefon together
launched a nationwide wireless Internet connection. This
system offers high-speed connection in WiFi (Wireless
Fidelity) areas and slower connections everywhere in Estonia
through GPRS. And clients desiring extra security can make
use of the Virtual Private Network (IP-VPN) service.

Both subsidiary companies of the Eesti Telekom Group
invested an additional 5 mln EEK into AS

Changing the telecommunication landscape

Fixed communication
AS Eesti Telefon expects major changes in the Estonian
telecommunications sector in 2003. During the last decade,
attention was concentrated on getting rid of the waiting
list, digitalisation, voice communication quality, rate
rebalancing. In the coming years, data communication and IP-
based transmission will have the highest priority. Based on
the results of Eesti Telefon, the revenues from Internet and
data communication have multiplied during the last couple of
years. The capacity of the international data communication
connections of the company grew threefold in 2002, exceeding
the capacity of the voice communication connections for the
first time. The new DWDM network enables the capacity to be
expanded dozens of times.

Mobile communication
For five years already, the Estonian mobile communications
market has been shared by three operators - AS EMT,
Radiolinja, and Tele2. In August 2002, two new operators
announced their intention to enter the market. Each of the
current operators has built it’s own physical network. The
newcomers will act as virtual network providers. One of the
new operators, OÜ Vetrelson Haldus, plans to start bulk
purchases of call minutes from other operators. These
minutes will be used for introducing new services to the
Estonian market. But this newcomer had not actually started
its operations by the end of 2002. The second new operator,
Citygsm, will launch a prepaid-card at the beginning of
2003, making use of Radiolinja’s existing network. The
prepaid-card will make it possible to use all services
offered to contractual customers. The company hopes to
attract up to 20,000 customers.

The issuing of the third generation mobile network licenses
has been repeatedly postponed in Estonia. 2003 is the next
likely deadline. According to a project being debated in the
Riigikogu (Parliament), four third generation licenses would
be issued for a ten-year period. At the first stage, a
direct offer would be made to the existing licensed mobile
operators in Estonia, with a fee of 70 mln EEK per license.
The second stage would be an auction of the licenses not
issued during the first stage, with an initial price of 70
mln EEK per license. A precondition for the licensee would
be the obligation to establish, within seven years of the
issuing of the license, a third generation network
encompassing at least 30% of the Estonian population.

However, it is the opinion of the management of AS EMT, that
for a small market like Estonia, four licenses are too many.
If four licenses are issued, the capacity of the frequency
band of each operator would be quite limited, leading to a
lower efficiency of investments, and to higher prices for
the final consumers.

Relations with state regulators

Fulfilment of the obligations arising from the agreement for
the termination of the concession agreement
On 29 December 2000, the agreement for the termination of
the concession agreement was concluded between the Republic
of Estonia and AS Eesti Telefon. The agreement regulates
some aspects of the relationship between the company and the
state until 1 January 2004. With the agreement, AS Eesti
Telefon accepted an obligation to ensure that 95% of the
applications for telephone connections submitted to AS Eesti
Telefon after 28 February 2003 will be satisfied within two
weeks of the payment of the invoice, and to eliminate by 28
February 2003, at the latest, the waiting list of those who
had submitted applications before the concluding of the

In 2001 and 2002, AS Eesti Telefon invested 17.3 mln EEK
into the elimination of the aforementioned waiting list. By
the end of 2002, the waiting list of subscribers resulting
from applications received before the end of 2000, had been
reduced from 24,290 to 200. The remaining 200 applications
are expected to be taken care of at the beginning of 2003.
New applications for a fixed phone connection are fulfilled
within 10 business days in 98% of the cases.

Being named an SMP enterprise
On 18 November 2002, the Communications Board declared AS
EMT to be an operator with significant market power (SMP),
for 2003, in the public mobile telephone service market. The
Communications Board justified this SMP declaration with the
statement that the EMT national market share exceeded the
level established by the competition assessment procedures
-- at least 25% of the turnover of the public mobile
telephone services market. For the year 2002, AS EMT was
also declared to be an operator with significant market
power in the public mobile telephone service market

On November 18, the Communications Board declared AS Eesti
Telefon to be an operator with SMP for 2003 in the public
telephone service market, public leased line service market,
and public interconnection service market. The
Communications Board based the determination of operators
with significant market power for 2003 on the market shares
of 2001. The market share of AS Eesti Telefon amounted to
89.22 per cent of the turnover of the telephone services
market, 72.84 per cent of the turnover of the leased line
service market, and 59.02 per cent of the turnover of the
interconnection service market in 2001. For the years 2001
and 2002, AS Eesti Telefon was also declared to be as an
operator with significant market power in the public
telephone service market, public leased line service market,
and public interconnection service market

Litigation with the Estonian Competition Board
On 24 April 2001, the Competition Board issued a precept,
based on the Competition Act, prohibiting Eesti Telefon from
levying a per-minute rate of 34 senti at peak time, 28 senti
at off-peak time, and 14 senti at night for voice calls in
its network. The Competition Board thereby instructed Eesti
Telefon to levy rates lower than those which it had
established on 1 April 2001. Eesti Telefon is of the opinion
that the basic price of 14 to 34 senti, for calls within the
network, is cost-based. Therefore, Eesti Telefon disagreed
with the precept of the Competition Board, and contested it
in court in May 2001. The first and the second level courts
made their decisions in favor of AS Eesti Telefon and the
Competition Board appealed to the Supreme Court, which, on
December 18, annulled the earlier judgments and forwarded
the case to the Administrative Court for revision. The
Supreme Court found that the precept of the Competition
Board regarding minute rates of the voice communication
services within a network is inadequate for making the final

judgment. The Administrative and the Circuit Court had,
according to the Supreme Court, not assessed all pieces of
evidence. The Supreme Court considered it necessary for the
Administrative Court to use the assistance of the
Communications Board when revising the case.

Reducing termination fees of calls made into mobile networks
The Communications Board started procedures in November 2002
to reduce the termination fees of calls made into mobile
networks. The Board analysed interconnection fees of the
mobile operators and came to the conclusion that the
operators have not based their charges on a reasonable
profit percentage, as determined by the Telecommunication
Act. The profit share in the interconnection charges of
Estonian operators significantly exceeds the corresponding
share in the charges levied by operators of other countries.
The opinion of the Communications Board is that lower
interconnection charges would improve the quality of mobile
calls made from abroad to Estonia, and would lead to lower
retail rates. On January 31, 2003, AS EMR announced its
intention to reduce the termination fee from March 1, 2003
from the current 3.06 EEK/min to 2,90 EEK/min, and the
discounted termination fee from the current 2,80 EEK/min to
2,75 EEK/min.

Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of AS Eesti
Telekom took place on 17 May 2002. The meeting approved
Annual Report 2001, and the proposal for the allocation of
the net profits. It was decided that the owners of A-shares
would be paid dividends of 5.50 EEK per share (a total of
756 mln EEK, or 97% of the net profits of 2001). The owner
of the B-share was paid dividends in the total amount of
10,000 EEK. The list of shareholders entitled to dividends
was fixed on 5 June 2002, and the dividends were paid out on
19 June 2002.

The General Meeting authorised AS Eesti Telekom to acquire,
within one year, AS Eesti Telekom A-series shares, so that
the total nominal value of own shares held by AS Eesti
Telekom does not exceed the legal limits; and so that the
price payable per share does not exceed the highest price
paid for an AS Eesti Telekom A share on the Tallinn Stock
Exchange, on the day of acquiring the shares. Any possible
share buy-back must be approved by the AS Eesti Telekom
Council. No share buy-backs have taken place to date.

Changes in the ownership structure

On 26 March 2002, Sonera of Finland and Telia of Sweden, the
strategic partners of AS Eesti Telekom, announced that they
are planning to merge. On 9 December 2002, the merger took
place, and the merged company continued its operations under
the name TeliaSonera.

TeliaSonera owns 49% of the shares of AS Eesti Telekom. In
accordance with the shareholders agreement, concluded in
December 1998, the company has agreed not to acquire in
excess of 49% of the issued shares prior to the fifth
anniversary of the agreement becoming effective, or the date
on which the government’s holding of shares falls below 10%.

Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian
kroons (EEK)

2002 2001
Net sales 4,467,322 4,154,438
Change in work-in-progress 742 529
Capitalized self-constructed 65,384 87,112
Other revenue 91,736 42,461
Total revenue 4,625,184 4,284,540

Operating expenses
Materials, consumables, 1,437,637 1,290,730
supplies and services
Other operating expenses 500,733 494,962
Personnel expenses 512,880 534,754
Other expenses 42,756 33,118
Total expenses 2,494,006 2,353,564

Profit from operations 2,131,178 1,930,976
before depreciation and

Depreciation and 1,001,191 1,135,661

Profit from operations 1,129,987 795,315

Income/ expenses from -5,519 26,828
subsidiaries and associated
companies (net)
Other net financing items 6,148 -11,719

Profit before tax 1,130,616 810,424

Income tax on dividends 91,298 30,932

Profit after tax 1,039,318 779,492

Minority interest 0 557

Net profit from ordinary 1,039,318 778,935

Net profit for the period 1,039,318 778,935

Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share (in 7.57 5.67
Diluted earnings per share 7.57 5.67
(in kroons)
Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian
kroons (EEK)

2002 2001

Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 962,763 464,217
Trade receivables, net 427,595 403,324
Other receivables 16,995 10,716
Accrued income 125,082 99,242
Prepaid expenses 69,705 28,158
Inventories 93,082 104,013
Total current assets 1,695,222 1,109,670

Non-current assets
Long term financial assets 27,058 26,464
Tangible assets, net 2,672,669 3,043,869
Intangible assets, net 42,541 56,139
Total non-current assets 2,742,268 3,126,472

TOTAL ASSETS 4,437,490 4,236,142

Current liabilities
Interest bearing loans and 35,705 88,166
Customer prepayments 2,879 9,237
Accounts payable to 244,259 260,932
Other payables 0 168
Tax liabilities 29,496 32,697
Accrued expenses 188,813 152,644
Provisions 16,086 17,482
Prepaid revenue 1,464 10,350
Total current liabilities 518,702 571,676

Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing loans and 19,761 49,115
Other long-term payables 0 0
Total non-current 19,761 49,115

Issued capital 1,373,833 1,373,833
Share premium 309,964 309,964
Statutory legal reserve 137,384 137,384
Retained earnings 1,038,553 1,015,235
Net profit for the period 1,039,318 778,935
Foreign exchange -25 0
Total equity 3,899,027 3,615,351

TOTAL EQUITY AND 4,437,490 4,236,142

Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian
kroons (EEK)

2002 2001
Cash flow from operating
Profit before tax and 1,130,616 810,424
minority interest
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 1,001,191 1,135,661
Profit/loss from sales -54,748 1,473
and write-off of fixed
Income/ expense from 5,519 -26,828
subsidiaries and
Profit (-) / loss (+) 0 7,823
from revaluation of
Interests income/ -16,582 -3,070
expense, net
Other non-cash -254 -309
Operating profit before 2,065,742 1,925,174
working capital changes

Change in current -84,794 -56,615
Change in inventories 12,022 45,210
Change in current -3,592 -159,419
liabilities (except
Adjusted cash generated 1,989,378 1,754,350
from operations
Interest paid -7,663 -15,179
Income tax paid -91,298 0
Net cash flow from 1,890,417 1,739,171
operating activities

Cash flow from investing
Purchase of tangible -592,518 -914,606
Purchase of licenses -33,682 -35,928
Purchase of shares, -10,000 -21,996
investments and other
Proceeds from sales of 85,421 11,426
tangible assets
Proceeds from sales of 0 0
Proceeds from sales of 0 43,500
Loans granted -425 -4,770
Cash receipts from 60 84
repayment of loans
Dividends received 96 181
Interest received 16,736 19,487
Net cash flow from -534,312 -902,622
investing activities

Cash flow from financing
Proceeds from convertible 484 440
long-term debt
Repayment of convertible -10 -15
long-term debt
Repayment of unsecured 0 -100,000
short-term bonds
Proceeds from 543 7
nonconvertible long-term
Repayment of -5,952 -5,223
nonconvertible long-term
Repayment of long-term -79,238 -105,038
Proceeds from finance 0 0
lease liabilities
Payment of finance lease -17,769 -16,629
Proceeds from short-term 0 78,233
Repayment of short-term 0 -78,233
Dividends paid -755,617 -755,617
Net cash flow from -857,559 -982,075
financing activities

Net increase / - decrease 498,546 -145,526
in cash and cash

Cash and cash equivalents 464,217 609,743
at beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents 962,763 464,217
at end of period

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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