Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 07:07 (GMT+3)


03.03.2003, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/03/2003


Sales and export
The consolidated net sales of AS Harju Elekter for the 12 months of 2002 were
EEK 271.2m/EUR 17.3m (EEK 195.5m/EUR 12.5m in 2001). The sales increased by
38.7% compared to the previous year. The sales of the parent company amounted
to EEK 189.7m/EUR 12.1m (EEK 168.8m/EUR 10.8m in 2001), which is 12.4% more
than in 2001.
Sales on the Estonian market amounted to EEK 150.5m/EUR 9.6m, implying a 29.3%
growth and forming 55.5% of the total net sales (59.6% in 2001). Owing to
increased demand on the building market, domestic sales of electrical
equipment increased 35.9% over the year; intermediation sales of various
electrical products increased 22.8%, i.e. by EEK 7.9m/EUR 0.5m, of which EEK
4.2m/EUR 0.3m was attributable to the Tartu electrical equipment store that
was opened in April.
Sales on export markets increased 1.5-fold. The share of foreign markets in
consolidated net sales grew to 44.5% in 2002 (40.4% in 2001). Sales on the
Finnish market increased by EEK 40.9m/EUR 2.6m during the year (1.65-fold).
The sales of the 100% subsidiary in Finland for four months account for 12% of
the consolidated net sales and the bulk of the increase in sales in Finland.
The export of the electrical equipment factory to Finland increased from EEK
10.7m/EUR 0.7m in 2001 to EEK 24.8m/EUR 1.6m in 2002, compensating for the
sales forgone due to the selling of the cable harnesses factory and providing
for growth.
The manufacture and sales of electrical equipment doubled in 2002. The sales
of the Finnish subsidiary for the four months account for EEK 33.9m/EUR 2.2m
of the increased volume of this product group.
The growth in the output of the electrical equipment factory was 1.5-fold.

The operating profit of the group for the 12 months was EEK 15.5m/EUR 1.0m,
which exceeds last year’s result (EEK 11.6m/EUR 0.7m) by one-third. While the
operating profit to net sales ratio was the same as in the previous year,
operating profit mainly increased on account of the manufacture and sales
figures of the electrical engineering segment.
The result of financing activities was EEK 7.1m/EUR 0.45m (EEK 9.1m/EUR 0.6m
in 2001). The financial income for 2001 included the sales proceeds of shares
in PKC Group Oyj, EEK 2.8m/EUR 0.2m.
The final net profit of the group for 2002 was EEK 53.3m/EUR 3.4m, including
the extraordinary sales proceeds of the shares and fixed and current assets of
the subsidiary AS AJT Harju Elekter in a total of EEK 30.6m/EUR 2.0m. The
profit margin for 2002 was 19.7% (10.6% in 2001).

Investments and financing
The total investments of the group in tangible and intangible assets
amounted to EEK 14.0m/EUR 0.9m during the reporting period (EEK 20.7m/
EUR 1.3m in 2001). The major investments were:
washing equipment for the powder coating line EEK 3.8m (EUR 0.24m)
reconstruction of production buildings and facilities
EEK 5.1m (EUR 0.32m)
computing and office machines EEK 0.8m (EUR 51,000)
licenses acquired EEK 1.1m (EUR 70,000)
In March, Harju Elekter paid EEK 6.0m/EUR 0.4m as a contribution into the
share capital of AJT Harju Elekter, a 100% subsidiary founded on the basis of
the cable harnesses factory. Satmatic Oy was acquired in September for EEK
4.7m/EUR 0.3m, paid for the existing shares and for increasing the share
capital. The parent company granted its subsidiaries long-term loans of EEK
10.2m/EUR 0.65m for the acquisition of fixed and current assets. The parent
company’s financial investments totalled EEK 20.9m/EUR 1.3m. The sales
proceeds of financial investments amounted to EEK 19.9m/EUR 1.3m.
The group companies repaid EEK 7.8m/EUR 0.5m of long-term loans and EEK
0.8m/EUR 51,000 of financial lease principal in 2002. Owners were paid EEK
7.6m/EUR 0.5m of dividends for the year 2001.

Balance sheet
The consolidated balance sheet total was EEK 224.0m/EUR 14.3m at the end of
September in 2002, having increased by EEK 47.5m/EUR 3.0m over the year. The
main reasons for this were the sale of AJT Harju Elekter and the acquisition
of the subsidiary Satmatic Oy, as well as the significant increase in orders
for the energy sector products when compared to the previous year. The balance
sheet structure also changed. Owners’ equity increased by a total of EEK
45.4m/EUR 2.9m, accounting for 76.3% of the value of assets. This is 5.3
percentage points more than in the previous year.
As regards assets, the value of current assets increased the most, totalling
EEK 26.6m/EUR 1.7m. Together with the subsidiary Satmatic Oy, current assets
with a total real value of EEK 21.4m/EUR 1.4m were acquired, including EEK
15.3m/EUR 1.0m of inventories.
As of the balance sheet date, the group’s long-term and current debts
totalled EEK 18.1m/EUR 1.15m (EEK 27.2m/EUR 1.7m in 2001), of which EEK
5.7m/EUR 0.4m are long-term debts.

Personnel and wages
In 2002, the group employed 351 people on average (673 in 2001), including 273
in the parent company (607 in 2001). As of the balance sheet date, 31.12.2002,
the group employed 282 people, including 173 in the parent company and 53 in
the Finnish subsidiary. The significant change in the number of the parent
group’s employees was due to the sale of the cable harnesses factory (minus
425 people).

Important events
On 3 January, Bureau Veritas Quality International certified the conformity
of the quality management system of the subsidiary AS Eltek to the
international ISO 9001:2000 standard. The system of AS Eltek covers the
manufacture of sheet metal products, product development and marketing, and
the manufacture of fibre optical products, and imposes standards and rules for
the organisation of the company’s operations.

The Harju Elekter group implemented the ISO 14001 environmental management
system, certified by the international certification company BVQI as
conforming to the ISO 14001:1996 international quality standard. The
certificate was solemnly presented on 23 April. The implemented system
establishes rules for constant monitoring and adequate response to any
environmental impact, contributing to a clean and healthy working and living
environment in the area of the enterprise.

In April, Harju Elekter opened its third store of electrical products in
Tartu. The store has 300 m2 of sales and storage space. A considerable
customer base has been established over the six months of operation and the
store has managed to occupy a firm position on the local electrical equipment

On 8 March, the 100% subsidiary AS AJT Harju Elekter (AJT) was founded
on the basis of the cable harnesses factory; its share capital is EEK 6
million. The company launched independent operations on 1 April. On 4 June,
AS Harju Elekter and PKC Group Oyj (PKC) signed a sales contract under which
PKC acquired all the shares of AJT, a 100% subsidiary of Harju Elekter. The
transaction price was EUR 2.07 million. The transaction was closed on 1 July.
Since November, the name of the company has been PKC Eesti AS. The business
risks of Harju Elekter were significantly reduced by the sale of the
which was a level 2 subcontracting enterprise, while the group maintained its
skills in the area of cable harness and fibre optical product manufacture.

On 19 September, AS Harju Elekter and Siemens Osakeyhtiö signed a sales
contract under which Harju Elekter acquired all the shares of Satmatic Oy, a
100% subsidiary of Siemens. Located in Ulvila, Finland, the main business of
Satmatic is the manufacture of industrial automation and control equipment and
heating equipment for car parks. The main product range of Harju Elekter
broadened and its Finnish market share increased substantially as a result of
the acquisition.

Proposal for payment of dividends
The management board decided to propose to the general meeting that the
dividends for the year 2002 should be EEK 2.00 per share, totalling EEK
10.8m/EUR 0.7m. The dividends paid for the year 2001 amounted to EEK 1.4 per
share, totalling EEK 7.6m/EUR 0.5m. The company has no income tax obligations
concerning the payment of dividends.

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of Management Board
67 47 400

BALANCE SHEET, 31.12.2002
Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01
Cash, bank 11 620 11 039 743 706
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 28 705 15 305 1 835 978
Other current receivables 2 052 3 343 131 214
Accrued income 14 35 1 2
Prepaid expenses 753 1 242 48 79
Total current receivables 31 524 19 925 2 015 1 273
Raw materials and inventories 30 999 21 557 1 981 1 378
Goods 4 528 3 730 289 238
Prepayments to suppliers 4 616 0 295 0
Total inventories 40 142 25 286 2 566 1 616
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 83 287 56 718 5 323 3 625
Stock and shares in ass.companies 26 587 22 580 1 699 1 443
Other shares 17 038 4 521 1 089 289
Other long-term receivables 379 473 24 30
Total financial investments 44 003 27 574 2 812 1 762
Plant and equipment 77 556 75 284 4 957 4 812
Other equipment and fixtures 46 385 43 845 2 965 2 802
Other inventory 3 277 3 757 209 240
Accumulated depreciation -35 288 -31 751 -2 255 -2 029
Construction-in-progress 3 556 716 227 46
Prepayments for fixed assets 28 0 2 0
Total tangible assets 95 514 91 851 6 104 5 870
Licences 1 206 309 77 20
Goodwill 16 112 1 7
Total intangible assets 1 222 421 78 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 140 740 119 845 8 995 7 660
TOTAL ASSETS 224 027 176 563 14 318 11 284
Debt obligations 12 360 14 929 790 954
Customer prepayments 193 94 12 6
Supplier payables 22 438 12 433 1 434 795
Other short-term borrowings 1 268 499 81 32
Tax liabilities 5 405 4 931 345 315
Accrued expenses 5 869 6 010 375 384
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 47 533 38 896 3 038 2 486
TOTAL LIABILITIES 53 240 51 150 3 403 3 269
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 54 933 44 161 3 511 2 822
Net profit for the year 53 254 20 742 3 404 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 170 786 125 413 10 915 8 015
TOTAL LIAB.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 224 027 176 563 14 318 11 284


Parent company
in thousand EEK EUR
Cash, bank 11 165 10 260 714 706
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 12 075 10 718 772 978
Other current receivables 8 073 5 422 516 214
Accrued income 0 35 0 2
Prepaid expenses 564 938 36 79
Total current receivables 20 712 17 113 1 324 1 273
Raw materials and inventories 14 111 13 030 902 1 378
Goods 2 579 1 246 165 238
Prepayments to suppliers 4 575 3 679 292 0
Total inventories 21 265 17 954 1 359 1 616
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 53 141 45 795 3 396 3 625
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 13 759 8 602 879 1 443
Other long-term receiv.from subs. 6 780 0 433
Stock and shares in ass.companies 26 587 22 580 1 699 289
Other shares 17 038 4 521 1 089 30
Other long-term receivables 379 473 24 1 762
Total financial investments 64 543 36 175 4 125 4 812
Plant and equipment 77 428 75 151 4 949 2 802
Other equipment and fixtures 26 033 25 665 1 664 240
Other inventory 1 751 2 693 112 -2 029
Accumulated depreciation -28 798 -27 426 -1 841 46
Construction-in-progress 3 556 716 227 0
Prepayments for fixed assets 28 0 2 5 870
Total tangible assets 79 998 76 799 5 113 20
Licences 750 309 48 7
Total intangible assets 750 309 48 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 145 290 113 283 9 286 7 660
TOTAL ASSETS 198 432 159 078 12 682 11 284
Debt obligations 5 516 7 299 353 954
Customer prepayments 193 11 12 6
Supplier payables 13 501 10 703 863 795
Other short-term borrowings 1 286 483 82 32
Tax liabilities 2 525 4 345 161 315
Accrued expenses 3 191 5 320 204 384
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 26 212 28 161 1 675 2 486
TOTAL LIABILITIES 27 646 33 664 1 767 3 269
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 54 933 44 161 3 511 2 822
Net profit for the year 53 254 20 742 3 404 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 170 786 125 413 10 915 8 015
TOTAL LIAB.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 198 432 159 078 12 682 11 284


in thousand EEK EUR
Group 2002 2001 2002 2001
NET SALES 271 212 195 494 17 334 12 494
Cost of goods sold 222 367 158 227 14 212 10 113

Gross profit 48 845 37 267 3 122 2 382

Operating expenses, incl. 33 063 25 243 2 113 1 613
Marketing expenses 12 322 9 567 788 611
Administrative expenses 20 741 15 676 1 326 1 002
Other revenue 381 399 24 26
Other expenses 668 818 43 52

Operating profit 15 494 11 605 990 742

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 6 219 4 625 397 296
Fin.income from other holdings 2 247 6 202 144 396
Other interest and fin.income 293 364 19 23
Total financial income 8 759 11 191 560 715

Financial expenses, incl.
Fin.expenses from ass.companies 152 0
Interest expense 1 353 1 908 86 122
Other financial expenses 92 147 6 9
Total financial expenses 1 597 2 055 102 131

Profit from normal operations 22 656 20 741 1 448 1 326
External income 30 641 1 958 0
Income tax 44
Net profit for the year 53 254 20 741 3 404 1 326

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 9,86 3,84 0,63 0,25

in thousand EEK EUR
Group Q4 2002 Q4 2001 Q4 2002 Q4 2001
NET SALES 84 576 59 870 5 405 3 826
Cost of goods sold 70 044 49 494 4 477 3 163

Gross profit 14 532 10 376 929 663

Operating expenses, incl. 11 356 8 207 726 525
Marketing expenses 3 900 3 166 249 202
Administrative expenses 7 456 5 041 477 322
Other revenue 91 97 6 6
Other expenses 243 150 16 10

Operating profit 3 023 2 116 193 135

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 0 1 260 0 81
Fin.income from other holdings 237 12 15 1
Other interest and fin.income 0 149 0 10
Total financial income 70 1 421 4 91
Financial expenses, incl.
Fin.expenses from ass.companies 175 0
Interest expense 502 467 32 30
Other financial expenses 33 51 2 3
Total financial expenses 710 518 45 33

Profit from normal operations 2 620 3 019 167 193
Income tax 44 0 3 0
Net profit for the year 2 576 3 019 165 193

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 1,91 2,24 0,12 0,14

in thousand EEK EUR
Parent company 2002 2001 2002 2001
NET SALES 189 731 168 833 12 126 10 790
Cost of goods sold 151 715 138 994 9 696 8 883

Gross profit 38 016 29 839 2 430 1 907

Operating expenses, incl. 23 426 19 026 1 497 1 216
Marketing expenses 9 113 6 587 582 421
Administrative expenses 14 313 12 439 915 795
Other revenue 262 328 17 21
Other expenses 540 736 35 47

Operating profit 14 311 10 405 915 665

Financial income, incl.
Financial income from subsid. 627 272 40 17
Fin.income from ass.companies 6 219 4 626 397 296
Fin.income from other holdings 2 392 6 215 153 397
Other interest and fin.income 295 494 19 32
Total financial income 9 533 11 607 609 742

Financial expenses, incl.
Fin.expenses from ass.companies 400 0
Fin.expenses from subsidiaries 152 0 228 0
Interest expense 664 1 196 18 43
Other financial expenses 17 74 1 2
Total financial expenses 1 233 1 270 247 45

Profit from normal operations 22 611 20 742 1 445 1 326
External income 30 641 1 958 0
Net profit for the year 53 253 20 742 3 403 1 326

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 9,86 3,84 0,63 0,25

in thousand EEK EUR
Parent company Q4 2002 Q4 2001 Q4 2002 Q4 2001
NET SALES 48 362 51 517 3 091 3 293
Cost of goods sold 38 469 42 872 2 459 2 740

Gross profit 9 893 8 645 632 553

Operating expenses, incl. 6 985 5 931 446 379
Marketing expenses 2 613 2 148 167 137
Administrative expenses 4 372 3 783 279 242
Other revenue 9 63 1 4
Other expenses 215 144 14 9

Operating profit 2 702 2 633 173 168

Financial income, incl.
Financial income from subsid. 0 0 0
Fin.income from ass.companies 237 1 260 15 81
Fin.income from other holdings 95 14 6 1
Other interest and fin.income 70 165 4 11
Total financial income 400 1 439 26 92

Financial expenses, incl.
Fin.expenses from ass.companies 73 804 5 51
Fin.expenses from subsidiaries 175 0 11 0
Interest expense 273 242 17 15
Other financial expenses 5 6 0 0
Total financial expenses 526 1 052 34 67

Profit from normal operations 2 576 3 020 165 193
Net profit for the year 2 576 3 020 165 193

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 1,91 2,24 0,12 0,14

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
67 47 403

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
+372 6 712761


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