Pēd. atjaunots: 30.11.2024 03:34 (GMT+2)
Saku Õlletehas NEWS RELEASE 04/10/2003
The Baltic breweries of Baltic Beverages Holding AB (BBH)
group - Saku Õlletehase AS, Aldaris AO and Svyturys-
Utenos Alus AB (SUA) - concluded yesterday a trilateral
financing agreement with a view to improving liquidity
management at the Baltic level of BBH group, reducing
each entity’s interest expense and retaining interest
income within the group.
Under the agreement, which is similar to a revolving
overdraft facility, all the three breweries can lend and
borrow according to need. With a credit limit of up to
EUR 10m, and an annual interest rate of 4% of the
outstanding liability, the solution is comparable to the
products provided under similar circumstances by major
financing institutions.
The parties have agreed that if results prove positive,
the agreement, which expires at the end of the year, will
be extended.
The Baltic breweries of BBH group established a joint
taskforce in December 2002. The taskforce is exploring
measures that would allow the entities to upgrade their
efficiency through closer co-operation.
The companies have conducted joint purchasing operations
to attain more favourable raw materials and services
prices. In addition, they have agreed to co-ordinate
sales operations, including conclusion of contracts with
the retail chains that operate in the three Baltic
markets. The breweries also co-operate in the field of
production and to unify use of capacities. Besides this,
they expect to benefit from product development and
marketing synergies and unification of relating
purchases.(News Release 12/17/02)
The collaboration of the Baltic market leaders indicates
Saku Brewery`s preparedness for a changing business
environment regarding Estonia integration into European
Kristina Seimann
PR Manager
+ 372 6 508 303