Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 15:10 (GMT+3)


22.08.2003, Tallinna Sadam, TLN

Tallinna Sadam FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/22/2003


Performance results

In the first half-year of 2003, 19.05 m tonnes of cargo passed through the
harbours of the Port of Tallinn, which compared to the same period last year
is by 0.1% more. Compared to the change in cargo volume of the other Baltic
Sea east coast ports the Port of Tallinn surpassed other ports with a larger
cargo volume: St. Petersburg -4.3% (a total of 17.9 m tonnes) and
Ventspils -9.9% (a total of 15.5 m tonnes), but lagged behind the cargo
volume growth of smaller ports: Riga +18.3% (a total of 10.5 m tonnes),
Klaipeda +9.3% (a total of 10.7 m tonnes) and Primorsk +6.5% (a total of
0.5 m tonnes).
The financial results of the first half-year in 2003 were negatively
influenced by the most difficult ice conditions of the past ten years,
which accompanied by a lasting cold substantially hindered the reception of
vessels in the ports by the Gulf of Finland. In addition to this, loading of
liquid cargo was also complicated due to cold weather, which impaired the
throughput capacity of the loading pipelines and shortened the possible
carriage laytime due to the danger of oil products freezing. Despite
difficult winter navigation conditions all main cargo groups passing through
the Port of Tallinn, except for liquid cargo, increased (general cargo by
16.1%, bulk cargo by 13,3% and containers by 12.8%).

The 2003 first half-year net turnover was EEK 498.5 m (EUR 31.9 m),
remaining on almost the same level compared to the same period last year,
an increase of 0.3%. By revenue type, revenue from port dues has remained
on the level of the last year, amounting to EEK 268.6 m (EUR 17.2 m) and
54% of net turnover. Rental income increased by 19% and the sale of services
by 2.8%, which both comprised 9% of net turnover. The increase in rental
income is related to the realization of new projects in the harbours
(mainly rental income from buildings and facilities and payment for a right
of superficies). Increase in the sale of services was largely influenced by
increased electricity consumption due to cold winter. Cargo charge and
passenger fee decreased, by -4.3% and -5.8% respectively. The decrease in
cargo charge was mainly caused by the harmonisation of cargo charge tariffs
established for private operators in the end of 2002. Passenger fee decreased
due to the decrease in the number of passengers (mainly due to the delay of
the fast boat season on Tallinn-Helsinki line caused by difficult ice
conditions) as well as due to changes in the passenger fee tariffs.

Despite the small increase in revenues, operating profit decreased by 55%
from last year's level to EEK 122 m (EUR 7.8 m) - mainly due to an
exceptionally large ice breaking cost.
Cold winter and difficult ice conditions increased the expenses of the
Port of Tallinn by the cost of ice breaking work for the ensuring of access
to the harbours by a total of EEK 127.3 m (EUR 8.1 m), from which the port
financed ice breaking work in cooperation with cargo operators in the amount
of EEK 8 m (shown as an expense for services purchased). EEK 88.3 m (in
addition to this income tax expense in the amount of EEK 31 m or a total of
EEK 119 m is shown as other expenses) was allocated to Estonian Maritime
Administration for the organization of ice breaking work. Dividends paid to
the owner by the Port of Tallinn from the profit of the 2002 financial year
were decreased by the amount spent on the financing of state ice breaking, a
total of EEK 119 m.

Expenses for materials, consumables and supplies increased by EEK 17 m (an
increase of 42.5%). Here growth was mainly caused by the aforementioned ice
breaking expense in the amount of EEK 8 m and increased electricity
consumption in the harbours by EEK 5.5 m.

Miscellaneous operating expenses increased by EEK 20.4 m (an increase of 47%)
Larger changes were related to an increase in the repair expense of tangible
fixed assets by EEK 7.7 m, income from the collecting of the doubtful
receivable shown last year in the amount of EEK 6.9 m and an increase of land
tax in Muuga Harbour by EEK 3.4 m.

Compared to the same period last year, personnel expenses together with taxes
decreased by EEK 3.2 m or 4.9% mainly due to the decrease in the number of
The first half-year expenses also include an income tax expense in the amount
of EEK 46.98 m, which was incurred in relation to the declaring of dividend
payment from last years' profit in the amount of EEK 133.7 m (EUR 8.5 m).

The 2003 first half-year net profit was EEK 73.4 m (EUR 4.7 m), which
compared to the last year is by EEK 200 m less. Here the one-time or
extraordinary nature of the expenses decreasing the revenues in the first
half-year and the levying of income tax on dividends due to the changes in
the legal environment should be considered.

During the first half-year a total of EEK 187.5 m (EUR 12 m) was invested
into tangible fixed assets. Mostly the investments were directed for the
construction of new quays and acquisition of land in Paldiski South Harbour
and Muuga Harbour with the goal of increasing the volume of different cargo
types and ensuring the competitiveness of the Port of Tallinn.

On 29 January 2003, the decreasing of the share capital of the Port of
Tallinn by 10 000 000 shares (in the total nominal value of EEK 100 m),
in accordance with the extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders held
on 19 August 2002, was registered on the B-part of the register card of the
Commercial Register in the register department of Tallinn City Court.
The goal of decreasing of the share capital was the performing of a
non-monetary disbursement in the total value (EEK 100 m) to the Republic of
Estonia by the transfer of the assets of Paljassaare Harbour.
As of the preparing of the report the transfer of assets has not been
performed. During the first half-year the turnover of Paljassaare Harbour
constituted 7% of the total company turnover, hence the decrease in revenues
due to the transfer of aforementioned assets does not have a significant
impact on future company turnover.


30.06.03 31.12.02 30.06.03 31.12.02
Cash and bank 49 752 42 533 3 180 2 718
Shares and other securities 31 618 17 894 2 021 1 144
Customer receivables 105 135 87 414 6 719 5 587
Other short term receivables 2 655 612 170 39
Prepaid and refundable taxes 8 760 10 432 560 667
Future expenses 12 741 9 141 814 584
Inventories 2 324 2 328 149 149
Total current assets 212 984 170 354 13 612 10 888

Other shares and securities 4 655 4 655 297 297
Other long term receivables 19 776 16 746 1 264 1 070
Tangible fixed assets 3 901 210 3 797 584 249 332 242 709
Total non-current assets 3 925 641 3 818 984 250 894 244 077
TOTAL ASSETS 4 138 625 3 989 339 264 506 254 965


Current liabilities
Customer prepayments 6 583 13 904 421 889
Supplier payables 61 701 47 807 3 943 3 055
Taxes payable 8 625 8 524 551 545
Other short term payables 300 420 26 908 19 200 1 720
Short term provisions 0 1 316 0 84
Other unearned income 1 211 1 864 77 119
Total current liabilities 378 541 100 322 24 193 6 412

Non-current liabilities
Long term loan liabilities 100 000 70 000 6 391 4 474
Other long term loans 27 404 26 000 1 751 1 662
Total non-current liabilities 127 404 96 000 8 143 6 136

Total liabilities 505 945 196 322 32 336 12 547

Share capital in nominal value 2 650 000 2 750 000 169 365 175 757
Reserves 262 112 240 433 16 752 15 366
Retained earnings 647 205 369 013 41 364 23 584
Profit for the year 73 363 433 571 4 689 27 710
Total owner’s equity 3 632 680 3 793 017 232 170 242 417
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY 4 138 625 3 989 339 264 506 254 965

6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
2003 2002 2003 2002

Revenues 498 521 497 059 31 861 31 768
Other income 13 811 3 752 883 240
Materials, consumables and supplies 57 102 40 111 3 649 2 564
Other operating expenses 63 827 43 382 4 079 2 773
Personnel expenses
a) salaries 46 460 48 793 2 969 3 118
b) social taxes 15 519 16 357 992 1 045
Depreciation and value-adjustments 77 959 78 139 4 982 4 994
Other expenses 129 486 2 113 8 276 135

OPERATING PROFIT 121 978 271 917 7 796 17 379

Financial income and expenses
Financial income and expenses from other
long term financial investments 72 1 5 0
Interest expense -1 722 -2 172 -110 -139
Foreign exchange gain (loss) -51 -30 -3 -2
Other financial income and expenses 62 3 968 4 254
Total financial income and expenses -1 640 1 766 -105 113

Profit from normal operations 120 339 273 683 7 691 17 491

Income tax -46 976 0 -3 002 0

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 73 363 273 683 4 689 17 491

Net profit per share 0.275 0.995 0.018 0.064

Aare Tammemäe
Financial Director


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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