Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 09:08 (GMT+3)


28.10.2003, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN

Rakvere Lihakombinaat FINANCIAL RESULTS 10/28/2003



FINANCIAL RESULTS, 9 MONTHS 2003 (1.1 - 30.09. 2003)

Group companies as on 30 September 2003:

of location 30.09.03 31.12.02
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat
(the parent company) Estonia
AS Ekseko Estonia 98,4% 98.2%
AS Ekseko’s subsidiaries:
OÜ Kurika Seafarm Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Põlva Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Viiratsi Söödatehas Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Viiratsi Peekon Estonia 100%
OÜ Lutsu Seafarm Estonia 100%
AS Linnulihatooted Estonia 76% 76%
AS Rigas Miesnieks Latvia 93,82% 92,47%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai subsidiary:
OÜ Pentinuotis Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto
Prekyba Lithuania 100%

As of 30 September 2003 Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group had 1,303 employees
(1,264 employees as of 30 September 2002).

In the third quarter economic growth in the Baltics exceeded that of the
EU countries. Due to the anticipated EU membership Baltic states'
economise are in a situation characterised by highest ever reliability
and practically similar interest rates with the EU.

International meat markets have seen a period of low prices resulting
from cyclical developments in production. In the last weeks of September
there has been some increase in prices which may predict a new turn.
Strong euro has squeezed the export margins of EU originating products.

In the Baltic region of HK Group of companies measures have been
introduced to respond to changing market circumstances. Overall
situation on the raw material market coupled with pre-EU political
protectionaism in the Baltics have caused some tensions on the meat
products' market and pushed pork prices down in Estonia.

In September Rakvere Lihakombinaat was the first Estonian meat sector
enterprise to receive EU approval for raw meat.

In Estonia Rakvere Group invested into environmental protection systems
at Ekseko pig farm. In Latvia Rakvere Group continued investing into
upgrading Rigas Miesnieks to EU standards and into constructing a
logistics center to the Rigas Miesnieks facility.

Sales and financial results

The net sales of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group in the first 9 months
of 2003 totalled 856 million kroons or
54 685 th. euros (915 million kroons or 58 449 th. euros in 2002).
The net sales fell 6% by 58.9 million kroons (3 764 th. euros) as
compared to last year. The sales volume total was 29.9 th. tons in
the Baltic States. This constitutes a 0.7 th. ton or 2.4 % increase
compared to last year.

The net profit of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group was 33.9 million kroons
or 2 170 th. euros (in 2002, adjusted and comparable data amounted to
61.5 million kroons (3 928 th. euros).
Highlights of financial results of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group,
millions of kroons (th. euros)

9 months 2003 9 months 2002 12 months 2002
Net sales 855.6 (54 685) 914.5 (58 449) 1 226.5 (78 389)
Operating expenses 815.1 (52 098) 843.1 (53 886) 1 137.3 (72 687)
Operating profit 40.5 ( 2 587) 71.4 ( 4 563) 89.2 ( 5 702)
Net profit 33.9 ( 2 170) 61.5 ( 3 928) 75.8 ( 4 847)

Investments 59.0 (3 770) 43.2 (2 760) 73.8 (4 714)

* A new standard - IAS 41: Agriculture - entered into force on 1
January 2003. Pursuant to the standard, biological assets shall be
recorded on the balance sheet at their fair value less point-of-sale
costs and the income statement lays down the change in the fair value
of biological assets. The corresponding change has also been introduced
to the comparative data of the first 9 months of 2002 (operating profit
growth of 2,3 million kroons or 150 th. euros, and net profit growth
of 2,3 million kroons or 147 th. euros).


In the third quarter prices of pork have started to increase again on
the Baltic market which is a promising sign for the coming months of
the year.

Import tariffs imposed by the Latvian Government affected pork exports
from Estonia to Latvia. The fourth quarter foresees increase of export
quotas and reduction of tariff rates from the Latvian side.

Made in Rakvere on 28 October 2003

Olle Horm
Rakvere Lihakombinaat
Chairman of the Board

Thousand Estonian Thousand Euros
ASSETS 30.09.03 31.12.02 30.09.03 31.12.02
adjusted adjusted

Current assets
Cash and bank 42 680 15 259 2 728 975
Trade receivables 75 261 89 260 4 810 5 704
Tax receivables 4 086 5 548 261 355
Other short-term receivables 2 837 6 199 181 396
Inventories 90 375 100 274 5 776 6 409
Biological assets 58 209 59 481 3 720 3 802
Total current assets 273 448 276 021 17 476 17 640

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets 1 621 4 535 104 290
Tangible fixed assets 423 431 415 726 27 062 26 570
Other intangible assets 6 060 2 029 387 130
Total non-current assets 431 112 422 290 27 553 26 990

T OT A L A S S E T S: 704 560 698 311 45 029 44 630


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 1 817 2 768 116 177
Supplier payables 67 490 68 566 4 313 4 382
Tax payables 8 615 11 827 551 756
Other current liabilities 15 477 16 039 989 1 025
Total current liabilities 93 399 99 200 5 969 6 340

Long-term loans and
lease payable 121 262 142 821 7 750 9 128
Total liabilities 214 661 242 021 13 719 15 468

Minority interest 4 027 3 541 257 226

Owners’ equity
Share capital 377 217 377 217 24 108 24 108
Mandatory legal reserve 9 734 5 942 622 380
Retained earnings 98 976 68 820 6 326 4 399
Unrealised translation
differences -55 770 -4 49
Total owners’ equity 485 872 452 749 31 053 28 936

OWNERS’ EQUITY : 704 560 698 311 45 029 44 630

Thousand Estonian Thousand Euros
9 m 2003 9 m 2002 9 m 2003 9 m 2002
adjusted adjusted*
Net sales 855 635 914 526 54 685 58 449
Change in fair value of
biological assets -1 272 2 348 -81 150
Other revenue 6 336 3 098 405 198
Total revenue 860 699 919 973 55 009 58 797

Change in work-in-progress
and finished goods -4 153 -616 -265 -39
Materials, consumables and
supplies -542 534 -579 127 -34 674 -37 013
Other operating expenses -119 224 -117 404 -7 620 -7 503
Personnel expenses -113 457 -111 047 -7 251 -7 097
Depreciation and write-downs
of non-current assets -37 932 -34 922 -2 424 -2 232
Other expenses -2 918 -5 459 -186 -349

Operating profit 40 482 71 397 2 587 4 563

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange gain/loss -745 -1 285 -48 -82
Interest and other
financial income 1 974 1 893 126 121
Interest and other financial
expenses -7 782 -10 071 -497 -644
Total financial
income/expenses -6 553 -9 463 -419 -605

Profit before taxes 33 929 61 935 2 168 3 958
Minority interest -19 477 -1 30

Net profit 33 948 61 458 2 170 3 928

Earnings per share 0,90 1,63 0,058 0,104

Olle Horm
Chairman of the Board
032 29 221


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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