Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 09:06 (GMT+3)


11.11.2003, Tallinna Farmaatsiatehas, TLN

Tallinna Farmaatsiatehas NEWS RELEASE 11/11/2003


Extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of shareholders of Tallinna
Farmaatsiatehase AS was held on November 10, 2003 at 14.00 at Hotel Radisson
SAS (Rävala pst 3, Tallinn) in conference centre Cuxhaven+Bremerhaven.

EGM was convened on the request of majority shareholder PJSC Grindeks.
43 shareholders or representatives of shareholders with 1036566 votes
represented by shares, or 82.9253 % of the share capital of Tallinna
Farmaatsiatehase AS, were present.

In the agenda were following subjects:

1. Opening of the meeting. Election of the meeting’s Chairman,
recorder and poll committee.

It was resolved to elect Ilmar Straus chair of the General Meeting.
For: 99666 votes, 21 Shareholders, 96.151 % of those who had been registered.
Abstained: 39900 votes, 22 Shareholders, 3.849 % of those who had been

It was resolved to elect Aiki Veenpere recording secretary of the meeting.
For: 99666 votes, 21 Shareholders, 96.151 % of those who had been registered.
Abstained: 39900 votes, 22 Shareholders, 3.849 % of those who had been

It was resolved to elect Indrek Vaheoja member of the vote-counting committee.
For: 99666 votes, 21 Shareholders, 96.151 % of those who had been registered.
Abstained: 39900 votes, 22 Shareholders, 3.849 % of those who had been

2. Approving the rules and regulations of the meeting

It was resolved to approve the rules and regulations of the General Meeting
of Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS.
For: 981174 votes, 17 Shareholders, 94.656 % of those who had been
Remained undecided: 15467 votes, 3 Shareholders, 1.492 % of those who had
been registered.
Abstained: 39925 votes, 23 Shareholders, 3.852 % of those who had been

3. Approval of the agenda of the meeting

It was resolved to approve the 7-item agenda of the General Meeting set out
in the notice calling the General Meeting.
For: 978110 votes, 16 Shareholders, 94.361 % of those who had been
Remained undecided: 6140 votes, 3 Shareholders, 0.592 % of those who had been
Abstained: 52316 votes, 24 Shareholders, 5.047 % of those who had been

4. Amendment to the License Agreement between Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase
AS and PJSC Grindeks.

It was resolved to approve the Amendment to the License Agreement between
Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS and PJSC Grindeks in accordance with the version
of the agreement signed on October 27, 2003
For: 150651 votes, 2 Shareholders, 64.138 % of those who had been registered
to the present clause of the agenda
Against: 84209 votes, 39 Shareholders, 35.851 % of those who had been
registered to the present clause of the agenda
Abstained: 25 votes, 1 Shareholder, 0,001 % of those who had been registered
to the present clause of the agenda

Abstained: 801681 votes, 1 Shareholder, 77,340 % of those who had been
registered (PJSC Grindeks).

5. Conclusion of the Agreement for the Sale of Intellectual Property and

It was resolved to approve the Agreement for the Sale of Intellectual
Property and Know-How between Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS and PJSC Grindeks
in accordance with the version of the agreement signed on October 27, 2003
For: 150651 votes, 2 Shareholders, 64.138 % of those who had been registered
to the present clause of the agenda
Against: 84234votes, 40 Shareholders, 35.862 % of those who had been
registered to the present clause of the agenda

Abstained: 801681 votes, 1 Shareholder, 77,340 % of those who had been
registered (PJSC Grindeks).

6. Amendment to the Loan Agreement between Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS and
PJSC Grindeks.

It was resolved to approve the Amendment to the Loan Agreement between
Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS and PJSC Grindeks in accordance with the version
of the agreement signed on October 27, 2003
For: 150651 votes, 2 Shareholders, 64.138 % of those who had been registered
to the present clause of the agenda
Against: 83593 votes, 39 Shareholders, 35.589 % of those who had been
registered to the present clause of the agenda
Remained undecided: 641 votes, 1 Shareholder, 0.273 % of those who had been
registered to the present clause of the agenda

Abstained: 801681 votes, 1 Shareholder, 77,340 % of those who had been
registered (PJSC Grindeks).

7. Other.
There were no more questions

Comment on decisions

The following decision has been made regarding the Amendment to the License
Agreement between Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS and PJSC Grindeks:

- to annul the amendments of 25.07.2003 Extraordinary general meeting of
shareholders and in new wording will be imposed following financial
settlements of accounts.PJSC Grindeks has remitted to the account of Tallinna
Farmaatsiatehase AS 852 436 EUR which cancelled the debt of Tallinna
Farmaatsiatehase AS to the Sampo Pank. In the amount of 852 436 EUR will be
decreasing the debt of PJSC Grindeks to the Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS for
the sold product (ointments, ampoules and royalty of tablets).

The following decision was made regarding two other subjects on the agenda:

- the License Agreement will be terminated and the Agreement for the Sale of
Intellectual Property and Know-How between Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS and
PJSC Grindeks will be concluded. According to the new agreement Tallinna
Farmaatsiatehase AS will sell the dossiers of products and know-how and two
trademarks of tablet production (Cyclodol and Nifetard) to PJSC Grindeks in
amount of 938 920 USD. Mentioned sum (938 920 USD) will go for the
condonation of the loan of Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS to the Grindeks.

As a result of these settlement of accounts arrangements Tallinna
Farmaatsiatehase AS doesn`t have any deferred liabilities for Sampo Pank and
parent company PJSC Grindeks. Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS will specialize on
the production of ointments in frames of corporation.
PJSC Grindeks will continue the takeover of production of tablets and
production of them according to GMP requirements.

The representative of majority shareholder PJSC Grindeks Mr. Valdis
Jakobsons, the Chairman of the Board mentioned that the one-time
participation of the parent and subcompany on the Stock Exchange is not
common practice. In short run PJSC Grindeks will make a decision to buy out
the shares of Tallinna Farmaatsiatehase AS held by minority shareholders,
relevant offer will be made.

Ibraim Muhtsi


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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