Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 07:14 (GMT+3)


20.11.2003, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Saku Õlletehas FINANCIAL RESULTS 11/20/2003


(In thousands) EEK EUR
30.09.03 30.09.02 31.12.02 30.09.03 30.09.02 31.12.02

Cash and bank 21,036 1,692 3,296 1,344 109 211
Trade receivables (Note 2) 32,642 28,696 29,051 2,086 1,834 1,857
Other receivables and 13,026 6,613 2,645 833 422 169
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 98,562 91,955 90,917 6,299 5,877 5,811
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 165,266 128,956 125,909 10,562 8,242 8,048

Non-current assets
Long-term financial 15,999 16,117 16,000 1,023 1,030 1,023
investments (Note 5)
Long-term receivables (Note 54 120 98 4 8 6
Tangible assets (Notes 7, 234,861 266,531 260,597 15,010 17,034 16,655
Intangible assets (Note 7) 863 760 1,147 55 49 73
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 251,777 283,528 277,842 16,092 18,121 17,757
TOTAL ASSETS 417,043 412,484 403,751 26,654 26,363 25,805

Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Note 8) 1,057 9,140 7,154 68 584 457
Trade payables 19,046 23,574 22,150 1,217 1,507 1,417
Payables to the parent and 918 282 59 18
group companies (Note 11)
Tax liabilities (Note 9) 14,874 14,936 12,376 951 955 791
Payables to employees 3,761 4,331 4,607 240 277 294
Other accrued expenses 9,975 1,382 3,463 638 88 222
Provisions 2,190 676 140 43
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 51,821 53,363 50,708 3,313 3,411 3,242

Non-current liabilities
Non-convertible debt (Note 631 2,125 1,711 40 136 109
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 631 2,125 1,711 40 136 109

Share capital 80,000 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113 5,113
Capital reserve 8,000 8,000 8,000 511 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817 2,817
Accumulated profits 179,262 180,441 180,441 11,456 11,532 11,532
Profit for the period 53,259 44,485 38,821 3,404 2,843 2,481
TOTAL EQUITY 364,591 356,996 351,332 23,301 22,816 22,454
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 417,043 412,484 403,751 26,654 26,363 25,805

(In thousands) EEK EUR
January-January- January-January-
Septemb Septembe Septemb Septemb
er r er er
2003 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002
Net sales (Note 10) 597,016 611,827 768,445 38,156 39,103 49,113
Change in work in
progress and
finished goods 6,748 2,628 -964 432 168 -62
Other revenue (Note 12) 396 1,970 2,416 25 126 154
Total revenue 604,160 616,425 769,897 38,613 39,397 49,205

Expenses (Note 13)
Materials, consumables 375,020 392,159 493,747 23,968 25,064 31,556
and supplies
Other operating expenses 91,268 100,872 132,724 5,833 6,447 8,483
Personnel expenses 38,105 40,951 53,872 2,435 2,617 3,443
Depreciation 34,330 32,245 43,410 2,194 2,061 2,774
Other expenses 3,439 4,516 5,932 220 289 379
Total expenses 542,162 570,743 729,685 34,650 36,478 46,635

OPERATING PROFIT 61,998 45,682 40,212 3,963 2,919 2,570

Financial income (Note 192 121 125 12 8 8
Financial expenses (Note 1,249 1,318 1,516 80 84 97

PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 60,941 44,485 38,821 3,895 2,843 2,481

Income tax expense 7,682 491

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 53,259 44,485 38,821 3,404 2,843 2,481

Basic earnings per share 6.66 5.56 4.85 0.43 0.36 0.31
(Note 15)
Diluted earnings per 6.66 5.56 4.85 0.43 0.36 0.31
share (Note 15)

Review of operations

Operating profit for the first nine months of 2003 amounted to
EEK 62.0m (EUR 0.4m), an increase of EEK 16.3m (EUR 1.0m) on
the EEK 45.7m (EUR 2.9m) attained a year ago and net profit
amounted to EEK 53.3m (EUR 3.4m), an increase of EEK 8.8m (EUR
0.6m) on the EEK 44.5m (EUR 2.8m) earned in the first nine
months of 2002.

According to Estonian Breweries Association, in the nine
months the total volume of the beer market was 74,7 m litres,
3% down on the same period of 2002. The main reason was a cold
weather in the firs half of the summer. According to Estonian
Breweries Association Saku Brewery as the market leader had
42,7% on the local beer market. In the period increased
imported beers and Viru Brewery, because of the general
increase of the economy segment on the total market.

In quantitative terms, Saku Brewery Ltd sold 44,8 m litres of
beverages, remained on the same level compared to the same
period 2002. The company exported 13% from total sales. Beer
sales amounted to 37,4 m litres, 5% decrease compared on the
same period of the last year, what was caused by the shrank
of the beer market.

During the period the company has expanded on the other
beverages markets. Cider sales of Saku Brewery grew 78%
compared to the last year., thanks to new canned products;
total cider market growth was 33%. Saku Brewery`s gin long
drink sales increased 3,5 times compared to the last year same
period. Saku Brewery entered into the market of near bear
(kvas) and got 11% market share in the period August-September
by AC Nielsen.

Saku Brewery Ltd ended the first nine months of 2003 with net
sales of EEK 597.0m (EUR 38.2m), a decrease of EEK 14.8m (EUR
0.9m), i.e. 2.4%, on the same period last year. The decline
resulted, above all, from a decrease in the sales of bottles
in circulation, which dropped by EEK 34.3m (EUR 2.2m) owing to
the shrinkage of the beer market and an increase in the share
of one-way packaging (cans and PET packaging). Beverage sales,
on the other hand, grew by a strong EEK 22.0m (EUR 1.4m), i.e.
6.4%, mostly on account of an increase in the sales of other
self-produced alcoholic beverages and beers.

Expenses for the period amounted to EEK 28.6m (EUR 1.8m), a 5%
decrease on the corresponding figure for 2002. Whereas the
share of bottles in circulation decreased by EEK 34.5m (EUR
2.2m), the costs of ancillary materials grew by EEK 12.8m (EUR
0.8m) largely due to the shrinkage of the beer market and the
increase in the use of one-way packaging. Other operating
expenses, personnel expenses, depreciation and other expenses
proved EEK 11.4m (EUR 0.7m) smaller than a year ago.

Cash flows for the period were EEK 36.2m (EUR 2.3m) larger
than a year ago, primarily because of less extensive

FINANCIAL RATIOS January- January-
September September
2003 2002

Operating margin (operating profit / 10.3% 7.4%
total revenue)
Net margin (net profit / total 8.8% 7.2%
Return on assets (net profit / 13.0% 11.0%
average total assets)
Return on equity (net profit / 14.9% 12.5%
average equity)
Non-current asset turnover ratio 2.3 2.2
(total revenue / average non-current
Total assets turnover ratio (total 1.5 1.5
revenue / average total assets)

Kristina Seimann
Communication Manager
+ 372 6 508 303


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