Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 23:07 (GMT+3)


27.02.2004, Tallinna Sadam, TLN

Tallinna Sadam FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/27/2004



During 2003, 37.6 m tonnes of cargo passed through the harbours of Port
of Tallinn, 0.6% less than in 2002 (in 2002, 37.9 m tonnes and a growth of
17.1% respectively). After consecutive growth years it was a year, when the
cargo volume in Port of Tallinn decreased. It was largely influenced
by very difficult ice conditions in the beginning of 2003, causing
difficulties for the movement of vessels in the Gulf of Finland.
Due to the lack of the ice breaking conception of the Estonian state
important shipping lanes were not managed to be kept ice-free,
which in turn had a negative impact on the reputation of the Estonian
transit sector, as the planned cargo volumes could not be handled.
To avoid a similar situation in the future the Estonian state
has started developing an ice breaking conception in the summer of 2003.

In 2003, the total turnover of the Baltic Sea east coast ports comprised
256.7 m tonnes, growing by 9.5% in a year (in 2002, the market volume was
EEK 234.3 m tonnes and the growth in market volume 12.7%).
Due to the decrease in 2003 cargo volume Port of Tallinn cargo handling
market share among the Baltic Sea east coast ports decreased from 16.2% to

In 2003, 5.86 m passengers passed through the harbours of Port of Tallinn,
which was 1.4% less than in 2002 (in 2002, 5.95 m passengers and a growth of
3.6% respectively). As the number of line passengers on Tallinn-Helsinki
route has stabilised (0.2% of decrease in 2003), there have been no
significant changes in the number of passengers during the last years.
The main share of the decrease in the number of passengers in 2003 was
caused by the decreasing of the share of overnight cruise passengers
(mainly cruises in the Gulf of Finland).

In 2003, the operating revenues of Port of Tallinn totalled EEK 960.6 m (EUR
61.4 m), increasing by 0.2% in a year (in 2002, EEK 958.6 m (EUR 61.3 m) and
a growth of 7.2% respectively). Due to difficult ice conditions and reduced
passenger fees in 2003 the operating efficiency of the company decreased,
which is evidenced by lag of 0.2% growth in operating revenues to the 7.7%
growth in operating expenses. Operating expenses totalled EEK 556.6 m (EUR
35.6 m), resulting in an operating profit of EEK 404.0 m (EUR 25.8 m) and
profitability of 42.1% (in 2002, EEK 516.8 m (EUR 33.0 m), EEK 441.8 m (EUR
28.2 m) and 46.1% respectively).

The 2003 net income of Port of Tallinn amounted to EEK 234,8 m (EUR 15,0 m),
being EEK 198,8 m (EUR 12,7 m) short of net income in 2002. The drop in net
income was mainly caused by the one-time ice breaking expense in 2003 (Port
of Tallinn financed ice breaking works in Estonian ports) in the amount of
EEK 119.3 m (EUR 7.6 m) and expenses due to changes in the "Income Tax Act"
(starting from 2003 the dividend payments of 100% state owned companies are
subject to income tax) in the amount of EEK 48.4 m (EUR 3.1 m). Without the
aforementioned expense the 2003 net income of Port of Tallinn would have been
EEK 402,5 m (EUR 25,7 m).

In 2003, the return on assets of Port of Tallinn decreased substantially
reaching 5.3%, compared to 11.0% in 2002. Without the one-time ice breaking
expense and income tax on dividends, the 2003 return on assets of Port of
Tallinn would have been 9.0%. The difference between 2003 adjusted return on
assets compared to that of 2002 is mainly caused by decreased efficiency and
the increase in asset base due to long-term sizable investments, which will
generate income mostly in future periods.

In 2003, a total of EEK 186.1 m (EUR 11.9 m) was paid to the owner in the
form of dividend payment of EEK 137.7 m (EUR 8.8 m), together with tax on
dividends in the amount of EEK 48.4 m (EUR 3.1 m).
Together with the financing of ice breaking expense for the Estonian state in
the amount of EEK 119.3 m (EUR 7.6 m) the total amount of EEK 305.4 m
(EUR 19.5 m) was paid to the owner in 2003.

In 2003, Port of Tallinn invested a total of EEK 933.9 m (EUR 59.7m) into new
infrastructure objects and the improvement of the existing ones, which was
almost three times more than in 2002 (in 2002, EEK 340.4 m (EUR 21.7) and
21.6% less respectively). Major part of the investments, a total of
EEK 694.6 m (EUR 44.4 m) or 74% of the total volume was invested into
water transport facilities.
Larger investment objects were related to Muuga Harbour: coal terminal -
EEK 291.8 m (EUR 18.6 m), berths no. 14 and 15 - EEK 114.8 m (EUR 7.3 m)
and berths no. 9A and 10A - EEK 105.0 m (EUR 6.7 m). In the Old City
Harbour EEK 73.2 m (EUR 4.7 m) was invested into the construction of a new
cruise quay and in Paldiski South Harbour EEK 57.4 m (EUR 3.7 m) into the
reconstruction of berth no. 1.

In 2003, Port of Tallinn acquired 100% of AS EDI Vektor shares from the
State Infocommunication Foundation (RIKS) and together with AS NT Marine
established a subsidiary AS Green Marine (Port of Tallinn holding 51%).
The goal of AS EDI Vektor is to provide electronic data interchange (EDI)
environment to the companies in the logistics sector.
The goal of AS Green Marine is to process port generated waste, management,
maintenance and operation of hazardous ship waste and wastewater processing
centres and cleaning and maintenance of port aquatory and territory.

BALANCE SHEET, in thousands, unaudited
31.12.2003 31.12.2002 31.12.2003 31.12.2002
Cash and bank 155 516 42 533 9 939 2 718
Shares and other 10 041 17 894 642 1 144
Customer receivables 83 719 87 414 5 351 5 587
Other short term 5 152 612 329 39
Accrued income 363 10 432 23 667
Prepayments 68 419 9 141 4 373 584
Inventories 2 354 2 328 150 149
Total current assets 325 564 170 354 20 807 10 888

Other shares and 4 655 4 655 298 298
Other long term 14 762 16 745 943 1 070
Tangible fixed assets 4 563 763 3 797 584 291 677 242 709
Total non-current assets 4 583 180 3 818 984 292 918 244 077

TOTAL ASSETS 4 908 744 3 989 338 313 725 254 965


Current liabilities
Customer prepayments for 13 176 13 904 842 889
goods and services
Supplier payables 207 861 47 807 13 285 3 055
Other short term payables 95 499 6 32
Taxes payable 21 041 16 273 1 345 1 040
Accrued expenses 123 419 18 659 7 888 1 193
Short term provisions 622 1 316 40 84
Other unearned income 2 578 1 864 165 119
Total current liabilities 368 792 100 322 23 570 6 412

Non-current liabilities
Long term loan liabilities 725 866 70 000 46 391 4 474
Other long term loans 17 997 26 000 1 150 1 662
Total current liabilities 743 863 96 000 47 541 6 136

Total liabilities 1 112 655 196 322 71 111 12 547

Minority share 1 960 0 125 0

Share capital in nominal 2 650 000 2 750 000 169 365 175 757
Reserves 262 111 240 433 16 752 15 366
Retained earnings 647 205 369 013 41 364 23 584
Profit for the year 234 813 433 570 15 007 27 710
Total owner’s equity 3 794 129 3 793 016 242 488 242 417

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 4 908 744 3 989 338 313 725 254 965


INCOME STATEMENT, unaudited, in EEK thousand
2003 2002 01.07.- 01.07.-
31.12.03 31.12.02
Sales revenue 960 560 958 579 462 039 461 520
Other revenue 20 249 27 086 6 439 23 334
Materials, consumables 97 986 93 074 40 884 52 963
and supplies
Other operating expenses 155 596 115 272 92 028 72 193
Personnel expenses
a) salaries 109 229 113 026 62 497 63 930
b) social taxes 36 402 37 572 20 883 21 215
Depreciation and value- 157 350 157 837 79 391 79 698
Other expenses 134 803 37 278 5 317 35 165
OPERATING PROFIT 289 443 431 606 167 478 159 690
Financial income and expenses
Financial income and
expenses from
shares of subsidiaries -555 0 -567 0
Financial income and
expenses from
other long term 203 1 131 1
financial investments
Interest expense -8 405 -3 972 -6 683 -1 800
Foreign exchange gain -436 -311 -386 -281
Other financial income 2 941 6 246 2 879 2 278
and expense
Total financial income -6 252 1 964 -4 626 198
and expenses

Profit from normal 283 191 433 570 162 852 159 888
Income tax -48 378 0 -1 402 0
NET PROFIT FOR THE 234 813 433 570 161 450 159 888

INCOME STATEMENT, unaudited, in EUR thousand

2003 2002 01.07.- 01.07.-
31.12.03 31.12.02
Sales revenue 61 391 61 264 29 530 29 496
Other revenue 1 294 1 731 412 1 491
Materials, consumables 6 262 5 948 2 613 3 385
and supplies
Other operating expenses 9 944 7 367 5 882 4 614
Personnel expenses
a) salaries 6 981 7 224 3 994 4 086
b) social taxes 2 327 2 401 1 335 1 356
Depreciation and value- 10 056 10 088 5 074 5 094
Other expenses 8 615 2 382 340 2 247
OPERATING PROFIT 18 499 27 585 10 704 10 206
Financial income and
Financial income and
expenses from
shares of subsidiaries -35 0 -36 0
Financial income and
expenses from
other long term 13 0 8 0
financial investments
Interest expense -537 -254 -427 -115
Foreign exchange gain -28 -20 -25 -18

Other financial income 188 399 184 146
and expense
Total financial income -400 126 -296 13
and expenses

Profit from normal 18 099 27 710 10 408 10 219
Income tax -3 092 0 -90 0
NET PROFIT FOR THE 15 007 27 710 10 319 10 219

Erik Sakkov
Marketing Director


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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