Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 23:07 (GMT+3)


01.03.2004, TKM Grupp, TLN

Tallinna Kaubamaja FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/01/2004


The Group

The consolidated net sales for the year 2003 were 1.76 billion kroons;
112.5 million euros (including the parent company 579.4 million kroons; 37
million euros). The increase in net sales was 15% during the year and the
increase in sales area was 15 %. The market share of Tallinna Kaubamaja
Group in the retail market was 6.5%, and by the end of 2003 an increase of
4% was made from year 2002 with 6.2% share.

The audited net profit of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group for 2003 was 66.1 million
kroons; 4.2 million euros with an increase of 21 million kroons; 1.3 million
euros or 47% over the net profit for 2002. The net profit margin was 3.8%
and the respective indicator of the previous year was 2.9%. Net profit per
share was 9.7 kroons; 0.6 euros in 2003 and 6.6 kroons; 0.4 euros in 2002.

The total assets of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group were 808.8 million kroons; 51.7
million euros as at 31 December 2003, showing an increase of 32.3 million
kroons; 2.1 million euros.

During the year 2003, the investments in tangible fixed assets were 38
million kroons; 2.4 million euros. Major investments include the expansion
of Merimetsa and Torupilli Selvers in the amount of 9.5 million kroons; 0.6
million euros, the new cashier system in Tallinna Kaubamaja in the amount of
4.7 million kroons; 0.3 million euros and the furniture and fittings for
Rocca al Mare Fashion Store in the amount of 6.3 million kroons, 0.4 million

The liabilities of the Group have been decreased by 27 million kroons; 1.7
million euros. The short-term liabilities decreased by 25.5 million kroons;
1.6 million euros and long-term liabilities by 24.6 million kroons; 1.6
million euros. As a positive effect to the cash flows the commercial credit
increased by 15.4 million kroons; 1 million euros.

The owners’ equity for the group was 435.3 million kroons; 27.8 million
euros as at 31 December 2003, i.e. 53.8% of assets.

The average number of employees was 1289 in 2003, showing an increase by 74
people or 6%.

The efficiency of the Group improved considerably in 2003: the net sales per
employee increased by 8% and the sales area per employees increased by 8.6%
over the previous year. The stock turnover improved by 14% in 2003.

The number of loyal customers holding the Partner card has increased by 25%
during 2003, reaching 116 000 private persons by the end of the year.

Outlook of the retail market in 2004

Similarly to 2003, there would be a considerable increase in retail space in
2004. The time-weighted increase in retail space in Tallinn in 2003 was 20%
(a year before the indicator was 13%).
During the same period the increase in the retail sales (excluding motor
cars and gasoline) was 9.6% according to preliminary statistics (16% a year
before). As a result, the increase in supply (of retail sales area) was 10%
bigger than the increase in demand (i.e growth in retail sales).

The time-weighted increase of sales area in 2004 will be ca 16%. In the
spring of 2004 two major shopping centres will be opened: Viru Centre and
Ülemiste Centre.

According to the estimates of Tallinna Kaubamaja, the growth in retail sales
in 2004 will be between 8,5 - 9% in comparison to year 2003. Thus, the
growth in supply similarly to the previous year exceeds the demand. This
tendency may in certain areas, especially in Tallinn, reduce somewhat the
rental rates for retail space.

The growth of hypermarkets will somewhat slow and at the same time the
number of supermarkets and local stores will increase because the customer
is expecting more personal shopping environment. Retail sellers are
becoming more interested in county towns due to their development potential.

If food and convenience retail has experienced sales volumes concentration
in larger chains for years, then in 2004 the same tendency will intensify in
fashion trade; the opening of Viru and Ülemiste centre will raise the
average standard of fashion trade.

The pressure on the margin will continue. There will be an increasing need
to invest or to reinvest in sales area. The key factor will be service: the
potential among retail chains to compete by the argument of price is coming
to an end, the new criterion for differentiation will be the quality of

Under the conditions of a limited market and falling margins, management of
the supply chain as well as coordination and cooperation among those
involved will gain more importance. Because of this, as well as due to the
increasing popularity of local products among consumers, cooperation with
Estonian manufactures will increase. Current successful projects between
Estonian retailers and Estonian manufacturers and processors will be

Tallinn and Tartu Kaubamaja

In 2003, Kaubamaja abandoned its mission statement and vision, and came up
with a new purpose idea:

"Our objective is to add color and joy into people’s lives. For that we are
creating inspiring city centers, meeting points, where we offer pleasant
experiences, goods and services that excite people’s senses and where they
become more beautiful, happier and wiser."

Based on the new purpose idea, the modernization of Kaubamaja is under way:
several large projects will be carried out, the portfolio of brands will
become wider and the visual merchandising as well as ways of selling will

To give a clear signal of the changes through modern advertising patterns,
the logo and visual identity of Kaubamaja were replaced in August of 2003.

An important developmental milestone for Kaubamaja in 2003 was the opening
of a fashion store on the second floor of the Rocca al Mare Shopping Center.
The fashion store of Tallinna Kaubamaja offers medium-priced fashion and
personal items to the whole family that have gained popularity among our
loyal customers. The concept of the fashion store was created in order to
maintain and to grow the market share of the Group in Estonian retail
business. Up to three more similar stores are planned to be opened in
upcoming years.

A very important part of the company’s activities was devoted to the project
"Kaubamaja 2004", according to which Tallinna Kaubamaja will expand its
sales area in the Viru Keskus (Viru Shopping Centre) which will open on
15April 2004. The sales area of the Viru Keskus totals 23 000 m2, of which
Kaubamaja will lease about 7200 m2. There will be over 70 stores in the
centre. Together with the leased space in the Viru Keskus, the sales area
of Tallinna Kaubamaja will be about 14 5000 m2 (i.e. a 53% increase over the
previous year).

Kaubamaja will significantly expand the proportion of brands in total sales
of clothes: if until now the percentage of brand names has been around 40-50
(the rest were the sales of individual items, not brand collections), in the
new Tallinna Kaubamaja this will be close to 70%. The following new brands
will be added: Calvin Klein, Mexx, Tom Tailor, GAS, Marc Aurel and More &
More for women, and S. Oliver, Mexx, Jeep, Stones, Calvin Klein and French
Connection for men.

Kaubamaja is becoming more recreational as well as family oriented.
Personal fashion advisors will be employed, and additional services will be
offered in the sales environment. There will be four eating places and
children’s playground in Kaubamaja.

The implementation of the project "Kaubamaja2004" will provide a good base
for designing a new department store in Tartu. The planning of the
selection of goods has started. The new Tartu Kaubamaja will be the third
important developmental stage for Kaubamaja after the fashion store and the
project "Kaubamaja 2004". The planned sales area in Tartu Kaubamaja is
about 7000 m2 (a three time increase over current space).

The main theme for Kaubamaja’s service in 2003 was service management and
renewal of service in light of the new purpose idea. Differentiation in
service and its high quality need to become the source of Kaubamaja’s
successful competition. The new ideas in service are pro-activity, positive
attitude, helpfulness and trust.

In the program of loyal customers, the policy to keep current loyal
customers by fulfilling their expectations better instead of focusing on
attracting new customers was taken. The number of offers directed at
smaller client groups was increased.

To better keep track of stock, the system for the provision of inventories
was implemented and it was linked to the system of motivation. This has
brought about an expected positive impact: in a year, the year-old
inventories have been reduced by 22%.

To more effectively use the retail space located in the town center, a
strategic partner LP-Logistika was hired to handle the store goods. If the
cooperation is successful, the plan is to increase the volume of goods
handled and stored by LP-Logistika.


After following a period of rapid expansion in 2002, when the number of
Selver’s super and hyper markets doubled to 10 stores by the end of the
year, the year of 2003 was marked by stable development. No new stores were
opened, but the Torupilli and Merimetsa Selvers expanded the sales area that
increased the sales area of the Selver chain by 1550 m2.

The key aspects for Selver in 2003 were repositioning in the market and
increasing the target customer base through winning over price sensitive
purchasers. The above-mentioned events were of the main factors for Selver
to gain recognition and success in county centers located out of Tallinn.

In 2003, ten million purchases were made in the Selver chain, which was 53%
more than in 2002.

The production facility of Selver named Selveri Köök (Selver Couisine)
gained popularity in 2003. The assortment was expanded, special preordering
system was introduced and the products sold under the name of Selveri Köök
were actively marketed, resulting in a 32% increase in the sales of Selveri
Köök over the prior year.

The advantage of A-Selver over the competing retail chains lies in the
combination of following factors:
- good prices
- wide assortment
- friendly and fast service
- Estonian made goods and raw material
- the assortment of Selveri Köök

In 2004, the Selver chain continues to expand in other towns of Estonia. In
June, Saare Selver will open in Tallinna mnt. 67 in Kuressaare. With the
opening of Saare Selver, 1221 m2 sales area will be added. At the beginning
of February 2004, the expansion of Tondi Selver, which started in 2003, was
completed totaling to additional 1548 m2 of sales area, resulting in a wider
assortment of foodstuffs and household goods . In place of two production
areas currently used, the company will open central kitchen in April 2004 in
the premises of Kadaka Selver. The purpose of the change is to make
production process more efficient and to increase the selection of products
offered by Selver Köök by 25%.

Short-term goal is to open Selvers in Tartu and Narva


The fixed assets belonging to Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara have been rented
out under operating lease terms to the companies of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group
(Tallinna Kaubamaja and A-Selver).

In 2003, the development in Tartu Riia 1, Vanemuise 2 and Küüni 14
(Hansakvartal) was continued with a purpose to construct new Tartu
Kaubamaja. During the year, additional archeological excavations were
performed, existing constructions were demolished and design work for new
building started. Other investments of the company were mainly directed
toward preparation of renovation work for the Gonsiori 2 building in Tallinn
and expansion of Pirita Selver.

In 2004, the design work for Tartu Kaubamaja will continue and the
construction of the building will start. The company is planning to find
tenants who will support and supplement the product selection of Tartu
Kaubamaja. In addition, the company is planning to expand Pirita Selver, to
find new projects to meet the needs of Selver chain, and to renovate the
Tallinna Kaubamaja’s B section.

Consolidated audited balance sheet: the Group
in thousands of EEK/EUR
31.12.03 31.12.02
The Group The Group
Current assets
Cash and bank 73 311 4 685 34 258 2 189
Trade receivables 8 419 538 10 250 655
Other receivables 4 159 266 3 454 221
Accrued income 33 2 98 6
Prepaid expenses 2 136 137 7 611 486
Inventories 175 971 11 247 163 442 10 446
Total current assets 264 029 16 875 219 112 14 004
Non-current assets
L-T financial assets
Shares of assoc. co. 5 427 347 3 943 252
Long-t receivables fr 12 028 769 12 028 769
Total L-T fin. ass. 17 455 1 116 15 971 1 021
Tangible fixed ass. 528 234 33 760 542 744 34 688
Intangible assets -938 -60 -1 384 -88
Total L-T assets 544 751 34 816 557 331 35 620
TOTAL ASSETS 808 779 51 690 776 443 49 624

Debt liabilities 50 653 3 237 76 192 4 870
Customer prepaym. 4 820 308 3 648 233
Supplier payables 163 562 10 453 148 158 9 469
Other payables 35 384 2 261 28 739 1 837
Total current liab. 254 419 16 260 256 737 16 408
L-T debt liabilities 119 029 7 607 143 663 9 182
Total liabilities 373 449 23 868 400 400 25 590
Share capital 67 882 4 338 67 882 4 338
Statutory reserve 7 269 465 7 269 465
Asset reval. reserve 152 016 9 716 156 490 10 002
Retained earnings 142 088 9 081 99 390 6 352
Profit for the per. 66 075 4 223 45 012 2 877
Total equity 435 331 27 823 376 044 24 034
OWNERS’ EQUITY 808 779 51 690 776 443 49 624

Consolidated audited balance sheet: the Parent Company
in thousands of EEK/EUR
31.12.03 31.12.02
Parent Parent
Current assets
Cash and bank 40 954 2 617 26 267 1 679
Trade receivables 1 769 113 2 336 149
Other receivables 4 919 314 52 710 3 369
Accrued income 32 2 98 6
Prepaid expenses 1 034 66 848 54
Inventories 67 614 4 321 68 500 4 378
Total current assets 116 322 7 434 150 759 9 635
Non-current assets
L-T financial assets 387 443 24 762 349 802 22 356
Shares of assoc. co. 5 427 347 3 943 252
Long-t receivables
from ass. Co.s 12 028 769 12 028 769
Total L-T fin. ass. 404 898 25 878 365 773 23 377
Tangible fixed ass. 19 409 1 240 12 994 830
Total L-T assets 424 307 27 118 378 767 24 208
TOTAL ASSETS 540 629 34 553 529 527 33 843

Debt liabilities 35 000 2 237 55 109 3 522
Customer prepaym. 3 019 193 1 710 109
Supplier payables 49 613 3 171 45 299 2 895
Other payables 17 666 1 129 16 364 1 046
Total current liab. 105 298 6 730 118 483 7 572
L-T debt liabilities 0 0 35 000 2 237
Owners’ equity
Share capital 67 882 4 338 67 882 4 338
Statutory reserve 7 269 465 7 269 465
Asset reval. reserve 152 016 9 716 156 490 10 002
Retained earnings 142 088 9 081 99390 6352
Profit for the per. 66 075 4 223 45012 2877
Total equity 435 331 27 823 376044 24034
OWNERS’ EQUITY 540 629 34 553 529527 33843

Consolidated audited profit and loss statement: the Group

in thousands of EEK/EUR
2003 2002
12 months 12 months
The Group The Group
Operating income
Net sales 1 760 768 112 534 1 532 325 97 933
Other op. income 43 815 2 800 41 689 2 664
Total op. income 1 804 583 115 334 1 574 014 100 598
Operating expenses
Cost of goods sold -1 330 289 -85 021 -1 147 961 -73 368
Other op. expenses -193 087 -12 341 -177 111 -11 319
Personnel expenses -148 049 -9 462 -130 413 -8 335
Depreciation -52 376 -3 347 -55 319 -3 536
Depr. of goodwill 446 28 329 21
Other expenses -6 604 -422 -8 168 -522
Total op. expenses -1 729 959 -110 565 -1 518 643 -97 059
Operating profit 74 624 4 769 55 371 3 539
Financial inc & exp
Fin. inc & exp. on
shares in associates 1 484 95 1 099 70
Interest inc & exp -9 923 -634 -11 288 -721
Other fin. Inc&exp -109 -7 -169 -11
Net profit 66 075 4 223 45 012 2 877

Consolidated audited profit and loss statement: the Parent

in thousands of EEK/EUR
2003 2002
12 months 12 months
Parent Parent
Operating income
Net sales 579 386 37 030 584 597 37 363
Other op. income 41 344 2 642 44 557 2 848
Total op. income 620 730 39 672 629 153 40 210
Operating expenses
Cost of goods sold -414 794 -26 510 -421 321 -26 927
Other op. expenses -107 261 -6 855 -109 039 -6 969
Personnel expenses -57 598 -3 681 -57 705 -3 688
Depreciation -7 648 -489 -12 622 -807
Other expenses -5 221 -334 -4 682 -299
Total op. expenses -592 522 -37 869 -605 369 -38 690
Operating profit 28 208 1 803 23 784 1 520
Financial inc & exp
Fin. inc & exp. on
shares in subsid. 37 641 2 406 22 342 1 428
Fin. inc & exp. on
shares in assiciates 1 484 95 1 099 70
Interest inc & exp -1 180 -75 -2 090 -134
Other fin. expenses -78 -5 -122 -8
Net profit 66 075 4 223 45 012 2 877

Katrin Mühls
+372 6673 200


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