Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 07:01 (GMT+3)


26.05.2004, Silvano Fashion Group, TLN

Klementi FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/26/2004



The audited consolidated group net turnover of 12 months of 2003
was EEK 133.6m (EUR 8.5m) and the net loss amounted
to EEK 21.6m (EUR 1.4m).
During the same period of the previous year the turnover was
EEK 133.3m (EUR 8.5m) and the net loss was EEK 31.9m (EUR2,0m).

As of December 31, 2003 there were 450 employees in the group.
As of December 31, 2002 the number of staff in the group was 580.
During a year the number of employees was
reduced by 22% i.e. 130 persons.

As of December 31, 2003 in addition to the parent company
four subsidiaries belonged to AS Klementi group:

Klementi Trading OY shareholding 100% - wholesale business
Klementi Trading AB shareholding 100% - wholesale business
SIA Vision shareholding 100% - retail business
UAB Klementi Vilnius shareholding 100% - retail business

>> Sales analysis

The net turnover breakdown by activity over 12 months was as follows:

NET TURNOVER 2003 2002 2003 2002 03/02
EEKm EEKm EURm EURm change
Apparel sales 109.9 98.7 7.0 6.3 11.3%
Subcontracting and other sales 23.7 34.6 1.5 2.2 - 31.5%
TOTAL 133.6 133.3 8.5 8.5 0.2%

Over the past two years the share of apparel sales in turnover has
increased from 64% to 82%. 55% of the apparel sales came from wholesale
and 45% from retail.

>> Profit analysis

The loss of 2003 includes one-off costs in the amount of
EEK 4.9m (EUR 0.31m), including:

- EEK 1.9m (EUR 0.12m) costs from the previous periods, of
which EEK 1.1m (EUR 0.07m) was due to the additional wholesale loss of the
previous year in Latvia and Lithuania.

- EEK 0.8m (EUR 0.04m) for developing the new retail concept and the new
Klementi logo and reorganising the outlets.

- EEK 2.2m (EUR 0.14m) for redundancy payments in the given period.

>> Balance sheet analysis and ratios

The consolidated balance sheet of AS Klementi as of December 31, 2003
was EEK 122.0m (EUR 7.8m).

The key financial ratios of AS Klementi group as of December 31, 2003
were as follows:

2003 2002
- year-over-year turnover growth 0,3% 20%
- apparel sale share in total turnover 82% 74%
- inventory turnover ratio (adjusted to year)
[net turnover / average inventory] 4.3 3.7
- current ratio
[current assets / currents liabilities] 0.79 0.91
- liquidity ratio [current assets-inventory
/ current liabilities] 0.29 0.38
- EBIT margin [operating profit / net turnover] -12,4% -19.8%
- net margin [net profit / net turnover] -16.6% -23.9%

>> Plans for year 2004

For Klementi 2004 is the first full year that sees the trademark PTA
represented in the Baltic States and the Nordic countries.

In 2004 the trademark PTA enters the Norwegian market. By now the
contract of sale has been signed and the first sales have taken place.

At the beginning of 2004 sales cooperation with Lithuanian market
leader Apranga was started.

The aim in retailing is to increase the items density in outlets
and sales effectiveness. In 2004 two new retail outlets will be opened
in Tallinn (in Viru and Ülemiste Centre).

At the beginning of 2004 the wage structure of manufacturing piecework
labourers changed. The reason for changing the wage structure
in manufacturing was that the old system was too complicated and
non-transparent. The new system should enable the valuation
of individual’s contribution to the work process more fairly and reduce
personnel expenses that are caused by ineffectiveness.

In order to manage business activities in a more operational manner the
implementation of new integrated business software Microsoft Axapta has
been started.

The consolidated reports of AS Klementi (group) have been prepared
in accordance with the International Accounting Standards.

consolidated, audited
31.12.03 31.12.02 31.12.03 31.12.02
EEK’000 EEK’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Cash and bank 2 916 4 485 186 287
Customer receivables 14 862 12 537 950 801
Misc. receivables and accrued income 1 097 868 70 55
Prepaid expenses 945 2 896 61 185
Inventories 33 284 29 002 2 127 1 854
CURRENT ASSETS 53 104 49 788 3 394 3 182

Long-term financial investments 1 173 2 568 75 165
Tangible fixed assets 60 403 64 649 860 4 132
Intangible assets 7 306 5 771 467 368
NON-CURRENT ASSETS 68 882 72 998 4 402 4 665
ASSETS 121 986 122 786 7 796 7 847

Debt obligations 47 604 34 792 3 042 2 223
Customer prepayments 470 952 30 61
Accounts payable 9 745 10 567 623 694
Miscellaneous payables 782 300 50 0
Tax liabilities 3 242 3 875 207 247
Accrued expenses 5 064 3 917 324 250
Short-term provisions 12 12 1 1
SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES 66 919 54 415 4 277 3 477
Long-term liabilities 21 283 27 467 1 360 1 755
Other long-term liabilities 4 204 4 928 269 315
Long-term provisions 68 68 4 4
LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 25 555 32 463 1 633 2 074
TOTAL LIABILITIES 92 474 86 878 5 910 5 551
Share capital 18 969 13 219 1 212 845
Share premium 40 294 30 863 2 575 1 973
Revaluation reserve 15 578 15 578 996 996
Other reserves 1 046 1 046 67 67
Retained profit -24 798 7 083 -1 585 453
Profit for the financial year -21 641 -31 881 -1 383 -2 038
Unrealised exchange rate differences 64 0 4 0
EQUITY 29 512 35 908 1 886 2 296
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 121 986 122 786 7 796 7 847

consolidated, audited
2003 2002 2003 2002
EEK’000 EEK’000 EUR’000 EUR’000
Net sales 133 630 133 258 8 540 8 517
Other revenue 2 254 1 598 144 102
TOTAL REVENUE 135 884 134 856 8 684 8 619
Change in inventories 3 220 13 126 206 839
Goods, raw material 50 634 44 680 3 236 2 856
Miscellaneous operating expenses 35 504 35 137 2 269 2 246
Personnel expenses 52 720 58 688 3 369 3 751
Depreciation 7 572 7 214 484 461
Other expenses 2 152 2 406 137 154
TOTAL EXPENSES 151 802 161 251 9 701 10 307

OPERATING PROFIT -15 918 -26 395 -1 017 -1 688

Interest expenses -5 754 -5 718 -368 -365
Foreign exchange profit (loss) 45 -25 3 -1
Other financial income/expense -14 257 -1 16
NET FINANCIAL ITEMS -5 723 -5 486 -366 -350

NET PROFIT -21 641 -31 881 -1 383 -2 038
Basic earnings per share (EEK/EUR) -13.19 -31.03 -0.84 -1.98
Diluted earnings per share (EEK/EUR) -13.19 -31.03 -0.84 -1.98

Toomas Leis
+372 6 710 700


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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