Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 07:14 (GMT+3)


27.05.2004, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Saku Õlletehas FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/27/2004


(In thousands) EEK EUR
31.3.04 31.3.03 31.12.03 31.3.04 31.3.03 31.12.03

Cash and bank 13,689 2,938 22,023 875 188 1,408
Trade receivables (Note 2) 33,429 23,834 35,308 2,136 1,523 2,256
Other receivables and 3,737 5,485 3,882 239 351 248
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 120,790 125,102 113,652 7,719 7,995 7,264
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 171,645 157,359 174,865 10,969 10,057 11,176

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets 13,760 16,000 14,060 880 1,023 899
(Note 9)
Long-term receivables 36 76 45 2 5 3
(Note 5)
Property, plant and 246,831 251,064 245,843 15,776 16,046 15,712
equipment (Note 6)
Intangible assets (Note 7) 585 1,012 719 37 64 46
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 261,212 268,152 260,667 16,695 17,138 16,660
TOTAL ASSETS 432,857 425,511 435,532 27,664 27,195 27,836

Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Note 8) 712 1,231 907 46 79 58
Trade payables 17,699 15,530 12,226 1,131 992 782
Payables to group 980 8,806 4,600 63 562 294
companies (Note 14)
Deposit liability (Notes 22,713 26,830 29,209 1,451 1,715 1,867
4, 6)
Tax liabilities (Note 10) 15,559 19,005 15,809 994 1,215 1,010
Payables to employees 2,460 3,170 4,288 157 202 274
Dividends payable 40,000 2,557
Other accrued expenses 5,641 4,954 1,599 361 317 102
Provisions 149 373 10 24
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 65,913 119,526 69,011 4,213 7,639 4,411

Non-current liabilities
Non-convertible debt (Note 258 1,287 419 16 82 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 258 1,287 419 16 82 27

Equity (Note 12)
Share capital 80,000 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113 5,113
Capital reserve 8,000 8,000 8,000 511 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817 2,817
Accumulated profits 234,032 179,262 179,262 14,957 11,457 11,457
Net profit/loss for the 584 -6,634 54,770 37 -424 3,500
TOTAL EQUITY 366,686 304,698 366,102 23,435 19,474 23,398
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 432,857 425,511 435,532 27,664 27,195 27,836

(In thousands) EEK EUR
January-January- January-January-
March March March March
2004 2003 2003 2004 2003 2003
Sales revenue (Note 13) 84,358 76,864 463,362 5,391 4,913 29,614
Other revenue (Note 15) 82 191 736 5 12 47
Total revenue 84,440 77,055 464,098 5,396 4,925 29,661

Expenses (Note 16)
Changes in work in
progress and finished
goods inventories -6,820 -6,243 453 -436 -399 29
Materials, consumables 41,014 33,694 185,104 2,621 2,154 11,830
and supplies used
Other operating expenses 24,946 23,883 112,158 1,594 1,526 7,168
Personnel expenses 13,162 12,489 52,091 841 798 3,329
Depreciation and 10,936 11,618 46,216 699 743 2,954
amortisation expense
Other expenses 720 354 4,688 46 22 300
Total expenses 83,958 75,795 400,710 5,365 4,844 25,610

PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 482 1,260 63,388 31 81 4,051

Financial income and 102 -212 -936 6 -14 -60
expenses (Note 17)

PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 584 1,048 62,452 37 67 3,991

Income tax expense 7,682 7,682 491 491

NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE 584 -6,634 54,770 37 -424 3,500

Basic earnings per share 0.07 -0.83 6.85 0.00 -0.05 0.44
(Note 18)
Diluted earnings per 0.07 -0.83 6.85 0.00 -0.05 0.44
share (Note 18)

Review of operations and performance

In Q1 the beverage sales of Saku Brewery Ltd amounted to
11.3m litres, 1.8m litres or 18% up on the corresponding
period of 2003. Revenues for the period amounted to EEK
84.4m (€5.4m), EEK 7.4m (€0.5m) or 9.6% up on a year ago.
The main contributors to growth were other alcoholic
beverages and beers. If in Q1 of 2003 sales of beers and
other alcoholic beverages accounted for 86% and 4% of
total sales respectively, then in Q1 of 2004 the
corresponding figures were 82% and 8%. Although according
to the Estonian Breweries Association in Q1 the beer
market grew by 16%, the revenue potential of beers was
adversely affected by stiff competition in the strong and
cheap beers segment and because of the enlarging of the
segment. At the end of Q1, Saku Brewery Ltd as the market
leader held 42% of the total beer market, the
corresponding figure for total accumulated 2003 was 42%.

During a year Saku Brewery has aggressively enlarged in
other beverages markets as cider and gin long drink and
entered into kvas and lemonades markets. The cider
market continued growing at swift pace, attaining a 75%
increase on a year ago. Saku Brewery Ltd tripled its
cider sales and succeeded in increasing its share in the
cider market from 18% in Q1 of 2003 to 34%. In the first
quarter the company doubled its gin long drink sales and
reached to 21% market share. In the same period last year
it was 9%.

Expenses of the period amounted to EEK 84.0m (€5.4m), an
EEK 8.2m (€0.5m) or 10.8% increase on a year ago. The
largest growth occurred in expenses on materials,
consumables and supplies, largely because of bigger
sales. In addition, the volume of beverages sold in one-
way packaging (cans, PET packaging) has almost doubled
compared to Q1 of 2003, which has increased related
materials expenses.

Operating profit for Q1 amounted to EEK 0.5m (€31,000),
somewhat less than the EEK 1.3m (€81,000) earned a year
ago. Net profit for the period amounted to EEK
0.6m (€37,000) against the EEK 6.6m (€0.4m) loss incurred
in Q1 of 2003. The difference results from income tax
payable on dividends, which is recognised in the income
statement of the period in which the dividend is
declared. In 2003 the general meeting which decided to
distribute dividends took place in March. In 2004 the
meeting convened in April, which is why the arising tax
expense will be recognised in the accounts for Q2.

In the first quarter Saku Brewery Ltd and the leader of
the Finnish beer market Oy Sinebrychoff Ab made an
agreement according to which from May 2004 Sinebrychoff
began to distribute Saku Originaal in Finland. The
agreement covers marketing and sales. Saku Originaal will
be available among the Sinebrychoff portfolio in
recyclable cans. Objective is to increase exports of
Saku Brewery in Finnish market and to sell 2 million
litres Saku Originaal in Finland in the fist year.

On February Saku Brewery Ltd as the first Estonian
brewery began canning the well-known international beer
brand Carlsberg for the Baltic market. Inclusion of an
international beer brand in Saku Brewery’s production
process requires linking the Estonian factory into
Carlsberg’s stringent worldwide quality control system.
The purpose of the 0.5-litre beer products that is canned
in Estonia is to increase Carlsberg’s sales in Estonia to
1.2m litres per year, to seize 25% of the local premium
beers market, and to export an additional 350,000 litres
to the Latvian and Lithuanian markets.

In the quarter Saku Brewery Ltd finished its 23 m EEK
investment in PET product filling equipment to expand in
beverages market.
The company has expanded last year in cider and gin long
drink markets and entered into kvas and lemonade market.

FINANCIAL RATIOS January- January-
March March
2004 2003

Operating margin (operating profit / 0.6% 1.6%
total revenue)
Net margin (net profit / total 0.7% -8.6%
Return on assets (net profit / 0.1% -1.5%
average total assets)
Return on equity (net profit / 0.2% -2.0%
average equity)
Non-current asset turnover ratio 0.3 0.3
(total revenue / average non-current
Total assets turnover ratio (total 0.2 0.2
revenue / average total assets)

Kristina Seimann
Communication Manager
+372 6 508 303


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