Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 07:15 (GMT+3)


31.05.2004, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN

Tallinna Börs NEWS RELEASE 05/31/2004


At the request of AS Milestone, a shareholder of AS Kalev, the extraordinary
general meeting of shareholders of AS Kalev held on 4 March 2003 decided
to conduct a special audit in order to identify any damage relating to the
management and financial status of AS Kalev. A summary of the special
audit report was read out at the annual general meeting of shareholders of
AS Kalev on 14 December 2003. On 15 December 2003, AS Kalev published
a stock exchange announcement in which it stated alongside the resolutions
of the general meeting of shareholders that the special audit results did not
indicate any particular damage to AS Kalev. AS Kalev has not published the
special audit report or a summary containing important information via the
information system of the Stock Exchange.

On 13 May 2004, AS Kalev submitted an application to the Stock Exchange
for making an exception, in which it asked to grant an exception to AS
Kalev on the basis of § 287 (2) of the Commercial Code and clause 2.1.4 of
the RI, and not to demand the publication of the special audit results via
the information system of the Stock Exchange. According to the assessment of
Kalev, the special audit report contains amongst other things the company’s
business secret, the disclosure of which may damage the interests of the

Considering the materials submitted, having reviewed the explanations
given by the representatives of Kalev, and proceeding from the provisions
of the TSE Rules, the TSE Listing and Surveillance Committee decided on 25
May 2004 to grant an exception to AS Kalev from the publication of the full
special audit report via the information system of the Stock Exchange, but
to oblige AS Kalev to publish a summary of the material conclusions of the
special audit report via the information system of the Stock Exchange by 1
June 2004 at the latest.

The Listing and Surveillance Committee also found that AS Kalev had not
published the material conclusions of the special audit report on which basis
AS Kalev stated via the information system of the Stock Exchange that the
special audit report did not indicate any damage. Neither has AS Kalev
published the important information subject to disclosure to the
shareholders to all the shareholders simultaneously and on equal conditions.

Therefore, the Listing and Surveillance Committee found that AS Kalev did
not meet its obligations under clauses 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 2.1.1, 2.4.1, 6.1,
6.1.7, and 3.5.1 of the RI in full. According to the assessment of the
Committee, Kalev has violated the obligations set out in the RI, which oblige
an issuer to publish correct, accurate and unambiguous information, whose
content must not be misleading and which must not exclude or omit anything
that may influence the substance or meaning of the information presented also
about such other material circumstances relating to the issuer which are not
expressly stated in the RI requirements, but which are not public knowledge
and which may, by virtue of their effect on the issuer’s assets, liabilities,
operations or reputation, affect the price of the listed securities.

When assessing the aforementioned circumstances, the Committee considered
the fact that AS Kalev had applied to the Listing and Surveillance
Committee for an exception from the publication of the said information,
and reasoned its suspicion about the potential damage that may arise from
the publication of the information.

Based on the above and proceeding from the provisions of the TSE Rules,
the TSE Listing and Surveillance Committee decided to give AS Kalev a
warning for the violation of clauses 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 2.1.1, 2.4.1, 6.1, 6.1.7,
and 3.5.1 of the RI.

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Market Services
+372 640 8802


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